Doomsday Deadline Passes: Experts Give Earth Another 20 Years
Sustainable alarm, an unending hoax. Commentary at Germany’s ‘Die Welt’: Why has the climate-last-chance alarm been blaring 30 years long now? And why has the planet today “suddenly” just been given yet another 20 years by experts?
Remember how in 2007 Al Gore warned we had only 10 more years to act?
Well, those 10 years have long since expired, and that deadline came and went without the planet changing much. Embarrassed, global warming alarmists quietly pushed the doomsday back once again. And this time it was for real.
This game has been going on for years now.
Today, business journalist Daniel Wetzel here in a commentary at German national daily Die Welt finally is wondering why it’s been “5 to midnight for 30 years now”!
At Twitter here Wetzel remarked:
Doomsday pushed back again…by 20 years!
All the climate alarms of the past 30 years have turned out to be false, and Wetzel notes above that the doomsday clock once again has been reset to give us yet another 20 years!
Over the past 30 years, humanity has in fact prospered immensely, and we still get our winters, the globe is barely warmer, storms have not been getting worse, and a number of serious studies show no significant sea level rise acceleration.
But this time, the alarmists say, the next 20 years will really be our last chance.
One reader at Twitter commented that it’s “acid rain scare reloaded.”
German power grid turns record costly, inefficient
If anything has changed because of “climate change,” it’s Germany’s electric power supply system. It’s gotten much more unstable and far more expensive because of all the volatile wind and solar power coming online.
In a recent commentary at the online Die Welt, Mr. Wetzel wrote that Germany’s power grid has become highly unstable and expensive for consumers, mostly due to all the volatile green energies that forced fed into the country’s grid.
According to Wetzel, German consumers were forced to pay a record amount of money “for stabilizing the power grid under the conditions of the Energiewende.”
1.4 billion euros just to keep the grid stable
Citing an annual report from the Bundesnetzagentur (Federal Power Grid Agency), power consumers paid a total of 1.4 billion euros for emergency interventions into the power grid, and thus smashing the previous high of 1.1 billion euros set in 2015.
Wetzel also reports that green energy production systems also had to be shut down at times because there was no place to send the unneeded power. Wetzel writes:
The ordered shutdowns cost consumers an additional 610 million euros, Wetzel reported. Solar and wind system operators get paid for the energy they don’t produce when ordered to shut down.
Grid interventions almost daily
Wetzel adds that interventions to keep the grid stable occurred almost daily, and that grid operators ordered the shutdown of parks to keep unwanted power from getting fed into the grid (wind park operators still got paid even for the power they never produced). According to Wetzel, grid overload situation occurred on 353 days last year.
German power rates among the highest in the world
Currently, German consumers are being saddled with surcharges of 6.96 euro-cents per kilowatt hour just for the grid fees alone and another 6.69 euro-cents for kilowatt hour for the green energy feed-in, the Die Weltcommentary writes.
Currently, the average German consumer pays 29.44 euro-cents per kilowatt hour, of which about 16 euro-cents are made up of taxes, various fees, and surcharges, Wetzel reports.
In large part due to the Energiewende, Germany’s electricity prices for consumers have skyrocketed over the past decade.
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