5G Is Child’s Play. Take A Look At What 6G Will Do!
Did you know the first 1G network was used in 1979? Then, 2G came about in 1991 when Finland brought encrypted digital voice calls with texting and basic email capabilities. When 3G hit in 2001, it came with four times faster capacities than 2G and what we remember as the beloved Blackberry.
Anyone remember Blackberry? 😂
Then, 2009 gave us 4G technology, while NASA had started researching the use of 5G for nanosats.
By 2012, research had started on 5G technology and in 2019 5G networks were rolled out commercially.
AT&T was the first company to use 5G network in trial runs in 2016 in the name of intel.
In 2019, the FCC voted to open the spectrum range from 95GHz to 3Thz, which has massive data capacity that is not currently being used for commercial devices.
2030 is the soonest 6G will be rolled out, even though a definitive date has yet to be announced.
The hopes would be to build on the capabilities of 5G with increased speed and data capacity.
To give you an idea of the upgrade…
4G technology has an average latency of around 50 milliseconds
With 5G, latency drops to one millisecond.
With 6G, the speed is expected to offer speeds of up to 1,000 times faster than its predecessor.
However, to meet this expectation, the network would need to make use of radio frequencies not already bogged down with consumer devices.
This network will allow for connections to more devices.
The coverage is said to be “extreme” with new boundaries over land, under sea, and even in space.
Under the sea and in space. WHAT?!
We have heard a lot about AI advancement. Well…
This network would make it possible to process and transmit data at the speed of the human brain.
Hence making AI applications more prominent in our world.
With the capability for ultra precise positioning, 6G has already gained the attention of the military, specifically the Army beginning to explore this for combat purposes.
The worry here of course, with 6G technology, as it has been with 5G, is that the combined power of 5G, machines, and AI can control the human population.
They could do this by controlling our thoughts and our actions without the people even realizing it!
Is this already happening now for some people?
As you take a look outside, it sure looks like it!
But if We The People don’t do anything to change our world now, this will likely be our near future.
The good news is that the US passed an Executive Order, signed by President Trump, that is to counter China’s 2025 Artificial Intelligence plan to be the world leader in regards to AI technology.
The possibility and threat of AI disabling the people in our government as a consequence of bio-digital social programming.
And that is why My Patriots Network exists!
We are a network of truth and action. We know by now that we can’t rely on government, big tech or other big corps to be honest, moral and ethical.
See more here: mypatriotsnetwork.com
Header image: The Telegraph
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Well I don’t know whether ‘they’ did or did NOT, BUT on the graphic ( turns me OFF ) Hype, 10000m inito space? wowee = 5 miles – on a good day on the valley hillside I can Holler that far, eventually. aand as for 200Newton-metres UNDER the Sea….. Spitting now. 1. 200 Nm = what depth / pressure ? 2. UNDER the sea or below the surface or below the water ( into the sea-floor /mud )? … and as for the remainder and 6G…. parts of UK still struggle with 3G, let alone 4G. and when you aint gonnae get a Modern Smart Phone ‘cos the old one wasn’t smart enough for you and you refuse to pay scarcecash for modern forever updating rubbish, ….. ..
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I’ve yet to meet a single person whose life is better due to the ever increasing technology “blanket” we live under. I mean life was so much better back in the day of even just pagers. Now you have 3 year olds running around with $1500 iPhones so they can be plugged into YouTube 24/7. And of course every 5 minutes YouTube demands you create an account so they can “market personalized content”. Its’ surely not t track you, monitor you, build profiles of you that will last forever. YouTube being just a singular example but it’s common amongst all tech companies.
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As for me, life in the 80’s, with limited technology, was a lot better. Technology was actually something that excited me at the time. I have been a software engineer since the mid 80’s and technology really doesn’t excite me much. I actually look forward to getting away from technology at the end of each work day. I also dispute how much “advancement” we have really made in the past decade or so. Most of what you see as “advanced” and especially what you see as being touted as “AI”, isn’t really advanced or certainly not “AI” .. it’s just smoke and mirrors. Put a pretty looking interface on it and you can convince people of just about anything. Sure, we have made improvements, done some things better, expanded things, but not nearly at the rate that is commonly portrayed. I have been told my entire life that technological advancement (particularly computers) will continue to double every decade for the foreseeable future. Well, certainly this past decade that has not been true, not even close. I work with developing “cutting edge” technology every single day, this technology has not advanced nearly as much over the past couple of decades as it once did. We are still using all sorts of antiquated hardware and very little “advanced” software to create our new super high-tech gadgets, which really are not all that “high-tech” if you were to life the hood and look inside. Like it or not, or believe it or not, technological advancement is most certainly slowing down. And as for “AI” .. pfffttt .. give me a break. I have studied “AI” since the late 80’s .. we are nowhere near creating actual Artificial Intelligence. What you see as “intelligence” is NOT “intelligence” at all. Not even close. We still have no idea how to actually create “intelligence” and are no closer to doing so than we were in 1984.
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I have heard of 6G being in the works. However, the prospect of 6G being available in 2030 is rather meaningless since it is the desire of the elitists, big government, big pharma, big tech and the insane media, that as demanded by dr. gates and his megalomaniac inclined cohorts, 80-90% of all current planetary residents be extinguished by various nefarious means well before then. So you see, there will be a very tiny market for 6G.
A Reasonable Man
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Ok how are they going to control my thoughts again, I forgot. Inject me with a nano receiver and a nano brain interface, maybe they have already done it? Or maybe I’m just getting old😳I was to busy with COVID to read those articles . Do we really have something to worry about here.
Howard T. Lewis III
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This seems like a great opportunity to leave reality for CFRtv Moronia with fried testes and frazzled ovaries.
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Once we had blackberries, there was just over over overkill to give us all offline access to the internet. What we could do , is to have rural phone boxes with sockets to plug into for access to the internet and cafes with plug ins to the internet and town plug in sites under shelter. There is no need at all to have computers with us all of the time. I have now stopped using phones but may use a burner . People are continually on their phones all of the time, i think it is ridiculous and enslavement rather than giving us freedom. My home computer is plug in and free source. Who wants to pay Bill Gates for his rubbish?