The Mercator Projection Debunks the Greenhouse Effect

From Wiki:

The Mercator projection is a cylindrical map projection presented by the Flemish geographer and cartographer Gerardus Mercator in 1569. It became the standard map projection for nautical purposes because of its ability to represent lines of constant course, known as rhumb lines or loxodromes, as straight segments which conserve the angles with the meridians. While the linear scale is equal in all directions around any point, thus preserving the angles and the shapes of small objects (which makes the projection conformal), the Mercator projection distorts the size and shape of large objects, as the scale increases from the Equator to the poles, where it becomes infinite.

The Mercator projection is all about the problem of how to transform a physically 3-dimensional object into a two-dimensional representation.  The problem is that this can’t be done without distorting the intrinsic physical properties of the 3-dimensional object, when viewed in the 2-dimensional representation.mercator projection

What does this have to say about the greenhouse effect?  Simple.  A flat Earth is not a physically correct approximation to the true 3-dimensional nature of the planet.  Just like a 2-D map of the planet Earth is not a true representation of the 3-D planet.

Not only do things like day and night disappear, and rotation stops, but the physics numbers themselves get modified by this physically incorrect mathematical transformation to make the Sun twice as far away as it really is and its energy four times less intense (far below “freezing cold” in fact).

And since the greenhouse effect only exists in these 2-D maps of the planet, such as the IPCC K&T and related energy budgets, and it comes about only in order to reconcile the difference in the physics between the false 2-D and real 3-D planet, then the greenhouse effect is demonstrated as a fiction invented to fix a fiction.

 It’s like if we took a Mercator map projection of the Earth and chose to believe it was absolute fact, and then found that the Northern and Southern continents weren’t the size and shape the map said they were, and so we just invented some idea that swamp gas is the explanation for the difference, because we can’t stop believing in the 2-D map, and we can’t figure out that the planet is actually 3-dimensional.

If government climate scientists were actually thinking about their science, and thinking about other things they already know, the greenhouse effect would likely never have been able to take root in the mass consciousness. The truth is that academia can too easily be a haven for cynical scientists that don’t actually like knowledge and aren’t actually intellectuals or interested in reason – they just like to make a salary talking about other people’s ideas, and never going beyond them. The last thing they might do is question or analyse any known limitations of these ideas, for their career is based on trusting them and talking about them. For those careerists it also appears to be about doing irrelevant work that never gets noticed because it benefits no one and doesn’t even hold the promise of benefiting anyone.

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