Climatism’s Earth Energy Budget Exposed
The Earths Energy budget? I was looking at and I started thinking to myself, “Is this someone’s idea of a bad joke or what?”
It is so ridiculously stupid it hurts, just to look at it. Anyone using it to make decisions is a Muppet and anyone who actually believes in any of the figures is an even bigger one.
It is so idiotic, I brought myself to conclude it can only have been put together by people deliberately setting out to abuse their position and lie to people as part of the global warming scam. No competent person would come up with such useless figures. To be frank, it’s pathetic. What’s wrong with it? Absolutely everything, that’s what.
So, let’s start at the beginning tearing this thing apart and expose this sham budget for what it is.
8.1 Wrong Input Figure?
The standard energy budget diagram used by government-sponsored alarmists shows a solar input figure of 340.4 w/m2 at the top of the atmosphere. A figure we all will soon see is wrong.
I could mention that this should in fact be 1367 w/m2 or some similar figure, but I know that some wise guy would just reply that they spread the energy across the surface area of the sphere. Unfortunately, that would still give a wrong answer.
Diagram 8.1 Typical Earth Energy Budget, riddled with errors.
How can this be wrong? Easy. The Earth is a mostly spherical, it is not flat, as the energy budget would have us believe. What this means, is that the atmosphere, which surrounds the Earth is also spherical; and this is a problem for the figures used in the energy budget diagram because it means the level of absorption is underestimated and so incorrect figures are being used.
If you look at Diagram 8.2 below, you can see that the various layers of atmosphere, surround the earth. What this means is that the area for solar absorption, is larger than just the exposed surface area of the Earth itself. Absorption into the layers, of atmosphere to the sides, top and bottom of the Earth does not impede upon the amount of radiation which reaches the surface. But it will act to increase it through diffusion, conduction and air mixing and it will therefore act to increase temperatures.
Diagram 8.2 Additional Atmosphere Absorption Increases Solar Input
The first requirement is to determine the areas for absorption for each of these parts. It’s obvious isn’t it from looking at the Earth like this, that a big portion of energy input is missing from the Energy Budget. I have summated the areas in the table below. When looking at pictures of the Earth from space, you don’t get to see these layers of the atmosphere, because visible light transmits through them, so all that is seen in a photograph is the black space background.
Table 8.1 Areas of different elements of the Atmosphere
Item |
Radius (km) |
Area of Disc (km2) |
Difference with Earth (km2) |
Earth Surface |
6,378 |
127,796,483 |
0 |
Troposphere |
6,395 |
128,478,652 |
682,169 |
Stratosphere |
6,428 |
129,808,045 |
2,011,562 |
Mesosphere |
6,458 |
131,022,522 |
3,226,039 |
Thermosphere |
6,995 |
153,718,207 |
25,239,555 |
What we can then see, is that when expressed in absolute energy terms, the energy available which needs to be included for in our budget is as follows.
Table 8.2 Energy Availability Table
Item |
Maximum Energy (Terawatts) |
Therefore Maximum Potential Energy Available for Consideration to reach the surface. (Averaged over EARTH Surface Sphere – Watts) |
Earth Surface |
174,698 |
341.75 |
Troposphere |
175,630 |
343.57 |
Stratosphere |
177,446 |
347.13 |
Mesosphere |
179,108 |
350.38 |
Thermosphere |
210,133 |
411.07 |
From this table it can be seen that if we included the thermosphere in our calculations of determining energy input, there is an extra 35,435 TW to consider. If we spread that energy around the solid surface of Earth the amount we have to consider is 411.07 W / m2 compared to a mere 341.75 W / m2, if we pretended that the atmosphere didn’t exist and that the only area available for absorption was the surface itself. The atmosphere when it absorbs energy, all of it needs to be considered, not just the bit directly in front the surface. 411 W / m2 is almost 292K if fully absorbed and spread across a globe.
This is the first step in understanding that the energy budget is wrong because it has EXCLUDED the presence of the atmosphere entirely in its input and energy absorption determinations. That is just plain stupid, or maybe it wasn’t ignorance. Maybe it was a deliberately considered ploy to fool everyone? Either way the energy budget is clearly wrong.
Certainly not all of the 411 watts is going to reach the surface, a proportion of this additional 70 watts will transmit straight through the atmosphere and out to the other side, but a significant proportion of it will not, that which doesn’t needs to be taken into account and in any event the starting figure is much higher than the 340 shown on the energy budget diagram. I have shown this new start point, using a flat diagram, as the climate alarmists seem to love using flat earth diagrams, so why not show them their folly in the same manner?
We can see that having an atmosphere which absorbs more solar energy is clearly going to result in higher temperatures compared to an atmosphere which just lets more energy transmit through it. Just as conversely, an atmosphere which is more emissive, is going to lose energy at a higher rate than one which is less emissive.
Diagram 8.3 Flat Representation of additional energy input
Even without further investigation, we can see that the Energy Budget as it is currently shown and used by discredited education institutions worldwide, is a complete farce from the beginning. It completely ignores, “ALL OF OUR ATMOSPHERE.” Just what the hell kind of energy budget is that and how can it ever possibly be correct? The truth is simple: it can’t be.
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