95,000 UK Severe Adverse Reactions Cases from Pfizer Vaccine

The most popular vaccine for Covid-19 has extremely nasty side effects. Despite the fact that the vaccine was recommended by the WHO, all vaccinations are experimental, and people are experimental rats.

The most recent analysis of vaccination results in the UK showed over 94,000 severe vaccine reactions, including blood disorders (2033), respiratory disorders (3575) and deaths (212).

โ€œThe clinical trials of COVID-19 vaccines have shown them to be effective and acceptably safe; however, as part of its statutory functions, the MHRA is responsible for monitoring these vaccines on an ongoing basis to ensure their benefits continue to outweigh any risks,โ€ the report says.

According to official information from the UK government, they have a stockpile of Pfizer vaccine for 20 million people, and it is only the 4th largest vaccine stock.

The UK also showed that the countryโ€™s budget was literally depleted. The UK has a population of only 66 million and vaccines have been procured for 243.5 million.

Image: Jonathan Hayward / Global Look Press

To date, it is not known exactly how many people received the Pfizer vaccine.

Execution date: March 4, 2021

  1. Blood disorders: 2,033
  2. Cardiac disorders: 1,032
  3. Congenital disorders: 3
  4. Hearing disorders: 713
  5. Endocrine disorders: 10
  6. Eye disorders: 1,242 (12 blinds)
  7. Gastrointestinal disorders: 9,360
  8. General disorders: 26,391
  9. Liver disorders: 17
  10. Immune system disorders: 466
  11. Infections: 1,863
  12. Injuries: 393
  13. Continued Investigations: 965
  14. Metabolic disorders: 525
  15. Muscle-tissue disorders: 11,565
  16. Neoplasms: 20
  17. Nervous System Disorders: 16,107
  18. Associated with pregnancy: 29
  19. Psychiatric disorders: 1,235
  20. Renal / urinary disorder: 187
  21. Syst. Reproductive: 338
  22. Respiratory disorders: 3,575
  23. Skin disorder: 6,042
  24. Vascular disorders: 992
  25. Dead: 212
  26. Medical and Surgical Procedures: 45

See more here: usareally.com

PSI editorโ€™s note: It was expected we would see one in every thousand people have adverse reactions to the vaccines in the UK, meaning by the time the entire UK population was Fully vaccinated we would see 68,000 adverse reactions. So far, only a quarter of the UK population has had both doses of the vaccines, and weโ€™ve already had 95,000 severe adverse reactions.

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PRINCIPIA SCIENTIFIC INTERNATIONAL, legally registered in the UK as a company incorporated for charitable purposes. Head Office: 27 Old Gloucester Street, London WC1N 3AX. 


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Comments (5)

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    Mark Tapley


    It is amazing how stupid people are to not only fall for the fake virus, fake test, and fake numbers scam but to line up for the poisonous injections. It just shows how the Zionist elites have gradually conditioned their barnyard animals on the global plantation to be obedient obsequious sheep as the herd is driven ever closer to their final destination as slaves in the U.N. Agenda 2030-21. Get your booster shots so that you can have some more blood toxin flowing in the closed blood system to attack your organs and leach into your brain.

    Remember that only about 1% of adverse reactions are reported and unless the victim dies within 15 minutes it is not related to the injections. The medical worker shill cowards are not only indoctrinated to believe whatever the allopathic big Pharma criminals tell them but are afraid of losing their jobs. In Jewmerica the CDC holds many patents along with the drug companies. They are all really the same organization of criminals. The FDA is a captured entity by the drug companies and researchers now are being payed by the pharmaceuticals to develop drugs with public money. It all is a totally corrupt medical mafia using the force of the Zionist controlled governments and the Jew MSM to push their agenda of population debilitation, reduction and total control.

    Read the real history of vaccines in Suzanne Humphries MD, book โ€œDissolving Illusions.โ€ Get the truth about the man made polio scam with Forrest Mareadyโ€™s โ€œthe Moth and The Iron Lungโ€ and why autism that used to be extremely rare is now everywhere in his book โ€œThe Autism Vaccine.โ€


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      Leonard Winokur


      Well if people will suck in and worship their โ€œhow to live your lifeโ€ doctrine and dogma from their idolised mainstream telly and papersโ€ฆ


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    Alleged INTERNATIONAL CRIMINAL COURT [NUREMBERG] Document Orders St. Kitts and Nevis Prime Minister to cease and desist vaccinating citizens with โ€œEXPERIMENTAL COVID-19 VACCINESโ€


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    โ€œThe UK has a population of only 66 million and vaccines have been procured for 243.5 million.โ€

    If you add up the figures in the table, the UK has procured 457 million doses.

    Now, I appreciate that some of these vaccines are two-dose and some are single dose.
    But not all your readers may appreciate this fine point.


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    Unfortunately, the adverse effects are merely the immediate ones. These people will have more to deal with, and it is irreversible.
    I couldnโ€™t imagine sitting there with genetic changes happening to me, and not know what they are. They now have synthetic genes that were put there using gene-drive CRISPR/CAS9, meaning that the changes occurred on both sides of the double helix. I would not start a family with someone who will pass synthetic genes to my child. Especially, since I believe that the vaccines will cause death, infertility, and significant brain development problems.
    Not only that, but its very likely that the vaccines carry multiple payloads. I suspect, heavily, that some of them are meant to cause future illnesses. Of course, big pharma will be right there ready to treat them; probably with more vaccines. Once that shot goes in, you are no longer you. You will have been forever changed, and its not at all likely that they have bested nature. They havenโ€™t come up with any โ€œimprovementsโ€ to the human genome. They havenโ€™t even proven germ theory, but they somehow improved our genetic immune response?
    I cringe thinking what it would be like having genetic changes happening and not being able to stop or reverse them.


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