5G Was The Real Killer In Wuhan

When millions died in and around Wuhan China, the 5G network in that city had just been turned on. There was no kill zone outside of Wuhan.

The surrounding regions/cities were not affected so how could it possibly have been a virus outbreak killing everyone in Wuhan? It would have spread all over.

In several other nations that were hard hit with high death tolls, 5G networks had also just been employed.

A massive death count in 5G Ecuador was just like Wuhan. See the shocking scenes in the first video.

5G radiation is extremely dangerous to the vaccinated and also to the unvaccinated.

Get rid of your 5G phones, protest 5G deployment, and stop taking the jabs. WATCH:

Read more about a new study released in Sept. 2021. plus more informative videos.

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Comments (7)

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    Eva M Saller


    [email protected]
    Equador people don’t die from covid, they die after receiving the vaccine and everyone knows that.


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    Tom O


    Interestingly, my “memory” says that there was 4 or 5 cities in China that also had outbreaks, also had 5G, as did every other high case area. As did the cruise ships, and of course, the kill zones, the hospitals. Also, 5G didn’t do it by itself, but I think it definitely assisted the “spike protein” that was released here and there. IF it was JUST 5G, the people that worked in the hospitals would have all died as well, so it was “something” plus the 5G radiation. Of course, the covid deaths in the hospitals and care homes that didn’t have 5G as well, was due to the “only approved treatment procedure” that was employed to rid the world of pensioners.


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    China lies about everything. All information is censored by the CCP. We can’t trust anything coming out of China.

    A while ago I looked at cell phone coverage maps that showed what areas have 5G. Many areas that don’t have 5G were hit hard with Covid.


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    I have a 5G mast near me and nobody has dropped dead yet.


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      Andy Rowlands


      I have one within half a mile of my house, and likewise, no-one has died or developed strange illnesses.


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      Numerous gigahertz frequencies cause calcium signaling in cells. This can lead to inflammation and blockages in blood vessels.
      If someone died from a stroke caused by a blockage, would you make the connection?


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    It isn’t 5G (fifth generation) that is the culprit overall. 5G CAN be no more dangerous than 4G. Rather it is the technologies like beam forming that can be utilized by 5G and that the FCC opened up the frequency spectrum to as high as 100 GHz, that we should be focusing on. So, the question is, if a transceiver is tuned to 60 GHz, and aimed at a ‘person of interest’; is that dangerous? I read that at 60 GHz, oxygen is unable to attach to hemoglobin when vibrated at that frequency. I also wonder if the vaccines make a person reflective so that they can be tracked while aimed at, even without carrying their cell phone. To me, these are pertinent questions.


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