Life-Threatening Cold – Mini Ice Age Coming?
All of America, not just the Deep South, has been reeling under the effects of this deadly Arctic blast.
Peter Sinks, located just 20 miles northeast of Logan, recorded a temperature of minus 55 degrees Fahrenheit on Monday night, solidifying its claim as one of the coldest locations in the lower 48 United States.
The data is now in plain sight, and hundreds of millions of people’s cold experiences are too embarrassing for anyone to examine as extreme cold invades the U.S. It is impossible to imagine the world boiling these days, but not so difficult to imagine it freezing. No matter what you call it, Siberian Express, Polar Vortex, or Blue Norther, it is frigid air we are talking about. Cold air because it is cold. Not because it is hot or because of any name given to it. We have record cold, not record heat. You have to have a high school education to understand this.
Scientists noticed something surprising: a sudden change
from very warm conditions in the late 1300s to unprecedented
cold conditions in the early 1400s, only 20 years later.

Blue Northers feature a sharp downward crash in temperature – often 40 degrees or more in minutes – accompanied by strong, chilly north winds. In these cases, one could go from wearing t-shirts and shorts outside to needing a winter jacket. Blue Northers can move at forward speeds of 40 mph or faster, making the trip from the Canadian border to the Gulf of Mexico in less than two days. Temperatures are touching 30 degrees below normal, with historic blizzards blanketing the Gulf Coast and paralyzing the region.
Global warming proponents are probably freaking out with all this cold and probably trying to tie this record-breaking freeze to their beloved theory. It was about uniform planetary warming for decades: ‘forever hotter.’
Real-world observations have refused to cooperate, leaving hundreds of millions in the northern hemisphere in the cold. It’s more like a billion cold souls.
Everyone knows about the historic snow storms in the South that caused chaos, even in Florida. It is interesting to see snow on Florida beaches and resorts.
In Milton, Florida, 8.8 inches of snow have accumulated, setting a new all-time state record, more than doubling the 4 inches from March 1954. This is also considered the state’s highest snow total in over two centuries since the blizzard of January 1800 (at least). A total of 6.5 inches (and counting) has been posted at Pensacola, breaking the record there.
Hundreds Of Cold Records Fall Across The U.S.
Hundreds of low-temperature records fell from Washington to Alabama, from Massachusetts to Arizona (to Mexico, even). The standouts were probably Louisiana, with Acadia AP tanking to 6F (-14.4C), tying the record from Feb 13, 1899, and also Kansas.
Which had Topeka at -12F (-24.4C) Wednesday morning, pipping the daily record of -11F (-23.9C) set back in 1888. And those were cold times. The cold spilled down into Mexico and the Caribbean.
And U.S. Freeze, Part Two is coming as that ‘polar vortex’ threatens to return to America in February.
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Peter F Gill
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“Global warming proponents are probably freaking out with all this cold and probably trying to tie this record-breaking freeze to their beloved theory. ”
No – not “theory” rather faulted hypothesis.
Jerry Krause
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Hi Dr. Sircus,
Very, very GOOD research. I lived in eastern South Dakota during the 1950s and northern Minnesota during the 1970s when the snow banks along roads and streets were higher than the cars.
This morning, for. the first time this season I observed thin ice on puddles at Salem OR like months later I had observed in the midwest, at similar 45 degrees latitude, months later in the midwest. Thank you for confirming OBSERVED FACTS.
Have a good day
Jerry Krause
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Hi PSI Readers,
I suspect this is Dr Mark Sircus: AbeBooks › book-search › author › dr-…
dr. sircus from
In his new book, Anti-Inflammatory Oxygen Therapy, best-selling author Dr. Mark Sircus examines the remarkable benefits oxygen therapy.
Have a good day
Jerry Krause
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Hi PSI Readers,
More suspicions–Dr. Sircus only submitted his article to PSI because he knows (believes) that PSI has the widest uncensured readership in the world. So I take advantage of his article to report I have been using a AMES Infrared Thermometer to measure the temperature of the atmosphere STRAIT-UP most mornings. during January before sunrise. And this morning its temperature was neg 30F and many mornings was less than neg 20F. So I claim to know the cause of the ice this morning as the surfaces of the EARTH got colder and colder because of the clearer than NORMAL ATMOSPHERE. However I have no idea for the clearer than normal atmosphere.
Have a good day
Jerry Krause
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Hi Any PSI Readers,
If anyone wonders whom I might be, Google “Dr. Jerry Krause–How Stupid Am I?”
Have a good day
Jerry Krause
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Hi Dr. Sircus,
I wish you had confirmed that my speculation about you were correct but, assuming it is I will call certain FACTS to your attention and any other PSI
reader possibly reading this. The fact is that Salem OR is under glacier ice since about 16,000 years ago and I can show anyone the erratic boulders to prove it. And the same goes for eastern SD at 45 degrees North. This should be common knowledge about any land of the Northern Hemisphere at this latitude and north. And it should be common knowledge that 16,000 years in geological history. Also common knowledge is the majority of people are FOOLS and not like you, Dr. Sircus, or the person who wrote this article.
Have a good day
Jerry Krause
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is should hav been WAS. even when I proof I miss