2015 – The Dark Ages All Over Again?
The march of the ‘greener than thou’ brigade is showing itself to be one of the most powerful and destructive man-made forces the world has ever seen.
And a quick aside: there is no such thing as a “global temperature”, knowing as fact that such a conjured up parameter is based on just a few thousand weather stations spread across a tiny portion of the earth’s 29{154653b9ea5f83bbbf00f55de12e21cba2da5b4b158a426ee0e27ae0c1b44117} land, with none at the Poles, none in the oceans and some stations being treated as giving the temperature of entire countries?! It is a truly meaningless parameter and the “amount of warming” has recently been expressed as being in the hundredths of one degree Celsius – you couldn’t make this up if you wanted to. Plus, the earth stations have been proven to have been tampered with so that cooling trends have been fabricated into warming trends.
The only accurate measurements of atmospheric temperatures are by satellite and they show no warming for almost 20 years now.
Where’s the evidence?
Keep in mind as well that there has never yet been any scientific empirical evidence of the influence of the total amount of carbon dioxide, let alone the tiny percentage of human production.
Over and above the fact that human output is tiny compared to powerful natural forces over which humans have no control either, there does not exist any evidence whatsoever that atmospheric carbon dioxide can cause any warming of the atmosphere or the earth’s surface itself – it is in fact a physical impossibility.
Just consider these words of wisdom by American scientist Alan Siddons, from 2008:
If ‘greenhouse gases’ absorb but do not emit, then they can’t be regarded as radiative heating agents for anything. On the other hand, if greenhouse gases do emit what they absorb, then they can’t be said to “trap” radiation.
Every planet with sufficient gravity to hold onto a substantial atmosphere shows a temperature gradient (adiabatic) like the earth’s, warmer as you approach the surface – and always far warmer than radiative physics allows (= P/4 ed.). Every planet. Despite evidence now available to us, however, trace gas heating theory has a firm grip on the minds of skeptic and believer alike.
Decades more will pass before this 19th century conjecture is abandoned. An image speaks louder than words, so herewith an image that ought to make you step back and think:
For a proper scientific reason as to why a cooler gas can not make an already warmer planet any warmer, Canadian scientist Joe Postma explains:
There are only two terms to consider: Thot^4 and Tcool^4. Q’ = HEAT FLOW = k*(Thot^4 – Tcool^4). Both the cold source and the hot source emit energy, but HEAT, Q’, only flows from hot to cold and heat is what is required to raise temperature. That’s it; nothing else to discuss. Cold doesn’t warm hot because it doesn’t have the power, even when it shines towards hot. Cold doesn’t have the higher frequencies that hot already has, hence can’t add higher frequencies to hot, hence can’t make hot hotter. The radiative heat flow equation is found in textbooks.
So that’s the beginning and the end of any possible argument over whether or not any atmospheric gas, be it carbon dioxide, water vapor or methane can warm planet Earth more than the Sun can do.
We all know what it feels like to have skin exposed to wind: it feels cool because moving air takes heat from the body. In earth’s open atmosphere, air including carbon dioxide removes heat from earth’s surface. The fact that carbon dioxide can absorb heat means that it is a better coolant. Gases in the open atmosphere cool earth and so cannot heat earth.
Remember, satellite measurements of the entire troposphere, that’s the lower atmosphere that contains most of earth’s air, show there is no warming of the atmosphere – no hotspot. That’s why people alarmed about climate neglect to tell us that carbon dioxide is a coolant and won’t use the only reliable measurement of atmospheric temperature, satellites.
There is only one function of all atmospheric gases: they COOL the surface, some more than others, but none can make it warmer. The atmosphere obtains its temperature from the earth’s surface, which in turn has received the energy from the sun.
The well-understood adiabatic process, which explains how gases behave in a gravitational field, such as our atmosphere, does not add energy to the surface. Such a process merely determines and explains the rate of heat-transport between the surface and the higher atmosphere, all the time carrying heat off the surface and transporting it to the upper layers of the atmosphere, where radiation by carbon dioxide and water vapor allows the atmosphere to shed its heat into the void that we call space.
Get the facts; make the right decisions.
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