62 Undeclared Chemical Elements Found in Covid ‘Vaccines’
The experimental ‘vaccines’ supposedly invented to combat COVID-19 were coercively forced upon the global population beginning late in 2020
They have precipitated innumerable and varied disease conditions ranging from mild to lethal.
This increase in health disorders and sudden deaths began to manifest concomitantly with the number of people inoculated and doses administered per person.
By the end of 2023, 24 undeclared chemical elements had been detected by Scanning Electron Microscopy coupled with Energy-Dispersive X-Ray Spectroscopy (SEM-EDX), in the COVID-19 vaccines of the different brands, by various research groups from different countries around the world.
In this paper, we report laboratory results from high precision Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry (ICP-MS) that confirm and expand previous results by SEM-EDX.
To this end, the contents of vials from different lots of the brands AstraZeneca/Oxford, CanSino Biologics, Pfizer/BioNTech, Sinopharm, Moderna and Sputnik V were analyzed.
Among the undeclared chemical elements were detected 11 of the 15 cytotoxic lanthanides used in electronic devices and optogenetics. In addition, among the undeclared elements were all 11 of the heavy metals:
chromium was found in 100 percent of the samples;
arsenic in 82 percent;
nickel in 59 percent;
cobalt and copper in 47 percent;
tin in 35 percent;
cadmium, lead and manganese in 18 percent; and
mercury in six percent.
A total of 55 undeclared chemical elements were found and quantified with ICP-MS. Combining these findings with results from SEM-EDX, altogether 62 undeclared chemical elements have been found in the various products.
In all brands, we found boron, calcium, titanium, aluminum, arsenic, nickel, chromium, copper, gallium, strontium, niobium, molybdenum, barium and hafnium.
With ICP-MS, we found that the content of the samples is heterogeneous, the elemental composition varies in different aliquots extracted from the same vial.
See more here ijvtpr.com
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Bold emphasis added
Editor’s note: arsenic, lead and mercury are perhaps the most well-known toxic elements, but interestingly, the most toxic of the naturally-occuring chemical elements; polonium, cadmium and francium, were apparently not found in the samples.
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PRINCIPIA SCIENTIFIC INTERNATIONAL, legally registered in the UK as a company incorporated for charitable purposes. Head Office: 27 Old Gloucester Street, London WC1N 3AX.
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I felt from the beginning the perps of the global genocide campaign were up to no good. Even so, I had enough doubts that I told my wife she needed to decide for herself. I didn’t want to be responsible for her becoming seriously ill on the off chance I was wrong. I told her as much. Thankfully, she came to the same conclusion I did – that we were healthy and, at age 50, low-risk for serious infection. The idea of accepting unknown shots from people who openly despise us was more risky than defying unconstitutional mandates.
Next step: retribution. I lost friends and family members and I’m pissed about it.
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Look at it this way, it was not a loss, you shed the ignorant who were willing to see you take poison because of the flu.
Frank S.
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I thank God every day for telling me I didn’t need the shot, or even be tested. As the evidence mounted against the global criminal cabal and their evil schemes, my faith was verified.
Bob M.
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If they couldn’t tell the truth about the efficacy of face masks, then how in God’s name would you trust them with an injection… it pays to be a sceptic and trust your better judgement.
Lance Spring
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This story has been making the rounds on the so-called alternative media.
However it is false. IPMS cannot detect chemicals.
The machine utilizes a plasma torch which basically destroys all bonds, chemicals, compounds and molecules, leaving essentially an ion stream of the base elements.
ICPMS cannot “see” chemicals because it has obliterates them during the functioning of the machine.
Mike Adams from Naturalnews.com / Brighteon.com goes into depth on this subject in his October 21 broadcast. Considering he had a certified lab which uses ICPMS on a regular basis, it may be worth listening to him…
or anybody else for that matter who understands the science and the mechanics of how the ICPMS machine actually works.
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I wondered why they used the word chemicals as they were testing for elements I thought it was a translation error when I read the report. The question is are those isotopes of the periodic table in there or not? Until someone replicates that we will not know for sure. Rather than condemning it lets see how much of it is true by verifying it.