2017: So, What’s Been Achieved?
Now that 2017 has come and gone, we wanted to remind you, our faithful supporters, of important achievements at Principia Scientific International (PSI) during the year. Please take a few moments to read our seasonal message and give generously, to ensure 2018 is even better.
Essentially, PSI reached three key milestones in 2017, all made possible thanks to thousands of grassroots supporters worldwide.
Michael ‘Hockey Stick’ Mann’s ‘Concessions’ to Tim Ball
First, our founding chairman, Dr Tim Ball revealed exciting news about his heroic six-year battle against a major player of post-normal, junk science. In February Tim won “concessions” from Dr Michael Mann in the long-running “science trial of the century.” Tim’s Canadian legal team has now filed for full dismissal of Mann’s cynical SLAPP libel suit.
On the Cusp of a Greenhouse Gas Paradigm Shift
Second, 2017 has brought literally dozens of peer-reviewed studies exposing the discredited greenhouse gas theory. A decade’s worth of pioneering work by PSI’s independent researchers is finally bringing about one of science’s most important paradigm shifts. Even ‘respectable’ journals are being forced to recognise the idea carbon dioxide (CO2) warms anything (or delays cooling!) was only ever just that – an idea. In reality, CO2 is proven only to cool, never warm.
Remember, this momentous transition began from very small beginnings in 2010. Then a small international team authored what will come to be regarded as one of the most important science books of our time, ‘Slaying the Sky Dragon: Death of the Greenhouse Gas Theory.’
At PSI we know none of the above would have happened without you, our growing army of supporters, book buyers, and donors. Your donations ensure independent scientists and researchers have the tools they need to keep communicating worldwide and effectively in open, transparent, and collaborative research.
Fully-incorporated Non-profit
And, thirdly, Principia Scientific International itself, came of age. We have a change of status from a private organisation into a fully-fledged non-profit with an office based in London, England (address below). PSI is henceforth regulated under UK law as a Community Interest Company (CIC). Our operations will be strictly overseen and accounts published annually. So, when you give to PSI, you have the confidence of knowing your donation is strictly applied on features and capabilities that help make science more open.
Helping Us to Help You
PSI serves a crucial charitable purpose in an age of fake news: advocating worldwide for honest research, as embodied in the traditional scientific method. We challenge fake science claims and identify reliable, empirical evidence helping readers to better inform themselves. We can be trusted because we do not toe any party-political line: we serve only objective science as defined by Karl Popper.
Giving just $25 gives you the peace of mind knowing you personally made a difference keeping alive a unique, ad-free, non-subscription service. By voluntarily donating you ensure PSI’s website maintains a unique and fresh mix of original scientific articles and select third-party news stories, relevant to our defense of the traditional scientific method.
Help us today to oppose the post-normal culture of junk science and spread the word.
Please support Principia Scientific International with a donation today. Please give $25 (or any amount you can afford) via our secure PayPal service. The yellow ‘Donate’ button is on the right side of our main web page. #SupportPSI
Best wishes for Christmas and 2018 to all our readers and loyal contributors,
John O’Sullivan, CEO
PSI CIC is legally registered in the UK as a company incorporated for charitable purposes (Company no: 10824140). Head Office: 27 Old Gloucester Street, London WC1N 3AX. Telephone: Calls from within the UK: 020 7419 5027. International dialling: (44) 20 7419 5027
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