89 Year Old Dies From Vitamin D Overdose?
This article appeared today in The Jewish Voice: 89-Year Old Man’s Death Raises Concerns Over Vitamin D Overdose
Now, remember we’ve been told that Vitamin D, as a fat-soluble vitamin, can build up in our system and become toxic.
I don’t doubt that is the case – too much of anything is no good – even chocolate!
But how much Vitamin D is safe, how accurate are the measurements when tests are performed, and in what form should we be taking it as a supplement are the real questions?
Now, read the first sentence of this article with your critical mind:
The recent death of 89-year-old David Mitchener in suburban London has sparked concerns among medical experts after it was revealed that he died from a vitamin D overdose.
It states right there that the 89-year-old gentleman in question died as a result of a Vitamin D Overdose. Remember that when I share another part of this article with you:
While Mitchener’s death was attributed to multiple factors including congestive heart failure, chronic kidney failure, and Ischaemic Heart Disease, the coroner emphasized the role of excessive vitamin D intake in exacerbating his health condition, the report in the Post said.
So Mitchener had the following:
- Congestive heart failure
- Chronic kidney failure
- Ischemic heart disease
But he died from vitamin D toxicity? Pull the other one!
The MediaCeuticals will play this game in any way that suits their drug company sponsors. And most of them are strangers to anything resembling the truth.
Cause of death? Whatever suits the agenda
During Covid, if you died from falling out of a plane and they tested what was left of you and found the COVID virus using their rigged and useless PCR scam, you died from Covid not from the fall.
Now, we have a very elderly person who was obviously not well with multiple co-morbidities. Still, their blood was tested and found to have high levels of Vitamin D (what are high levels since most of the Western world is seriously deficient in this vitamin?
And how are those levels actually determined?), so that is the cause of death reported by the presstitutes!
Why would they be pushing this story now?
Coincidentally (did I ever tell you that I don’t believe in coincidences?), Craig Kelly posted the following on Twitter this morning:
The text of his Tweet reads:
How stupid must the world feel, after having spent hundreds of billions on failed Covid vaccines, only for a peer-reviewed meta-analysis of 7 randomised controlled trials to find that Vitamin D prophylaxis was associated with
- 60 percent lower COVID-19 cases,
- 68 percent reduction in ICU admissions and
- 84 percent reduction in deaths.
The evidence is now clear and unequivocal – simple Vitamin prophylaxis (getting a bit of sun or taking a supplement) to ensure you weren’t Vitamin D deficient was substantially more effective than the ‘magic potion’ which people were forced to inject into their bodies.
Preventive Vitamin D Supplementation and Risk for COVID-19 Infection: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis https://mdpi.com/2072-6643/16/5/679…
Vitamin D for COVID-19 : real-time meta analysis of 311 studies https://c19early.org/dmeta.html
Just like Ivermectin, Nattokinase, NAC, Vitamin C and a host of other substances, Vitamin D is known and has been known for a very long time to be necessary for good health and recovery from many conditions.
pHarma can’t have that! It’s bad for their bottom line.
So if good news emerges about Vitamin D and Covid (and other conditions too), meaning their useless and dangerous drugs and ‘vaccines’ are unnecessary, they will throw out a fear story to keep the majority in a state of mass-formation psychosis.
If you still consume mainstream news, try to remember this story and hone your critical thinking skills constantly.
See more here substack.com
Header image: Farringdon Osteopaths
Editor’s note: if we can have ‘too much’ Vitamin D, should we not be seeing the deaths of most everyone who goes on holiday to sunny places?
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Pfizer did no testing of their vaccine on any men or women in the above situation though most deaths occurred in this group . . Most of their testing was done in the young with no co- morbidities- doubtful the vaccine did anything .
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I am giving up most of the vitamins and minerals I take after investigating some of their chemical make-ups and the fact that most ingredients come from China and India where health standards are exceptional low. I will get my hormonal “D” from the sun when I can since the Cholecalciferol chemical found in all vitamin D pills is not the same as D created from the sun. Not even close. This chemical is listed as toxic in the MSDS info. Actually it is also used in rat poison.
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This interview of Dr John Campbell with Dr David Grimes, pioneering vitamin D researcher, is a good investment of time if you take the time to watch.
A couple of key takeaways. People in their fifties and older no longer produce enough of the oils in their skin that UV light converts in vitamin D. Sun exposure is no longer sufficient.
In 2020 nearly all the doctors in the UK dying from the illness were dark pigmented skin ethnicities. Once they were guided to take vitamin D supplements these doctors stopped dying, with one exception.
Jerry Krause
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Hi MattH,
I consider the most key take away is too much can be just as harmful as too little. And I heard that too much, or too little, varies from individual to individual. And I ask: How did Eskimos survive without having MDs? And I expect there is a known natural answer to this question.
Have a good day
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Hi Jerry. Plankton produce vitamin D as protection from sunburn. Fish eat plankton giving the fish vitamin D.
Fish that do not eat plankton eat the fish that do eat the plankton.
Innuits (eskimos) eat the seals and fish and mammals that have eaten the plankton or fish which gives the Innuits the hormone vitamin D which is passed down through the food chain.
Jerry Krause
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Hi MartH,
My question was: “How did Eskimos survive without having MDs?” Which you did not address as you seem to insist that any readers watch a video. The Eskimos ate what their ancestors ate and their ancestors ate any food which was available to them. The same is true for every prehistoric creature which have survived to this time. I only choose Eskimos because the relationship between solar radiation and V.it. D was the focus ect.
Have a good day
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Hi Jerry. I have addressed your question. Check my reply above your comment, not the one below.
Have two good days. I am feeling generous.
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Another key take away from the referenced video answers the question of how much vitamin D hormone is right for you. Body weight, age, obesity, all makes a difference.
The optimum vitamin D level is a blood test showing 100 to 150 nanomoles per liter.
In my opinion the video is a must read.
Shawn Marshall
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I take 5000 IU Vit D daily. Doc told me to knock it off. Later I read a report on a paper that studied mortality vs vitD blood level. Paper claimed zero mortality is all age groups with vitD >70(units I dunno) mcg/ml? I still take 5k a day.. everyday docs Don’t know shite but protocols given them by malefactors.
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Fare degli esami del sangue e vedi quanta Vit.D hai poi integri. La maggior parte della popolazione mondiale è insufficiente, amen