Reports are that the small island of Gibraltar has seen no fewer than 53 locals dead after having the COVID-19 vaccination in the past 10 days. The report is not reaching the ‘official’ mainstream press, but fits the pattern of deaths and suppression of such news in the media and from governments around the world.
Principia Scientific International received the following heartfelt plea from ‘Charlotte,’ a Gibraltarian;
“Someone needs your help. 53 people died from vaccines in Gibraltar in only 10 days. A man tries to get help from newspapers and we know he won’t. So I write to you. I will send you the article which is written in French, hoping you can translate it easily.”
The article from is reproduced below for our readers:
By TLB Staff
Research shows that there are issues related to deaths from COVID-19 in Gibraltar … which now appear to have seriously accelerated since the introduction of the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine. So what’s the connection? One person talks about local conditions and concerns.
Subject: Death by vaccine in Gibraltar
Message body:
Hello, Could you please add Gibraltar to the list of countries where vaccine = death investigations are to take place? I just sent this message to as many media as possible:
Dear Sir Madam,
Could you please inform the world about the serious situation that is happening in Gibraltar?
The point is that the government of Fabian Picardo is committing an act of mass genocide, especially against the elderly and the most vulnerable.
I am talking about Operation Freedom, the mass vaccination program that is being carried out against the population. All this based on the false narrative of the high number of “positive cases” (which we already know to be false positives – I can prove it) to instill fear and panic through psychological warfare (Psyops) and propaganda with the complicity of local doctors and media, among others.
The vaccination program using the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine began last Sunday, January 10, 2021 and this Monday, January 18, more than 5,800 people had already been vaccinated, starting with the elderly.
The death toll until the day before the start of this extermination program was 16 people “by Covid”, but to date, on January 20, 53 people have already died – according to them “by Covid”. There are 37 people who have died since they started being vaccinated in Gibraltar, or 37 “Covid” deaths in 10 days.
There is clearly a relationship between the high number of deaths and vaccines. Picardo’s government refuses to tackle this problem. They do not say how many people who died were vaccinated. I’m sure there are many, more, because all of the people who died are nursing home seniors or dementia house seniors.
Please! I beg you! Help us spread this news nationally and internationally to force this criminal to at least investigate vaccines = death. Please I beg you.
Picardo has already ordered another batch of vaccine and an additional 11,700 doses will arrive soon. How many deaths and / or unwanted side effects will this mean?
Most of the people here are terrified and unable to think critically, they are completely brainwashed and we are all under house arrest.
I’m just a simple man, but I know exactly what’s going on about this bogus pandemic and without a doubt we’re fooled.
We can agree to disagree, but at least publish the death rates after vaccinations in Gibraltar.
Please!!! Help us!
Card adopted 10 days 24 hours 30 million Accelerated act referred
We will endeavor to post follow up details on this specific case, as well others we receive from our loyal followers worldwide.
Please Donate Below To Support Our Ongoing Work To Expose The Lies About COVID19
PRINCIPIA SCIENTIFIC INTERNATIONAL, legally registered in the UK as a company incorporated for charitable purposes. Head Office: 27 Old Gloucester Street, London WC1N 3AX.
Please DONATE TODAY To Help Our Non-Profit Mission To Defend The Scientific Method.
You should be ashamed of yourself for such antivaxx scaremongering. To date (24 Jan) there have been 63 fatalities of which 25 (40%) occurred over 10 days ago. Of the 38 deaths which have occurred 10 days ago or less, these must be seen in the context of the highest ever spike ever seen with 1204 active local cases out of a 30,000 population. The Vaccine deployment commenced on the 10th of January, when the active local cases totalled 1052 and the death count was 16. Ten days prior to that, the count was 900 active local cases with 7 deaths. Therefore, it is obvious that the current high death rate is the culmination of an increasing infection rate over time rather than as a result of the onset of vaccination.
The only real way to is to know the facts .My question is what percentage of the people that got vaccinated died ? Otherwise evething you say and eveybody else is saying are just narratives ! If 90 percent of the people that died took the vacinnes died we have a problem !
Attempt to get a divisive or emotional response from you to derail research.
Concern troll and copy/pasta spam shill to contradict confirmed findings.
Employ faux debate tactics: Generalizations, gas-lighting, projection, misdirection, false equivalences, confusing correlation with causation, appeal to authority, transference, false precepts, personal attacks, straw-men, red herrings, etc.
Promote social ethics that are disingenuous like doxxing, “reverse psychology”, or promoting propaganda.
Promote tactics that are unethical, illegal or involve violence outside the scope of the Law.
Employ Fear, Uncertainty and Doubt to dissuade research.
Topic sliding If information of a sensitive nature has been posted on a discussion forum, it can be quickly removed from public view by topic sliding. In this technique a large number of unrelated posts, or posts aimed at diluting the information presented, are submitted in an effort to trigger a topic slide to literally push content out of view. Operators can control several fake UIDs via the bots they make use of; these can also be called upon in the other techniques to mask the intent of the operator from the users at large. Although it is difficult or impossible to censor the posting it is now lost in a sea of unrelated and bogus postings.
Seeding bad information Operatives will insert flawed or bogus information from time to time as an ongoing tactic, depending on their skill set and the needs of their mission. Their most common ruse is providing information or evidence which is backed by bad source material in the hope that the “source of the source” is never checked. This serves several objectives, mainly resource consumption, evidence pollution, discouragement and misdirection.
Astroturfing consensus This is a technique that attempts to build a manufactured consensus around a flawed set of statements or compromised information. This is related to consensus cracking, where false evidence is injected in an attempt to dispute or discredit what the current consensus is, and push it towards the desired false consensus. Misleading and false evidence and information are often salted into the evidence pool, with an aim to impede organic consensus building, while also poisoning the available information and evidence.
Cultivating tacit approval (The legal term for this is ‘silent agreement’) Attempting to attain this state is done using a technique where operators will try to convince the user population to ignore, or not respond to bad information or false assertions. This is done in a bid to reduce push-back against the above mentioned tactics. It’s worth noting that the reply filtering mechanism of the boards (which currently can’t be disabled without code changes from the site admin) is used as a weapon of sorts in this tactic: Filtering with software prevents anons from defending against seeding bad information and astroturfing consensus. This is why the operators push so hard to condition anons into filtering material they disagree with.
You just successfully described every three letter agency, main stream media outlet, government department, elite think-tank coven, and propaganda hit squad on the planet. You’ve got your 1’s and 0’s back to front.
Claiming the massive uptick in deaths is a result of an uptick in actual Covid infections is specious. Gibraltar has shot to the top of the world leagues both in percentage of population Vaccinated and deaths per million in just the days since the vaccine arrived. Claiming there is no connection between the deaths and the vaccine is patently absurd. Full information is not available because it would prove the link. Those who are paid by the 77th Brigade to place lying comments should get themselves honest jobs.
What this article fails to disclose is that BEFORE the Vaccine even arrived into Gibraltar there was a outbreak of cases of COVID-19 amongst elderly residential care home services. The vast majority of these 50+ deaths have been from there. Elderly and vulnerable people are naturally more susceptible to this virus. We have been seeing hospital admissions, and cases in COVID wars and Critical Care Units on the rise before any viruses were admitted.
Then sadly we have now started seeing these people dying. It is very likely that because they were already ill they didn’t even get the vaccine.
This article is fearmongering by linking two events that are simply not connected what so ever.
*We have been seeing hospital admissions, and cases in COVID wards and Critical Care Units on the rise before any vaccines were administered.
(Sorry autocorrect)
Since most deaths by any cause are deceitfully labeled covid deaths, the entire denial by those posting here is obvious. Covid has a 99.3% SURVIVAL rate, so the deaths need to be fully investigated.
John – Your headline has the incorrect count; however, the sudden “coincidental” spike is very concerning.
The reference letter (source) – “The death toll until the day before the start of this extermination program was 16 people “by Covid”, but to date, on January 20, 53 people have already died – according to them “by Covid”. There are 37 people who have died since they started being vaccinated in Gibraltar, or 37 “Covid” deaths in 10 days.”
On Jan 10 the Government of Gibraltar reported 4 more die of Covid, bringing the total number of deaths related to COVID-19 in Gibraltar to 16. They started the vaccination program on Jan. 11. As of Jan 21, Gib has had 59 Covid related deaths, 52 have taken place this year and seven in 2020. I think the count continues to rise.
It’s concerning, especially given reports by Robert F. Kennedy Jr, Vernon Coleman and Dolores Cahill.
A lot of the deaths are being claimed as covid pneumonia, bear in mind that a lot of people especially the elderly in Gibraltar have been vaccinated against flu and pneumococcal before they got the covid jab and now we see a rise in what they call covid pneumonia?
This from a Gibraltar Government official:
“it’s a hoax. The people who died are in an elderly care home and were infected before vaccines rolled out.”
On the Jan.10, on the GBC NewsWatch program reported the vaccines arrived the evening of Jan. 9; and that the government planned to start the vaccination program on Jan. 11; and they planned to start with the elderly. On Jan. 10, they also reported the total covid-related death toll was 16.
Just 6 DAYS later, on Jan 17, the government reported –
• Gibraltar recorded another 13 Covid-related deaths over a “devastating” weekend that drove the death toll to 43 since the start of the pandemic.
• During the past week alone, 27 people have passed away either as a direct result of the virus or while infected with it.
• Nine Covid-related deaths were recorded on Sunday, the worst in a single day since the public health crisis almost a year ago.
Does this spike not bother anyone – pause a moment. Only 16 deaths occur before the vaccines. Then, after the vaccines the numbers dying spike.
How many died AFTER they were vaccinated? Or did those who had tested positive not receive the vaccine? There are unanswered questions. With the correlation of the death spike and the vaccine rollout, how does anyone dismiss at least the thought that an investigation or halt may be warranted – which is occurring in other countries. Everyone has put up with restrictions and mandates ad nauseam “just to be safe” yet when the elderly start dying within days of each other and within days of a vaccine jab, no one thinks, let’s halt this “to be on the safe side.”
If something doesn’t add up, it usually doesn’t.
At the time of the above article being posted 53 total covid-related deaths occurred since the start of the pandemic. The government conveniently reports 38 died since Jan. 1; but how many since Jan. 11? We know from their report on Jan. 21, 59 had died since the start (52 have taken place this year and seven in 2020). 59 – 16 (as of Jan. 10) = 43. Am I missing something here. Is it 43 deaths in the 10 days (Jan.11-21)?
Maybe you should try nursing the people dying from covid 19 I’m very very certain your views will change. I have witnessed first hand the patients infected with covid and believe me it’s no joke. To spread these malicious lies is, quite frankly, abhorrent and disrespectful to the people of Gibraltar who have lost their loved ones. Shame on you. I really do despair at the lack of humanity you have shown by publishing this work of fiction because that’s what it is pure fiction.
Sin duda lo compartiré, debemos ayudarnos unos a otros, no permitir que estos asesinos acaben con la humanidad, el pueblo solos más que ellos. Ésto es un problema mundial que afectará a toda la humanidad.
I have read several articles and I am not understanding. If people are dying of “Covid Pneumonia” that would mean they are Covid Positive and symptomatic. These people should not be receiving the vaccine until they have recovered from pneumonia. That is the US CDC guidelines. Maybe there are different rules in other countries. If they are giving vaccine to people with pneumonia, would they not be killing them?
JANUARY 10, 2021
It is with deep regret that the Government confirms the deaths of four residents of Gibraltar from COVID-19. This brings the total number of deaths related to COVID-19 in Gibraltar to 16.
1. The first was a male resident of Elderly Residential Services , aged 90 – 95 years old, who died
last night of COVID-19 pneumonia with septicemia. This will be recorded in today’s statistics as a
death from COVID-19. (1)
2. The second was a man, aged 70 – 75 years old, who was also a cancer patient at the time of
their death. The patient died today of COVID-19 pneumonitis. This will be recorded in today’s
statistics as a death from COVID-19.
3. The third was a female resident of Elderly Residential Services, aged 90 – 95 years old, who died
today from septicemia due to COVID-19. This will be recorded in today’s statistics as a death from
COVID-19. (2)
4. The fourth was a woman aged 95 – 100 years old, who died today of COVID-19 pneumonitis.
This will be recorded in today’s statistics as a death from COVID-19.
The Chief Minister, Fabian Picardo, said: ‘I am extremely saddened by today’s news of the loss of
four members of our community to COVID-19. My thoughts and deepest sympathies are with the
families and friends of the deceased.
‘The poignancy of their deaths on the same day as Gibraltar’s vaccination programme has begun is
particularly painful.
JANUARY 12, 2021
The Government is saddened to confirm the death of a resident of Elderly Residential Services
related to COVID-19.
5. The resident was a man aged 95 – 100 years old, who died last night of old age. The resident
had tested positive for COVID-19 on 3rd January 2021, although COVID-19 was not the cause of
death. This will be reported in today’s statistics as a death with COVID-19. (3)
JANUARY 13, 2021
HMGoG is saddened to confirm two deaths in Gibraltar from COVID-19, bringing the total number
of deaths in our community related to COVID-19 to 20.
6. The first was a man, aged 70-75 years old, who had no underlying health conditions. He died
last night of COVID-19 pneumonitis. This will be recorded in today’s statistics as a death from
7. The second was a resident of Elderly Residential Services, a woman aged 85-90 years old, who
also had underlying health conditions. She died this morning of COVID-19 pneumonia. This will be
recorded in today’s statistics as a death from COVID-19. (4)
JANUARY 13, 2021
The Government, with deep regret, has confirmed 3 further deaths in Elderly Residential
Services today from COVID-19. This brings the total number of deaths in Gibraltar related to
COVID-19 to 23.
8. The first was a man, aged 85-90 years old, who died of COVID-19 pneumonia. He had some
long-term underlying medical conditions, but these were well controlled. (5)
9. The second was a woman, aged 90-95 years old, who died of COVID-19 pneumonia. She also
had some underlying medical conditions that are common with advancing age. (6)
10. The third was a woman, aged 80-85 years old, who died of COVID-19 pneumonia and suffered
with some medical conditions including some breathing difficulties. (7)
All will be reported in tomorrow’s statistics as deaths from COVID-19.
JANUARY 15, 2021
HM Government of Gibraltar deeply regrets to announce the loss of 5 more residents of Gibraltar
related to COVID-19. This announcement brings the total number of deaths in Gibraltar related to
COVID-19 to 30.
11. The first was a woman, aged 85 – 90 years old, who was a resident of Elderly Residential
services and died yesterday from a cerebrovascular event arising from cerebrovascular disease. She
was also positive for COVID-19 at the time of her death. This will be reported in today’s statistics as
a death with COVID-19. (8)
12. The second was a woman, aged 95 – 100 years old, who was a resident of Elderly Residential
services and also had underlying health conditions. She died yesterday from acute myocardial
infarction with multi-organ failure, caused by COVID-19. This will be reported in today’s statistics as
a death from COVID-19. (9)
13. The third was a woman, aged 85 – 90 years old, who was a resident of Elderly Residential
services and also had underlying health conditions. She died yesterday of COVID-19 pneumonia.
This will be reported in today’s statistics as a death from COVID-19. (10)
14. The fourth was a man, aged 90 – 95 years old, who was a resident of Elderly Residential services
and also had underlying health conditions. He died last night of COVID-19 pneumonia. This will be
reported in today’s statistics as a death from COVID-19. (11)
15. The fifth was a woman, aged 85 – 90 years old, who also had underlying health conditions. She
died today of COVID-19 pneumonia. This will be reported in today’s statistics as a death from
JANUARY 16, 2021
The Government is extremely saddened to confirm 4 further deaths from COVID-19. This brings the
total number of deaths related to COVID-19 in Gibraltar to 34.
16. The first was a woman, aged 85-90 years old, who was a resident of Elderly Residential Services
and had underlying health conditions that made her more vulnerable to the worst effects of the
virus. She died yesterday afternoon of COVID-19 pneumonia. (12)
17. The second was a woman, aged 95-100 years old, who was a resident of ERS and also had
underlying health conditions. She died last night of COVID-19 pneumonia. (13)
18. The third was a man, aged 85-90 years old, who was a resident of ERS and also had underlying
health conditions. He died last night of COVID-19 pneumonia. (14)
19. The fourth was a man, aged 85-90 years old, who also had underlying health conditions. He
died this morning from COVID-19.
These will all be reported in today’s statistics as deaths from COVID-19.
JANUARY 17, 2021
The Government is devastated to have to confirm the loss of 9 members of our community to
COVID-19. All will be recorded in today’s statistics as deaths from COVID-19. This brings the total
number of deaths related to COVID-19 in Gibraltar to 43.
20. The first was a resident of Elderly Residential Services, a man aged 85-90 years old, who also
had underlying health conditions. He died yesterday of COVID-19 pneumonia. (15)
21. The second was a resident of ERS, a man aged 85-90 years old, who also had underlying health
conditions. He died yesterday of COVID-19 pneumonia, and also had an acute kidney injury with
hypernatraemia. (16)
22. The third was a man, aged 65-70 years old, who had underlying health conditions. He died
yesterday of cardiogenic shock and myocardial infarction, arising from COVID-19.
23. The fourth was a resident of ERS, a woman aged 90-95 years old, had underlying health
conditions. She died yesterday of COVID-19 pneumonia and pulmonary embolism. (17)
24. The fifth was a man, aged 80-85 years old, who had underlying health conditions. He died
today of COVID-19 pneumonitis.
25. The sixth was a resident of ERS, a woman aged 70-75 years old, who died today of COVID
pneumonia and lung carcinoma, arising from COPD. (18)
26. The seventh was a resident of ERS, a man aged 85-90 years old, who had underlying health
conditions and died today of COVID-19 pneumonia. (19)
27. The eighth was a resident of ERS, a man aged 90-95 years old, who had underlying health
conditions and died today of COVID-19 pneumonia. (20)
28. The ninth was a resident of ERS, a woman aged 80-85 years old, had underlying health
conditions and died today of COVID-19 pneumonia.
JANUARY 18, 2021
The Government deeply regrets to confirm the deaths of 2 residents of Gibraltar from COVID-19.
This brings the total number of deaths related to COVID-19 in Gibraltar to 45.
29. The first was a resident of Elderly Residential Services, a woman aged 90-95 years old, who had
underlying health conditions. She died yesterday of COVID-19 pneumonia. (21)
30. The second was a woman, aged 80-85 years old, who also had underlying health conditions.
She died today of COVID-19 pneumonia.
31. Both will be recorded in today’s statistics as deaths from COVID-19.
JANUARY 19, 2021
The Government must sadly confirm the deaths of 2 residents of Gibraltar related to COVID-19. The
total number of deaths related to COVID-19 in Gibraltar is now 47.
32. The first was a woman, aged 65-70 years old, who had underlying health conditions. She died
yesterday of COVID-19 pneumonitis. This will be recorded in today’s statistics as a death from
33. The second was a woman, aged 70-75 years old, who was a resident of Elderly Residential
Services. She died today of a cerebrovascular event arising from anticoagulation and
thromboembolic disease, and was also positive for COVID-19 at the time of her death. This will be
reported in today’s statistics as a death with COVID-19. (22)
JANUARY 20, 2021
HMGoG is deeply saddened to confirm the deaths of 6 residents of Gibraltar related to COVID-19.
This brings the total number of deaths related to COVID-19 in Gibraltar to 53.
34. The first was a woman aged 90-95 years old who was a resident of Elderly Residential Services
and who had underlying health conditions. She died yesterday evening of COVID-19 pneumonia.
This will be recorded in today’s statistics as a death from COVID-19. (23)
35. The second was a man aged 80-85 years old, who had underlying health conditions. He died
last night of COVID-19 pneumonitis. This will be recorded in today’s statistics as a death from
36. The third was a woman aged 75-80 years old who was a resident of Elderly Residential Services
and who had underlying health conditions. She died yesterday of COVID-19 pneumonia. This will
be recorded in today’s statistics as a death from COVID-19. (24)
37. The fourth was a man aged 80-85 years old, who died today of severe frailty and advanced
dementia, and had other underlying health conditions. He was also positive for COVID-19 at the
time of his death. This will be recorded in today’s statistics as a death with COVID-19. (25)
38. The fifth was a man aged 70-75 years old, who died today of advanced cerebrovascular disease,
and also had other underlying health conditions. He was also positive for COVID-19 at the time of
his death. This will be recorded in today’s statistics as a death with COVID-19.
39. The sixth was a woman aged 85-90 years old who was a resident of Elderly Residential Services
and who had underlying health conditions. She died today of COVID-19 pneumonia. This will be
recorded in today’s statistics as a death from COVID-19. (26)
JANUARY 21, 2021
HMGoG deeply regrets to confirm 6 further deaths from COVID-19. This brings the total number of
deaths related to COVID-19 in Gibraltar to 59.
40. The first was a resident of Elderly Residential Services, a woman aged 85-90 years old, who had
underlying health conditions. She died yesterday from COVID-19 pneumonia. (27)
41. The second was a resident of ERS, a man aged 90-95 years old, who had underlying health
conditions. He died yesterday from COVID-19 pneumonia. (28)
42. The third was a woman aged 80-85 years old, who had underlying health conditions. She died
yesterday of COVID-19 pneumonitis.
43. The fourth was a man aged 80-85 years old, who had underlying health conditions. He died
yesterday of COVID-19 pneumonitis.
44. The fifth was a resident of ERS, a woman aged 90-95 years old, who had underlying health
conditions. She died today of COVID-19 pneumonia. (29)
45. All will be recorded in today’s statistics as deaths from COVID-19.
The Government has also today received a Coroner’s report confirming that on 7th January 2021, a
woman aged 60-65 years old, who had a history of underlying medical conditions, died of COVID-
19 pneumonitis and myocarditis. This will be recorded in today’s statistics as a death from COVID-
JANUARY 23, 2021
The Government deeply regrets to confirm 3 deaths yesterday afternoon and evening from COVID-
19. This brings the total number of COVID-19 related deaths in Gibraltar to 62.
46. The first was a man, aged 80-85 years old, who had underlying health conditions and died
yesterday from COVID pneumonitis.
47. The second was a resident of Elderly Residential Services, a woman aged 85-90 years old, who
had underlying health conditions and died yesterday from COVID-19 pneumonia. (30)
48. The third was a resident of Elderly Residential Services, a woman aged 85-90 years old, who had
underlying health conditions and died yesterday from COVID-19 pneumonia. (31)
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This article is entirely untrue. It is a lie. It should be removed forthwith.
Daniel Duran
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Completely fake news and reported as such. #novaccinedeaths #notanisland
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You should be ashamed of yourself for such antivaxx scaremongering. To date (24 Jan) there have been 63 fatalities of which 25 (40%) occurred over 10 days ago. Of the 38 deaths which have occurred 10 days ago or less, these must be seen in the context of the highest ever spike ever seen with 1204 active local cases out of a 30,000 population. The Vaccine deployment commenced on the 10th of January, when the active local cases totalled 1052 and the death count was 16. Ten days prior to that, the count was 900 active local cases with 7 deaths. Therefore, it is obvious that the current high death rate is the culmination of an increasing infection rate over time rather than as a result of the onset of vaccination.
Peter Brown
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The only real way to is to know the facts .My question is what percentage of the people that got vaccinated died ? Otherwise evething you say and eveybody else is saying are just narratives ! If 90 percent of the people that died took the vacinnes died we have a problem !
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Don’t get suckered into wasting your time!
How to Quickly Spot a 77th quisling!
They will:
Attempt to get a divisive or emotional response from you to derail research.
Concern troll and copy/pasta spam shill to contradict confirmed findings.
Employ faux debate tactics: Generalizations, gas-lighting, projection, misdirection, false equivalences, confusing correlation with causation, appeal to authority, transference, false precepts, personal attacks, straw-men, red herrings, etc.
Promote social ethics that are disingenuous like doxxing, “reverse psychology”, or promoting propaganda.
Promote tactics that are unethical, illegal or involve violence outside the scope of the Law.
Employ Fear, Uncertainty and Doubt to dissuade research.
Topic sliding If information of a sensitive nature has been posted on a discussion forum, it can be quickly removed from public view by topic sliding. In this technique a large number of unrelated posts, or posts aimed at diluting the information presented, are submitted in an effort to trigger a topic slide to literally push content out of view. Operators can control several fake UIDs via the bots they make use of; these can also be called upon in the other techniques to mask the intent of the operator from the users at large. Although it is difficult or impossible to censor the posting it is now lost in a sea of unrelated and bogus postings.
Seeding bad information Operatives will insert flawed or bogus information from time to time as an ongoing tactic, depending on their skill set and the needs of their mission. Their most common ruse is providing information or evidence which is backed by bad source material in the hope that the “source of the source” is never checked. This serves several objectives, mainly resource consumption, evidence pollution, discouragement and misdirection.
Astroturfing consensus This is a technique that attempts to build a manufactured consensus around a flawed set of statements or compromised information. This is related to consensus cracking, where false evidence is injected in an attempt to dispute or discredit what the current consensus is, and push it towards the desired false consensus. Misleading and false evidence and information are often salted into the evidence pool, with an aim to impede organic consensus building, while also poisoning the available information and evidence.
Cultivating tacit approval (The legal term for this is ‘silent agreement’) Attempting to attain this state is done using a technique where operators will try to convince the user population to ignore, or not respond to bad information or false assertions. This is done in a bid to reduce push-back against the above mentioned tactics. It’s worth noting that the reply filtering mechanism of the boards (which currently can’t be disabled without code changes from the site admin) is used as a weapon of sorts in this tactic: Filtering with software prevents anons from defending against seeding bad information and astroturfing consensus. This is why the operators push so hard to condition anons into filtering material they disagree with.
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You just successfully described every three letter agency, main stream media outlet, government department, elite think-tank coven, and propaganda hit squad on the planet. You’ve got your 1’s and 0’s back to front.
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Claiming the massive uptick in deaths is a result of an uptick in actual Covid infections is specious. Gibraltar has shot to the top of the world leagues both in percentage of population Vaccinated and deaths per million in just the days since the vaccine arrived. Claiming there is no connection between the deaths and the vaccine is patently absurd. Full information is not available because it would prove the link. Those who are paid by the 77th Brigade to place lying comments should get themselves honest jobs.
David Smith
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What this article fails to disclose is that BEFORE the Vaccine even arrived into Gibraltar there was a outbreak of cases of COVID-19 amongst elderly residential care home services. The vast majority of these 50+ deaths have been from there. Elderly and vulnerable people are naturally more susceptible to this virus. We have been seeing hospital admissions, and cases in COVID wars and Critical Care Units on the rise before any viruses were admitted.
Then sadly we have now started seeing these people dying. It is very likely that because they were already ill they didn’t even get the vaccine.
This article is fearmongering by linking two events that are simply not connected what so ever.
David Smith
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*We have been seeing hospital admissions, and cases in COVID wards and Critical Care Units on the rise before any vaccines were administered.
(Sorry autocorrect)
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Since most deaths by any cause are deceitfully labeled covid deaths, the entire denial by those posting here is obvious. Covid has a 99.3% SURVIVAL rate, so the deaths need to be fully investigated.
Teia Thomas
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John – Your headline has the incorrect count; however, the sudden “coincidental” spike is very concerning.
The reference letter (source) – “The death toll until the day before the start of this extermination program was 16 people “by Covid”, but to date, on January 20, 53 people have already died – according to them “by Covid”. There are 37 people who have died since they started being vaccinated in Gibraltar, or 37 “Covid” deaths in 10 days.”
On Jan 10 the Government of Gibraltar reported 4 more die of Covid, bringing the total number of deaths related to COVID-19 in Gibraltar to 16. They started the vaccination program on Jan. 11. As of Jan 21, Gib has had 59 Covid related deaths, 52 have taken place this year and seven in 2020. I think the count continues to rise.
It’s concerning, especially given reports by Robert F. Kennedy Jr, Vernon Coleman and Dolores Cahill.
Vaccines: “Death by Coincidence”. Robert F. Kennedy Jr. –
Vernon Coleman: Your government wants you dead –
Dr. Dolores Cahill –
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A lot of the deaths are being claimed as covid pneumonia, bear in mind that a lot of people especially the elderly in Gibraltar have been vaccinated against flu and pneumococcal before they got the covid jab and now we see a rise in what they call covid pneumonia?
Brian Mooney
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This from a Gibraltar Government official:
“it’s a hoax. The people who died are in an elderly care home and were infected before vaccines rolled out.”
Allan Shelton
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And, of course, Brian, one should never doubt a Government Official. Hah!
Teia Thomas
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On the Jan.10, on the GBC NewsWatch program reported the vaccines arrived the evening of Jan. 9; and that the government planned to start the vaccination program on Jan. 11; and they planned to start with the elderly. On Jan. 10, they also reported the total covid-related death toll was 16.
Just 6 DAYS later, on Jan 17, the government reported –
• Gibraltar recorded another 13 Covid-related deaths over a “devastating” weekend that drove the death toll to 43 since the start of the pandemic.
• During the past week alone, 27 people have passed away either as a direct result of the virus or while infected with it.
• Nine Covid-related deaths were recorded on Sunday, the worst in a single day since the public health crisis almost a year ago.
Does this spike not bother anyone – pause a moment. Only 16 deaths occur before the vaccines. Then, after the vaccines the numbers dying spike.
How many died AFTER they were vaccinated? Or did those who had tested positive not receive the vaccine? There are unanswered questions. With the correlation of the death spike and the vaccine rollout, how does anyone dismiss at least the thought that an investigation or halt may be warranted – which is occurring in other countries. Everyone has put up with restrictions and mandates ad nauseam “just to be safe” yet when the elderly start dying within days of each other and within days of a vaccine jab, no one thinks, let’s halt this “to be on the safe side.”
If something doesn’t add up, it usually doesn’t.
At the time of the above article being posted 53 total covid-related deaths occurred since the start of the pandemic. The government conveniently reports 38 died since Jan. 1; but how many since Jan. 11? We know from their report on Jan. 21, 59 had died since the start (52 have taken place this year and seven in 2020). 59 – 16 (as of Jan. 10) = 43. Am I missing something here. Is it 43 deaths in the 10 days (Jan.11-21)?
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Maybe you should try nursing the people dying from covid 19 I’m very very certain your views will change. I have witnessed first hand the patients infected with covid and believe me it’s no joke. To spread these malicious lies is, quite frankly, abhorrent and disrespectful to the people of Gibraltar who have lost their loved ones. Shame on you. I really do despair at the lack of humanity you have shown by publishing this work of fiction because that’s what it is pure fiction.
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Sin duda lo compartiré, debemos ayudarnos unos a otros, no permitir que estos asesinos acaben con la humanidad, el pueblo solos más que ellos. Ésto es un problema mundial que afectará a toda la humanidad.
Kathy Terry
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I have read several articles and I am not understanding. If people are dying of “Covid Pneumonia” that would mean they are Covid Positive and symptomatic. These people should not be receiving the vaccine until they have recovered from pneumonia. That is the US CDC guidelines. Maybe there are different rules in other countries. If they are giving vaccine to people with pneumonia, would they not be killing them?
77th Nuremberg Code
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JANUARY 10, 2021
It is with deep regret that the Government confirms the deaths of four residents of Gibraltar from COVID-19. This brings the total number of deaths related to COVID-19 in Gibraltar to 16.
1. The first was a male resident of Elderly Residential Services , aged 90 – 95 years old, who died
last night of COVID-19 pneumonia with septicemia. This will be recorded in today’s statistics as a
death from COVID-19. (1)
2. The second was a man, aged 70 – 75 years old, who was also a cancer patient at the time of
their death. The patient died today of COVID-19 pneumonitis. This will be recorded in today’s
statistics as a death from COVID-19.
3. The third was a female resident of Elderly Residential Services, aged 90 – 95 years old, who died
today from septicemia due to COVID-19. This will be recorded in today’s statistics as a death from
COVID-19. (2)
4. The fourth was a woman aged 95 – 100 years old, who died today of COVID-19 pneumonitis.
This will be recorded in today’s statistics as a death from COVID-19.
The Chief Minister, Fabian Picardo, said: ‘I am extremely saddened by today’s news of the loss of
four members of our community to COVID-19. My thoughts and deepest sympathies are with the
families and friends of the deceased.
‘The poignancy of their deaths on the same day as Gibraltar’s vaccination programme has begun is
particularly painful.
JANUARY 12, 2021
The Government is saddened to confirm the death of a resident of Elderly Residential Services
related to COVID-19.
5. The resident was a man aged 95 – 100 years old, who died last night of old age. The resident
had tested positive for COVID-19 on 3rd January 2021, although COVID-19 was not the cause of
death. This will be reported in today’s statistics as a death with COVID-19. (3)
JANUARY 13, 2021
HMGoG is saddened to confirm two deaths in Gibraltar from COVID-19, bringing the total number
of deaths in our community related to COVID-19 to 20.
6. The first was a man, aged 70-75 years old, who had no underlying health conditions. He died
last night of COVID-19 pneumonitis. This will be recorded in today’s statistics as a death from
7. The second was a resident of Elderly Residential Services, a woman aged 85-90 years old, who
also had underlying health conditions. She died this morning of COVID-19 pneumonia. This will be
recorded in today’s statistics as a death from COVID-19. (4)
JANUARY 13, 2021
The Government, with deep regret, has confirmed 3 further deaths in Elderly Residential
Services today from COVID-19. This brings the total number of deaths in Gibraltar related to
COVID-19 to 23.
8. The first was a man, aged 85-90 years old, who died of COVID-19 pneumonia. He had some
long-term underlying medical conditions, but these were well controlled. (5)
9. The second was a woman, aged 90-95 years old, who died of COVID-19 pneumonia. She also
had some underlying medical conditions that are common with advancing age. (6)
10. The third was a woman, aged 80-85 years old, who died of COVID-19 pneumonia and suffered
with some medical conditions including some breathing difficulties. (7)
All will be reported in tomorrow’s statistics as deaths from COVID-19.
JANUARY 15, 2021
HM Government of Gibraltar deeply regrets to announce the loss of 5 more residents of Gibraltar
related to COVID-19. This announcement brings the total number of deaths in Gibraltar related to
COVID-19 to 30.
11. The first was a woman, aged 85 – 90 years old, who was a resident of Elderly Residential
services and died yesterday from a cerebrovascular event arising from cerebrovascular disease. She
was also positive for COVID-19 at the time of her death. This will be reported in today’s statistics as
a death with COVID-19. (8)
12. The second was a woman, aged 95 – 100 years old, who was a resident of Elderly Residential
services and also had underlying health conditions. She died yesterday from acute myocardial
infarction with multi-organ failure, caused by COVID-19. This will be reported in today’s statistics as
a death from COVID-19. (9)
13. The third was a woman, aged 85 – 90 years old, who was a resident of Elderly Residential
services and also had underlying health conditions. She died yesterday of COVID-19 pneumonia.
This will be reported in today’s statistics as a death from COVID-19. (10)
14. The fourth was a man, aged 90 – 95 years old, who was a resident of Elderly Residential services
and also had underlying health conditions. He died last night of COVID-19 pneumonia. This will be
reported in today’s statistics as a death from COVID-19. (11)
15. The fifth was a woman, aged 85 – 90 years old, who also had underlying health conditions. She
died today of COVID-19 pneumonia. This will be reported in today’s statistics as a death from
JANUARY 16, 2021
The Government is extremely saddened to confirm 4 further deaths from COVID-19. This brings the
total number of deaths related to COVID-19 in Gibraltar to 34.
16. The first was a woman, aged 85-90 years old, who was a resident of Elderly Residential Services
and had underlying health conditions that made her more vulnerable to the worst effects of the
virus. She died yesterday afternoon of COVID-19 pneumonia. (12)
17. The second was a woman, aged 95-100 years old, who was a resident of ERS and also had
underlying health conditions. She died last night of COVID-19 pneumonia. (13)
18. The third was a man, aged 85-90 years old, who was a resident of ERS and also had underlying
health conditions. He died last night of COVID-19 pneumonia. (14)
19. The fourth was a man, aged 85-90 years old, who also had underlying health conditions. He
died this morning from COVID-19.
These will all be reported in today’s statistics as deaths from COVID-19.
JANUARY 17, 2021
The Government is devastated to have to confirm the loss of 9 members of our community to
COVID-19. All will be recorded in today’s statistics as deaths from COVID-19. This brings the total
number of deaths related to COVID-19 in Gibraltar to 43.
20. The first was a resident of Elderly Residential Services, a man aged 85-90 years old, who also
had underlying health conditions. He died yesterday of COVID-19 pneumonia. (15)
21. The second was a resident of ERS, a man aged 85-90 years old, who also had underlying health
conditions. He died yesterday of COVID-19 pneumonia, and also had an acute kidney injury with
hypernatraemia. (16)
22. The third was a man, aged 65-70 years old, who had underlying health conditions. He died
yesterday of cardiogenic shock and myocardial infarction, arising from COVID-19.
23. The fourth was a resident of ERS, a woman aged 90-95 years old, had underlying health
conditions. She died yesterday of COVID-19 pneumonia and pulmonary embolism. (17)
24. The fifth was a man, aged 80-85 years old, who had underlying health conditions. He died
today of COVID-19 pneumonitis.
25. The sixth was a resident of ERS, a woman aged 70-75 years old, who died today of COVID
pneumonia and lung carcinoma, arising from COPD. (18)
26. The seventh was a resident of ERS, a man aged 85-90 years old, who had underlying health
conditions and died today of COVID-19 pneumonia. (19)
27. The eighth was a resident of ERS, a man aged 90-95 years old, who had underlying health
conditions and died today of COVID-19 pneumonia. (20)
28. The ninth was a resident of ERS, a woman aged 80-85 years old, had underlying health
conditions and died today of COVID-19 pneumonia.
JANUARY 18, 2021
The Government deeply regrets to confirm the deaths of 2 residents of Gibraltar from COVID-19.
This brings the total number of deaths related to COVID-19 in Gibraltar to 45.
29. The first was a resident of Elderly Residential Services, a woman aged 90-95 years old, who had
underlying health conditions. She died yesterday of COVID-19 pneumonia. (21)
30. The second was a woman, aged 80-85 years old, who also had underlying health conditions.
She died today of COVID-19 pneumonia.
31. Both will be recorded in today’s statistics as deaths from COVID-19.
JANUARY 19, 2021
The Government must sadly confirm the deaths of 2 residents of Gibraltar related to COVID-19. The
total number of deaths related to COVID-19 in Gibraltar is now 47.
32. The first was a woman, aged 65-70 years old, who had underlying health conditions. She died
yesterday of COVID-19 pneumonitis. This will be recorded in today’s statistics as a death from
33. The second was a woman, aged 70-75 years old, who was a resident of Elderly Residential
Services. She died today of a cerebrovascular event arising from anticoagulation and
thromboembolic disease, and was also positive for COVID-19 at the time of her death. This will be
reported in today’s statistics as a death with COVID-19. (22)
JANUARY 20, 2021
HMGoG is deeply saddened to confirm the deaths of 6 residents of Gibraltar related to COVID-19.
This brings the total number of deaths related to COVID-19 in Gibraltar to 53.
34. The first was a woman aged 90-95 years old who was a resident of Elderly Residential Services
and who had underlying health conditions. She died yesterday evening of COVID-19 pneumonia.
This will be recorded in today’s statistics as a death from COVID-19. (23)
35. The second was a man aged 80-85 years old, who had underlying health conditions. He died
last night of COVID-19 pneumonitis. This will be recorded in today’s statistics as a death from
36. The third was a woman aged 75-80 years old who was a resident of Elderly Residential Services
and who had underlying health conditions. She died yesterday of COVID-19 pneumonia. This will
be recorded in today’s statistics as a death from COVID-19. (24)
37. The fourth was a man aged 80-85 years old, who died today of severe frailty and advanced
dementia, and had other underlying health conditions. He was also positive for COVID-19 at the
time of his death. This will be recorded in today’s statistics as a death with COVID-19. (25)
38. The fifth was a man aged 70-75 years old, who died today of advanced cerebrovascular disease,
and also had other underlying health conditions. He was also positive for COVID-19 at the time of
his death. This will be recorded in today’s statistics as a death with COVID-19.
39. The sixth was a woman aged 85-90 years old who was a resident of Elderly Residential Services
and who had underlying health conditions. She died today of COVID-19 pneumonia. This will be
recorded in today’s statistics as a death from COVID-19. (26)
JANUARY 21, 2021
HMGoG deeply regrets to confirm 6 further deaths from COVID-19. This brings the total number of
deaths related to COVID-19 in Gibraltar to 59.
40. The first was a resident of Elderly Residential Services, a woman aged 85-90 years old, who had
underlying health conditions. She died yesterday from COVID-19 pneumonia. (27)
41. The second was a resident of ERS, a man aged 90-95 years old, who had underlying health
conditions. He died yesterday from COVID-19 pneumonia. (28)
42. The third was a woman aged 80-85 years old, who had underlying health conditions. She died
yesterday of COVID-19 pneumonitis.
43. The fourth was a man aged 80-85 years old, who had underlying health conditions. He died
yesterday of COVID-19 pneumonitis.
44. The fifth was a resident of ERS, a woman aged 90-95 years old, who had underlying health
conditions. She died today of COVID-19 pneumonia. (29)
45. All will be recorded in today’s statistics as deaths from COVID-19.
The Government has also today received a Coroner’s report confirming that on 7th January 2021, a
woman aged 60-65 years old, who had a history of underlying medical conditions, died of COVID-
19 pneumonitis and myocarditis. This will be recorded in today’s statistics as a death from COVID-
JANUARY 23, 2021
The Government deeply regrets to confirm 3 deaths yesterday afternoon and evening from COVID-
19. This brings the total number of COVID-19 related deaths in Gibraltar to 62.
46. The first was a man, aged 80-85 years old, who had underlying health conditions and died
yesterday from COVID pneumonitis.
47. The second was a resident of Elderly Residential Services, a woman aged 85-90 years old, who
had underlying health conditions and died yesterday from COVID-19 pneumonia. (30)
48. The third was a resident of Elderly Residential Services, a woman aged 85-90 years old, who had
underlying health conditions and died yesterday from COVID-19 pneumonia. (31)
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Maggie, There is no medication outside of hospitalisation that stops Flu or covid flu from progressing to pneumonia, hospitalisation and death, the UK
s NHS were aware of this in 2014 but still in 2020 recommend the same useless drugs to treat severe flu. HCQ + zinc sulphate has been shown do just that, all these flu type virus
s are RNA and all can be stopped from replicating by administering those two drugs, HCQ highers the cells PH and zinc disables RdRp.
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Maggie, There is no medication in the UK outside of hospitalisation that stops Flu or covid flu from progressing to pneumonia, hospitalisation and death, the UK
s NHS were aware of this in 2014 but still in 2020 recommend the same drugs to treat severe flu. HCQ + zinc has been shown do just that, all flu type virus
s are RNA and can probably be stopped from replicating by administering those two drugs, HCQ higher`s the cells PH and zinc disables RdRp.
Daniel Duran
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