Russia Suffers MINUS 88.6 Degrees of ‘Global Warming’
In Yakutia — a region of 1 million people about 3,300 miles (5,300 kilometers) east of Moscow — students routinely go to school even in minus 40 degrees. But school was canceled Tuesday throughout the region and police ordered parents to keep their children inside.
In the village of Oymyakon, one of the coldest inhabited places on earth, state-owned Russian television showed the mercury falling to the bottom of a thermometer that was only set up to measure down to minus 50 degrees. In 2013, Oymyakon recorded an all-time low of minus 71 degrees Celsius (minus 98 Fahrenheit).
Over the weekend, two men froze to death when they tried to walk to a nearby farm after their car broke down. Three other men with them survived because they were wearing warmer clothes, investigators reported.
But the press office for Yakutia’s governor said Tuesday that all households and businesses in the region have working central heating and access to backup power generators.
Residents of Yakutia are no strangers to cold weather and this week’s cold spell was not even dominating local news headlines Tuesday.
But some media outlets published cold-weather selfies and stories about stunts in the extreme cold. Women posted pictures of their frozen eyelashes, while YakutiaMedia published a picture of Chinese students who got undressed to take a plunge in a thermal spring.
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Dr Pete Sudbury
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Yet another example of the extreme weather which which is becoming more common as we warm up the planet. Between 2001 and 2010, deaths from extreme weather events increased by 20% worldwide, and the economic damage from extreme weather increased by 54% (according to the World Meteorological Organisation).
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Even the IPCC in their current scientific report (AR5 working group 1) state that they have low confidence in the claim that there has been any increase in extreme weather in the last 50 years, or 150 years where records allow
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2001 and 2010 cherry-pick of nonsense!
I’m sure I could cherry-pick many decade periods over the last 200 years to show absolutely anything.
So all I can say is, you, Dr Pete Sudbury is peddling hokum!
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Hey Dr. Dumbass, this is patently false! as the actual data shows no such thing!
Hey Dr. Dumbass … deaths from cold still out number heat related deaths by more than 2:1 !!!
Hey Dr. Dumbass, this means absolutely nothing. Gauging climate by how much money it costs to recover from weather events is beyond stupid.
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Perhaps Dr Pete can explain this complete reversal in the predictions from the hypothesis for everything that is supposed to be the fundamental underpinning of the term for anything called climate change.
“According to Dr David Viner, a senior research scientist at the climatic research unit of the University of East Anglia, within a few years winter snowfall will become “a very rare and exciting event”. “Children just aren’t going to know what snow is,” he said.
So in the early 2000’s global warming was going to mean the end of snow but now climate change ALWAYS meant more snow due to extreme weather !
Talk about back flips !
What a pathetic joke these clowns are !