The Climate-Industrial Complex: A Modern Day Warning Inspired by Eisenhower

In his farewell address to the nation on January 17, 1961, President Dwight D. Eisenhower ‘Ike’ delivered a speech that has since become famous for its warning about the “military-industrial complex.”

He cautioned that the conjunction of an immense military establishment and a large arms industry was new in the American experience and could pose a threat to democracy if left unchecked.

Eisenhower’s words resonate today as we confront a different but equally insidious nexus of power: the climate-industrial complex.

Eisenhower warned, “In the councils of government, we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military-industrial complex.

The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists and will persist.” This cautionary message applies aptly to the climate-industrial complex, where the combination of governmental power, scientific research, and corporate interests often skews public perception and policy towards alarmism and their economic gain rather than genuine environmental stewardship.

The climate-industrial complex refers to the coalition of green technology companies, environmental non-governmental organizations (NGOs), compliant media outlets, and certain political entities that propagate alarmist narratives to drive public support for their agendas.

This coalition benefits from creating a sense of urgency and fear around climate change, which in turn drives investment and policy decisions in favor of green technologies and initiatives.

A recent article from the Financial Times highlights how California is seeking to seize profits from big oil companies in a climate greenwashing suit.

California Attorney General Rob Bonta accused oil companies of misleading consumers about the climate impacts of fossil fuel products.

This legal action is part of a broader trend where governmental bodies and environmental groups seek to penalize traditional energy sectors, often pushing the narrative that fossil fuels are the sole villains in the climate crisis.

Such actions underscore a significant shift from environmental advocacy to economic and political maneuvering.

Eisenhower’s address highlighted the dangers of a symbiotic relationship between the military and industrial sectors, driven by profit and power. Similarly, the climate-industrial complex is fueled by the pursuit of financial gain and governmental control.

Green technology companies stand to profit immensely from the transition to renewable energy sources, often receiving substantial subsidies and favorable legislation.

This economic incentive can lead to the exaggeration of climate risks to maintain a lucrative market for green technologies.

As shown in past articles, the media frequently emphasizes alarming predictions about the impacts of climate change while often ignoring or downplaying contradictory data.

This selective reporting misleads the public and policymakers, driving support for costly and often ineffective measures like Solar Radiation Management. Media outlets commonly exaggerate climate threats to garner attention and support for their agendas.

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    Why don’t they ever mention the roots of climate change? It’s well known that Pierre Trudeau and MIT came up with the plan to use pollution, famine and global warming as reasons to oppress society. Then you have the entire Club of Rome history going back decades as well.

    Silly me, it’s the nobility’s agenda, and they control the media. Why on Earth would they be honest?


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