Black Hole and Big Bang A Simplified Refutation

Stephen J. Crothers recently published (June 5, 2013) his long-awaited ‘Black Hole and Big Bang: A Simplified Refutation‘ announcing that “the non-mathematical reader is no longer disadvantaged. The black hole and big bang are laid bare for all to see.”

Crothers asserts: “Certain professors might be particularly disturbed, given their penchant for appearing on national television in Australia where they told Tall Tales from the Legendary Past.”

Certainly, Crothers correctly points out that complicated mathematics has prevented many people from understanding black hole theory and big bang cosmology. But as Crothers demonstrates with his new paper, anybody with knowledge of arithmetic and very basic high school algebra is actually equipped to also understand the salient mathematics.

artists impression of a Black Hole

This new paper presents in basic form and mostly without mathematics, why the black hole and big bang cosmology are mutually exclusive, and why General Relativity itself may be shown to be “inconsistent and therefore untenable as a scientific theory,” says Crothers.


The General Theory of Relativity is notoriously known for its complicated mathematics. This has been a great impediment to many who wish to understand such things as black hole theory and big bang cosmology. However, all the salient facts can be easily understood without any recourse to confusing mathematics. With these facts clearly explained in simple language it becomes easy to understand why black hole theory and big bang cosmology are mutually exclusive and ultimately why General Relativity is itself inconsistent.

In the body of the paper Crothers tells us:

Proving that the black hole and the big bang cosmology contradict one another is not difficult. All alleged solutions to Einstein’s field equations for the black hole pertain to a universe that is spatially infinite, is eternal, contains only one mass, is not expanding, and is asymptotically flat. However, the hot big bang model pertains to a universe that is alleged to be spatially finite (one case) or spatially infinite (in two different cases), of finite age, contains radiation and many masses (including many black holes some of which are claimed to be primordial), is expanding, and is not asymptotically flat. Thus the black hole and big bang cosmology contradict one another; they are mutually exclusive. According to the Dictionary of Geophysics, Astrophysics and Astronomy (2001),

Black holes were first discovered as purely mathematical solutions of Einstein’s field equations. This solution, the Schwarzschild black hole, is a nonlinear solution of the Einstein equations of General asymptotically flat space-time.”

Penrose (2002) remarks,

The Kerr-Newman solutions … are explicit asymptotically flat stationary solutions of the Einstein-Maxwell equation (λ = 0) involving just three free parameters m, a and e. … the mass, as measured asymptotically, is the parameter m (in gravitational units). The solution also possesses angular momentum, of magnitude am. Finally, the total charge is given by e. When a = e = 0 we get the Schwarzschild solution.”

Now Einstein’s field equations are highly nonlinear and so the Principle of Superposition does not hold in General Relativity; but it does hold in Newton’s theory. Landau and Lifshitz (1951) remark,

The Einstein equations are nonlinear. Therefore for gravitational fields the principle of superposition is not valid.”

Physically this means that one cannot simply by conjecture, pile up masses and radiation in any given spacetime to obtain multiple masses and other matter. Furthermore, there are no known solutions to Einstein’s field equations for two or more masses and there is no existence theorem by which it can even be asserted that the field equations contain latent solutions for two or more masses (McVittie 1978, Crothers 2008, 2010, 2012a, 2012b). Consequently, all assertions that the black hole can exist in multitudes, collide or merge, be components of binary systems, form from a system of many stars, be located at the centres of galaxies, and interact with other matter, are erroneous, violating also the very definition of the black hole itself.

For more please follow the link: “ Black Hole and Big Bang:  A Simplified Refutation.”

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