2020: Norway’s Coldest Summer in 60 Years – Grand Solar Minimum Hits
Norwegians have been shivering through what’s shaping up to be their coldest July in up to six decades, reports newsinenglish.no.
It’s also been raining a lot, continues the article, and even snowing in the mountains–all while the Arctic islands of Svalbard set records for heat.
And regardless of what the “sold to the highest bidder” MSM would have you believe, this weather pattern is fully expected during a Grand Solar Minimum, it’s the direct result of the historically low solar activity we’re experiencing and, in turn, the resulting “meridional” jet stream flow [click the below link for more on the science]:
State meteorologists have recorded average temperatures of just 14.7C (58F) in Oslo this month, the lowest in almost 30 years. Bergen’s average has been even lower, at 12.8C (55F), with Trondheim checking in at just 12.1C (53.8F), the coldest for almost 60 years. The mercury also sank to a record-busting -4C (24.8F) in the mountains of Folldal, just south of Dovre.
State meteorologist Gunnar Livik confirmed the historic nationwide chill when speaking to news outlet NTB: “In Oslo, we have to go back to 1993 to find such low average temperatures as we’ve had this summer, and back to 1996 in Bergen. In Trondheim, we have to go all the way back to 1962.”
Summer started off warm in June, and the global warming cabal were sighting Norway as proof of their scientifically baseless theory. But then the annual summer holidays started, and the month of July has –with just a few days left– been so anomalously cold that heavy and “unusual” accumulations of summer snow have added to the already record-deep pack left over from winter.
“We had a clear change in the weather at the end of June,” Livik continued.
“July has been a cold month with lots of unstable weather.”
And looking at the latest GFS run, the chill looks set to continue:

Svalbard is hotter than Oslo — and while the MSM is blindly painting this as further proof of their bogus, warm-mongering political agenda (AGW), the FACTS reveal this phenomenon/weather pattern has nothing at-all to do with CO2/man-made global warming (if it does, then why is Oslo suffering historic cold?) and instead has everything to do with the Sun and with the impact low solar activity has on Earth’s jet streams:

The COLD TIMES are returning, the lower latitudes are REFREEZING, in line with historically low solar activity, cloud-nucleating Cosmic Rays, and a meridional jet stream flow. Even NASA appear to agree, if you read between the lines, with their forecast for this upcoming solar cycle (25) seeing it as “the weakest of the past 200 years,” with the agency correlating previous solar shutdowns to prolonged periods of global cooling here.
Prepare accordingly — learn the facts, relocate if need be, and grow your own.
Read more at electroverse.net
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Brian James
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June 25, 2020 Mystery of solar cycle illuminated
In the convection zone of the star, the plasma currents make a huge turnover that lasts about 22 years
Source: Max Planck Institute for Solar System Research
Jun 30, 2020 The Sun & Earth Catastrophe | Randall Carlson/Ben Davidson
Andy Rowlands
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That alarmists of course will claim this is all lies paid for by the oil companies 🙂
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I have read that the reduced UV radiation (from sun) has lead to a reduced heating of the outer atmosphere. As a consequence the atmosphere shrinks. The claim was that this is the reason for the wavy jet stream.
My understanding is that the cooling/shrinking of the outer atmosphere is confirmed by NASA (the real NASA, not GISS)
Would appreciate you comment on this theory.