9 Covid Facts: A Pandemic Of Fearmongering And Ignorance

Ever since the alleged pandemic erupted this past March the mainstream media has spewed a non-stop stream of misinformation that appears to be laser focused on generating maximum fear among the citizenry.

But the facts and the science simply don’t support the grave picture painted of a deadly virus sweeping the land.

Yes we do have a pandemic, but it’s a pandemic of ginned up pseudo-science masquerading as unbiased fact.

Here are nine facts backed up with data, in many cases from the CDC itself that paints a very different picture from the fear and dread being relentlessly drummed into the brains of unsuspecting citizens.

1) The PCR Test Is Practically Useless

According to an article in the New York Times August 29th 2020 testing for the Covid-19 virus using the popular PCR method results in up to 90% of those tested showing positive results that are grossly misleading.

Officials in Massachusetts, New York and Nevada compiled testing data that revealed the PCR test can NOT determine the amount of virus in a sample (viral load).

The amount of virus in up to 90% of positive results turned out to be so miniscule that the patient was asymptomatic and posed no threat to others.

So the positive Covid-19 tests are virtually meaningless.

2) A Positive Test Is NOT A CASE

For some reason every positive Covid-19 test is immediately designated a CASE. As we saw in #1 above up to 90% of positive Covid-19 tests result in miniscule amounts of virus that do not sicken the subject.

Historically only patients who demonstrated actual symptoms of an illness were considered a case.

Publishing positive test results as “CASES” is grossly misleading and needlessly alarming.

3) The Centers For Disease Control Dramatically Lowered The Covid-19 Death Count

On August 30th the CDC released new data that showed only 6% of the deaths previously attributed to Covid-19 were due exclusively to the virus.

The vast majority, 94%, may have had exposure to Covid-19 but also had preexisting illnesses like heart disease, obesity, hypertension, cancer and various respiratory illnesses.

While they died with Covid-19 they did NOT die exclusively from Covid-19.

4) CDC Reports Covid-19 Survival Rate Over 99%

The CDC updated their “Current Best Estimate” for Covid-19 survival on September 10th showing that over 99% of people exposed to the virus survived.

[According to the CDC, Covid-19 poses virtually no death risk for people under the age of 50].

Another way to say this is that less than 1% of the exposures are potentially life threatening. According to the CDC the vast majority of deaths attributed to Covid-19 were concentrated in the population over age 70, close to normal life expectancy.

5) CDC Reveals 85% Of Positive Covid Cases Wore Face Masks Always Or Often

In September of 2020 the CDC released the results of a study conducted in July where they discovered that 85% of the positive Covid test subjects reported wearing a cloth face mask always or often for two weeks prior to testing positive.

The majority, 71% of the test subjects reported always wearing a cloth face mask and 14% reported often wearing a cloth face mask.

The only rational conclusion from this study is that cloth face masks offer little if any protection from Covid-19 infection.

[According to top health expertswearing a mask can cause serious brain damage].

6) There Are Inexpensive, Proven Therapies For Covid-19

Harvey Risch, MD, PhD heads the Yale University School of Epidemiology. He authored “The Key to Defeating Covid-19 Already Exists. We Need to Start Using It” which was published in Newsweek Magazine July 23rd, 2020.

Dr. Risch documents the proven effectiveness of treating patients diagnosed with Covid-19 using a combination of Hydroxychloroquine, an antibiotic like azithromycin and the nutritional supplement zinc.

Medical Doctors across the globe have reported very positive results [i.e. 100% cure rate] using this protocol particularly for early stage Covid patients.

7) The US Death Rate Is NOT Spiking

If Covid-19 was the lethal killer it’s made out to be one would reasonably expect to see a significant spike in the number of deaths reported. But that hasn’t happened.

According to the CDC as of early May 2020 the total number of deaths in the US was 944,251 from January 1 – April 30th.

This is actually slightly lower than the number of deaths during the same period in 2017 when 946,067 total deaths were reported.

[Actually, the same thing is happening in Europe as well. Though the number of cases keeps rising due to an increase in testing, the mortality rate remained the same.

Even more proof that Covid-19 is not a real pandemic, but a lie propagated by unscientific testing and MSM scare tactics, according to data from the state authority of statistics in Sweden (SCB), September 2020 was the least deadly month per capita ever recorded in Swedish history.

This is extremely important because Sweden didn’t impose any kind of draconian coronavirus lockdowns and never mandated the use of face masks. As a matter of fact, life in Sweden continued pretty much unhindered, and now they have one of the lowest case fatality rates in Europe].

8) Most Covid-19 Deaths Occur At The End Of A Normal Lifespan

According to the CDC as of 2017 US males can expect a normal lifespan of 76.1 years and females 81.1 years.

A little over 80% of the suspected Covid-19 deaths have occurred in people over age 65.

According to a June 28th New York Post article almost half of all Covid suspected deaths have occurred in Nursing Homes which predominately house people with preexisting health conditions and close to or past their normal life expectancy.

9) CDC Data Shows Minimal Covid Risk To Children And Young Adults

The CDC reported in their September 10th update that it’s estimated Infection Mortality Rate (IFR) for children age 0-19 was so low that 99.97% of those infected with the virus survived.

For 20-49 year-olds the survival rate was almost as good at 99.98%.

Even those 70 years-old and older had a survival rate of 94.6%.

To put this in perspective the CDC data suggest that a child or young adult up to age 19 has a greater chance of death from some type of accident than they do from Covid-19.

Taken together it should be obvious that Covid-19 is pretty similar to typical flu viruses [a fact that was accidentally confirmed by the WHO in a recent conference] that sicken some people annually.

The vast majority are able to successfully fight off the virus with their body’s natural immune system.

Common sense precautions should be taken, particularly by those over age 65 that suffer from preexisting medical conditions.

The gross over reaction by government leaders to this illness is causing much more distress, physical, emotional and financial, than the virus ever could on its own.

The bottom line is there is NO pandemic, just a typical flu season that has been wildly blown out of proportion by 24/7 media propaganda and enabled by the masses paralyzed by irrational fear.

State and local governments in particular have ignored the rights of the people and have instituted outrageous attacks on freedom and liberty that was bought and paid for by the blood and sacrifice of our forefathers.

Slowly the people are recognizing the great fraud perpetrated on them by bureaucrats and elected officials who have sworn to uphold rights and freedoms as spelled out in the US Constitution.

The time has come to hold these criminals accountable by utilizing the legal system to bring them to justice.

Either we act now to preserve freedom and liberty for our children and future generations yet unborn, or we meekly submit to tyrants who crave more power and control. I will not comply!

Read more at humansarefree.com

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Comments (7)

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    Dean Michael Jackson


    “1) The PCR Test Is Practically Useless

    According to an article in the New York Times August 29th 2020 testing for the Covid-19 virus using the popular PCR method results in up to 90% of those tested showing positive results that are grossly misleading.

    Officials in Massachusetts, New York and Nevada compiled testing data that revealed the PCR test can NOT determine the amount of virus in a sample (viral load).

    The amount of virus in up to 90% of positive results turned out to be so miniscule that the patient was asymptomatic and posed no threat to others.”

    Firstly, the PCR amplification tool is an amplification tool, not a test. Secondly, the PCR’s purpose is indeed to amplify up to billions of viral nucleotide sequences if that amount is required, which if a test would count as significant viral load, but since PCR can’t identify the virus being replicated, only able to detect the fluorescent green tag that determines the approximate number of nucleotides amplified, identification is therefore not possible:

    “The TaqMan® probe has a gene-specific sequence and is designed to bind the target between the two PCR primers. Attached to the 5′ end of the TaqMan® probe is the “reporter,” which is a fluorescent dye that will report the amplification of the target. On
    the 3′ end of the probe is a quencher, which quenches fluorescence from
    the reporter in intact probes. The quencher also blocks the 3′ end of the
    probe so that it cannot be extended by thermostable DNA polymerase.”


    At my blog, read the articles…

    ‘House of Cards: The Collapse of the ‘Collapse’ of the USSR’

    ‘Playing Hide And Seek In Yugoslavia’

    Then read the article, ‘The Marxist Co-Option Of History And The Use Of The Scissors Strategy To Manipulate History Towards The Goal Of Marxist Liberation’


    The West will form new political parties where candidates are vetted for Marxist ideology/blackmail, the use of the polygraph to be an important tool for such vetting. Then the West can finally liberate the globe of vanguard Communism.

    My blog…



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    At my college, I have to comply or I get sent home, and my career, cancelled. However, to prevent neurological damage, I wear my mask under my nose whenever I can (when the tyrants are not watching), and I always take it off to practice organ. I also wear a face shield instead whenever I can get away with it.


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    It’s like I told my daughter, they don’t want a dead world so no one would release a deadly virus. But fear can be used to surrender the world. Then they can do as they like. Even kill those who they don’t like in an orderly fashion.


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    Good summary, but these facts are known. At least to people who haven’t chosen to stick their head in the sand.

    The question now is whether a platform, institution can be found or established where the perpetrators could be put on trial for crime against humanity, akin to the Nurnberg Trials. Whether and how a process can be launched that would purge the world of the omnipresent lies, deceit, manipulation, trickery. Give humanity a new lease on life.

    This is simply a part of the ongoing struggle between Good and Evil where the latter has once again succeeded in lulling people to a state of obedient acquiescence, fooled them to believe that the enemy is a friend.

    We’re at a point now where only some people are starting to wake up to the realization of the extent to which the world has been @$@# up.


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    Roger Higgs


    Good article Jeff, and well said Jacques.

    This magnificent and brave 2017 book explains very clearly who we’re up against …


    Most of the book is available for free, here (pdf) …


    Note the subtitle, “Recognize the true enemy and join to fight him”.

    The book explains that, among much else, the same cabal controls the United Nations (whose agencies include ‘climate-crisis’ IPCC and ‘virus-doom’ WHO), the WEF (Davos), MSM, Hollywood, world banking, the EU (of course) and senior politicians.

    Prosecuting these perpetrators for their colossal crimes against humanity (climate/covid lies, not to mention both World Wars engineered for profit) is decades overdue but will not be easy, as they’ve bought almost everyone with their $$trillions.


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    Andy Rowlands


    This is a most excellent article, I will save it for possible future use.


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