82% Of Berlin Voters Refused To Support 2030 Climate Neutrality

Last Sunday’s “Berlin Climate Neutrality By 2030” referendum failed resoundingly despite the more than a million euros spent in a massive run-up campaign that included plastering the city with posters, concerts by famous performers, huge support and propaganda by the media, and hefty donations coming from activists in the USA

Once the dust of the referendum had settled, it emerged that the “yes” side fell way short of the quorum of 608,000 votes needed to pass the measure.

Only 442,210 cast a vote in favor, which represents only 18 percent of Berlin’s eligible voters. The activists expected a far greater turnout.

82 percent voted ‘No’.

Berlin’s rejection of the climate neutrality by 2030 mandate is a massive body blow to the radical Fridays for Future and Last Generation movement in Germany, and it will take months for the radicals to recover, if ever, from this setback.

The Berlin initiative to make the city climate neutral by 2030 was led by rich, upper-class youths like Luisa “Longhaul” Neubauer.

But Berliners, having been harassed for months by activists gluing themselves to the streets and blocking traffic, saw the folly of the initiative and the high costs it would entail politically and financially.

They decided resoundingly they wanted no part of it.

Lashing Out At The Majority

The agony of referendum defeat was palpable as some of its leaders reacted by lashing out and insulting those who refused to vote “yes”.

In a video, movement co-leader Luisa Neubauer sank into cynical accusations against the majority, even calling the uncooperative Berliners “fossil cynics” and “climate destroyers”.

Neubauer added:

“There are forces in this city that are doing everything to get the last spark of climate destruction out.”

In Neubauer’s view, these forces include the vast 82% of Berliners who refused to vote “yes”.

So troublesome democracy can be.

“Bubble Has Finally Burst”

Germany’s Pleiteticker here commented on the Berlin referendum:

Social Democrat Dario Schramm lamented on Twitter the ridicule that will now come from the other side.

But he and other supporters of the green prohibition policy should not be surprised.

For years, they have been spreading their ideas of good politics in a self-righteous, arrogant, and sometimes aggressive manner.

They, mostly members of the upper middle class, have declared war on the lower and middle classes with their destructive climate measures.

Outside the Berlin political bubble and other urban comfort zones in Germany, the Neubauers and Schramms of this world never had much support.

And now the bubble has finally burst. In Marzahn, Köpenick, and Lichtenberg, the majority of voters voted against the referendum.

The normal working population of Berlin chose to go against the journalistic and political elite.

The results of the “Berlin Climate Neutrality By 2030” referendum tell us that FFF and Last Generation are fringe movements, remote to even Berlin’s mainstream.

But don’t expect the climate radicals to go away. They’ll be back at it soon enough.

See more here climatechangedispatch

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Comments (2)

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    Michael Abbott


    This probably will be the last referendum anywhere in the World on this subject. The elite will be too scared to ask the people their views.

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    Geraint HUghes


    Lets make this compulsory EVERYWHERE!

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