By 2028, 700 Million Worldwide Will Die From The Covid-19 Vax

david martin

Dr. David Martin has a deep medical science and investment resume. Dr. Martin also runs a company (M·CAM International) that finances cutting-edge innovation worldwide. He joined Greg Kelly to discuss the ongoing and unfolding Covid-19 (CV19) vax genocide and litigation.

Dr. Martin is suing medical companies and the federal government involved in delivering the so-called vaccines for Covid-19 (CV19). According to Dr. Martin, the CV19 vaccines are “bioweapons.”

As for the CV19 vaccines, Dr. Martin says, “It’s going to get much worse. … It is not a Coronavirus vaccine. It is a spike protein instruction to make the human body produce a toxin. … The fact of the matter is the injections are an act of bioweapons and bioterrorism.”

How many will die from the CV19 bioweapons? Dr. Martin says: “By their own estimates, they are looking for 700 million people globally, and that would put the U.S. participation in that of the injected population as 75 million to 100 million people. … The fewer recipients of Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid, the better.”

Dr. Martin thinks the catastrophic effects of the CV19 injections will hit the medical industry soon. Dr. Martin and his group are suing everybody from President Biden to the FDA, CDC, Pfizer, Moderna and many others over the deaths and injuries from the CV19 bioweapons fraudulently passed off as “vaccines.”

The next big court case is on July 6, 2022, in federal court in Utah. “This is organized crime,” Dr. Martin adds. “They have hidden behind the immunity shield that absolves them of product liability by naming the delivery of a bioweapon a vaccination program. … This is actually a criminal act.”

h/t Joe. O.

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Comments (9)

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    “By 2028, 700 Million Worldwide Will Die From The Covid-19 Vax”

    Promises… promises….


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    ken hughes


    One of my nephews told me that Covid 19 is definitely real because he had had it. The symptoms were much more severe than flu. But then, he had been vaccinated !


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      Your nephew’s subjective opinion that “Covid 19 is definitely real because he had had it” is an emotional reaction; if he had taken the vaxx, his immune system would have been weakened making anything he caught much worse. Did he have a tissue sample taken for the purpose of isolating the Sars-CoV-2 virus, alleged to be the cause of CV-19? If there’s no confirmable isolation, there’s no confirmable proof.


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    Terry Shipman


    It occurs to me that if I had succumbed to pressure and taken the Covid jab plus boosters I would not be able to read PSI out of fear as to what I had gotten myself into. I also believe it is right and proper now for jabbed people to be afraid, to be very afraid. There were plenty of warnings out there as to the past failures of mRNA technology plus the shortcuts in adequately testing the jabs before approval.


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    Brian James


    Keep up with the great information!

    VAERS data released Friday by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention show 1,307,928 reports of adverse events from all age groups following COVID-19 vaccines, including 29,031 deaths and 240,022 serious injuries between Dec. 14, 2020, and June 17, 2022.


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    Kevin Doyle


    A pretend COVID ‘vaccine’ is no different than a seasonal flu shot.
    You folks need to look at reality.


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    Max F


    Even now, I’m still being derided by associates for my stance re not having the vaxxes, But then, you know, they’ll all be dead soon.


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    I think they forgot a zero somewhere.


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