CO2 in Crisis!

Really, you’ve got to laugh! Every sceptic scientist in the world must surely be crying their eyes out with laughter. Why? There are headlines in all the papers – we are running short of CO2. Supermarkets have not enough fizzy drinks in this heat wave, beer is in danger, and worse there is trouble with crumpet.

For thirty years now we have been assailed by the Prophets of Doom, James Hansen and dear old Al Gore. For thirty years and more we have been assured that there is too much CO2 in the atmosphere, that this same CO2 is making the world progressively too hot and the world climate is out of control and is changing.

Such childish nonsense has gained credence all over the world. Every year there are conferences where ‘deniers’ – that’s me – are metaphorically burnt at the stake for daring to question this truly stupid conclusion. Not everyone is clever. Not everyone, because he is a SCIENTIST is clever. Believe me, some of them are amazingly stupid. And one of the stupidest got a Nobel Prize.

Do you know what? Such was and still is the furore over CO2 that there are those who want to secrete it in deep mines, or under the sea. Why, I have even read that some great American benefactor has found a way of sucking the CO2 content out of the air. This truly sacred gas has been crucified by the illiterati of the BBC amongst others. Hubble-bubble. They all declare in unison that we must find a way of getting rid of CO2 emissions; otherwise we will all end up hotter than hell and the Earth will be no fit place for our children. Oh God! Our Children!

When children are brought into an ignorant and stupid argument I cringe. Actually it is about our children’s children in 100 years time. Can you imagine the falsity of it? The sheer hypocrisy?

I met this scientist while walking on the front at Douglas. He was not just a ‘scientist’ – he was a PHYSICIST. He believed in Man-made Global Warming because of the evidence. So I inwardly genuflected and politely asked the nature of this evidence. Why, he declared, CO2 absorbs infrared radiation.

You know, he was right. The molecules of Carbon Dioxide do indeed absorb infrared radiation and thereby warm up. However he omitted to add that virtually every single molecule upon this Earth also absorbs infrared radiation and warms up. We sit out in the sun, glorious sun, and we absorb infrared radiation. We get hot. Surprise! Surprise!  Radiation encounters mass, produces heat.

But here’s the joke. It is headlines in the Daily Mail. We are running out of CO2. The supermarkets are having to ration fizzy drinks. Much worse! I fear we are running out of crumpet. That got you, didn’t it? Silly boy! That crumpet is just as bountiful and beautiful as ever it was! No, I was referring to crumpets, those delicious round things, which you toast, and fill with inordinate amounts of butter, with strawberry jam on top, or salt if you are a salt wallah! Aficionado!

Apparently they need to fill the packaging with CO2 in order to preserve these same delicious crumpets. Well, well, well. One learns something new every day.

How come then that we are running short of CO2 when the UK is basking in sunshine that has lasted already more than one week? In the Isle of Man where there is always a breeze off the sea, it is nearly 9 pm and believe me it is still hot. That infrared radiation is even making the seas warm, and as the seas warm, guess what, the air above also warms up. Of course, hot air rises – every schoolboy knows that and as it rises it cools. The molecules get farther and farther apart as they go up. So even on Snaefell, which is not a particularly high mountain, it is appreciably colder.

So my Skeptic or Sceptic friends, enjoy a good laugh as we are apparently short of CO2. It is even affecting the production of beer! How can we live without beer, when a World Cup is on?

Tell you what, I have a friend called Hans Schreuder and he has a website entitled ‘I love my Carbon Dioxide!’ It seems he is the only scientist alive who has got it right. I am recommending him here forthwith for a Nobel Prize! Will you back me?

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Comments (8)

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    Alan Stewart


    Ditto for Hans getting a Nobel. I also nominate Dr. Tim Ball. Nobels have been shared many times.


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    Alan Thorpe


    I like the approach that Anthony Bright-Paul uses and only recently read his book. It is full of common sense. But there are some blunders and there is a major one here. He says: “The molecules of Carbon Dioxide do indeed absorb infrared radiation and thereby warm up.” This might be true sometimes but radiation is not the same as heat transfer. Radiation from a cold object can be absorbed by a warmer object but it does not make the warmer object warmer. The 2nd law of thermodynamics always applies, even to radiation and this is one of the errors the global warmists make.


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    Gary Ashe


    Well bugger me yessir another Manxman….

    Our maintain may not be a world beater, but you can see 7 kingdoms from the top of it.
    And you are right it is friggin hot.

    Fastyr Mei.

    ps bit of local lingo.


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    Gary Ashe


    Alan T.

    ”This might be true sometimes but radiation is not the same as heat transfer. Radiation from a cold object can be absorbed by a warmer object but it does not make the warmer object warmer”

    Be interested in reading about photon absorb-ion without thermalisation Alan.

    My understanding is that photons from a lower frequency emitter cannot be absorbed by a molecule of a higher resonant state, they are simply deflected by the molecules orbiting atoms.
    That is why photons from cold cannot increase the energy state of warm.

    Also Solar infrared i.e. IR, Is a far different proposition to the opposite end of the scale LWIR, and is the only infra red in play in back radiation.

    I agree entirely that not all radiation is ”heat” .. if the photons cannot transform their voltage from the none physical into the physical it is not thermal radiation,
    It is redundant energy without the quality [resonance] to”work”.

    Fastyr Mei.


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      Gary Ashe


      Also Solar infrared i.e. IR, Is a far different proposition to the opposite end of the scale LWIR, which is the only infra red in play in back radiation.


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        Not to mention the only “back radiation” that specifically CO2 would be capable of, is around -80C … so, how is it that you can heat a surface of say 30C with -80C ??? … nice trick, I’d like to know how that one works as I wouldn’t mind becoming a multi-billionaire overnight.


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      My understanding is that photons from a lower frequency emitter cannot be absorbed by a molecule of a higher resonant state, they are simply deflected by the molecules orbiting atoms.
      That is why photons from cold cannot increase the energy state of warm.

      Gary, thank you for pointing this out, I was about too when I ready our comment. You are absolutely correct. I don’t understand this preponderance to assume that all radiation (photons) is absorbed. IT IS NOT!


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    Dianne Patti


    We can know that this alarm is all a show of Global Pimping.

    If the alarmists truly feared CO2, they would BAN CREMATIONS.


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