Ex-NASA Climatologist Exposes Billionaire’s Climate Stooge
In the wake of the Harvey Weinstein sex scandal, Amazon and Washington Post owner Jeff Bezos gets warning of deep-rooted climate of abuse also at Washington Post. Ex-NASA climatologist, Dr Duanne Thresher’s open letter to the media mogul shows just how deep-rooted and evil is this culture of hate in both Bezos businesses.
This week
Dr Thresher writes:
Mr. Bezos,
I see that you have gotten rid of Roy Price of your Amazon Studios. This is a good business decision since he could have offended and thus cost you half of your customers — women.
Let me point out another one of your employees who could do the same and so should be removed.
Chris Mooney is a writer for your Washington Post; writing about climate change. He only has a BA in English, clearly knows little about climate science (see my credentials below) and spends much of his time calling global warming skeptics (like Republicans) stupid, so he really hurts the credibility of The Washington Post.
However, while that is reason enough to fire him, he is much worse than that. He is also the author of The Republican Brain: The Science of Why They Deny Science — and Reality.
Mooney makes it clear in the book, using some “scientific research” he and his mother did, that the Republican brain is inherently inferior. Thus Republicans are less human. The book has been denounced by many as just eugenics.
For a more complete description see
This is extremely offensive to Republicans, who may also be half your customers that you could lose. You would be well-advised to fire Chris Mooney from The Washington Post and never let him work again in any of your companies.
It’s just a good business decision.
Dr. Duane Thresher
Researcher, tree ring climate proxy modeling, University of Alaska (ARSC and SNRAS).
Guest Scientist, ocean climate proxy modeling, Alfred Wegener Institute, Germany.
PhD, Earth & Environmental Sciences (climate modeling/proxies), Columbia University and NASA GISS (working for Dr. James Hansen, the father of global warming, and Dr. Gavin Schmidt, leading climate change warrior scientist).
NSF research cruise, RV Nathaniel B. Palmer in Mertz Glacier region of Antarctica out of Hobart, Tasmania, Australia; CTD operator.
MS, Atmospheric Science (climate modeling/tree rings/chaos), University of Arizona and NCAR.
BS, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, MIT and NASA.
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