17 Good Reasons to Reject the Rushed Vaccines
Below are seventeen key points from a highly-informative video by Dr Sherri Tenpenny, a medical doctor prominent as a critic of the Astra Zeneca vaccine.
This video should make you very reluctant to get the COVID19 jab – or for that matter, any other vaccine, as they all have considerable risks.
This well-credentialed doctor explains the science in depth. It may be a bit technical in parts. But it confirms in general what numerous other highly credentialed doctors, immunologists, and virologist specialists have been warning us about – there are clear and undeniable dangers in all these vaccines.
Following are the main points:
- Over past decades, all vaccines have had to be tested for many years before being approved, but due to the massively exaggerated fake fear about COVID 19, these vaccines are being dispensed with almost no proper testing!
- It has been proven that Ivermectin or Hydroxychlorquin cures COVID (and all corona viruses) within days, and at very low cost. THERE IS NO NEED TO HAVE A VACCINE. The Elite and Big Pharma are blocking these drugs that have been available for over 60 years and which have no side effects. They are doing this so they can sell their vaccines and make hundreds of billions of dollars profit.
- Taking a quarter of a Zinc tablet per day greatly increases one’s immunity to all viruses.
- The Astra Zenica (AZ) vaccine is kept very cold so it doesn’t decompose, yet they warm it to room temperature when they inject it into your warm body!
- A number of European countries have banned the AZ vaccine because it is causing hundreds of people to develop dangerous blood clots.
- The lipid coating on the AZ vaccine causes hundreds of people to go into a potentially deadly allergic reaction and anaphylactic shock.
- None of the COVID vaccines are FDA approved because they have been so rushed.
- The AZ vaccine can irreversibly change your DNA with potentially dangerous consequences. In the coming years, we will see what this has done to people. Autoimmune diseases, cardiovascular disease, lung and kidney diseases are expected to rise markedly and cause many early deaths. The vaccine antibody spike affects 28 different cells in our body, particularly mitochondria cells that provide us with energy, so people experience profound fatigue. It also effects brain tissue.
- Because AZ is so ineffective, the company is saying that people have to get two shots – to double their profit. Government politicians know no science, so they are like sheep being led to the abattoir.
- Our immune system builds antibodies to the seasonal flu naturally, and the flu is far more life-threatening for sick and old people than COVID 19. The vast majority of people who test positive for COVID have no symptoms at all! (Covid is a political tool used by the Elites and China to cause irrational fear to control the masses and stop Trump from being the President because he was stopping them from robbing the people worldwide.)
- It has been known for two decades that flu shots provide very little protection to catching the flu because the flu virus has usually mutated by the time they get it. COVID has already mutated into 5 different strains, yet Big Pharma’s vaccines are designed for the first one that most people now have herd immunity to.
- Pfizer and Moderna vaccines are experimental and never before tested. They have got them approved under Emergency Utilization Authorization – for a virus that for most people is no worse than the common cold – if they have any symptoms at all!
- There are no animal studies or long-term effect studies. We are the guinea pigs.
- Johnson and Johnson’s vaccine can cause acute inflammation that kills weak people.
- As of Mar 11, there were 1,300 reported deaths and rising to vaccines. The CDC reported that 19,000 adverse events that In just one week, went to 25,000! But that figure only captures around 10 percent of these cases, so the real number would be 250,000 and growing rapidly. If any other product or drug was killing or effecting this many people so quickly, it would be immediately banned, and the manufacturing company sued to high heaven. Big Pharma gets agreements that want their vaccines to agree that they can never be sued. Taxpayers have to wear the cost of litigation.
- Masks provide virtually no protection. Viruses are so small compared to even a cell that they go straight through a mask. Masks are like trying to catch a small ball bearing with a cargo net. Politicians use masks to make people fearful so they can bring in laws to control them – such as self-imprisonment in their own homes.
- States in the US and countries in the EU that enforce lockdowns and masks have no better infection rates than those that don’t.
More at www.youtube.com
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Plus, as the article published on Principia on March 16th tells us, life insurance companies are refusing to pay out if the deceased dies after having gotten the jab. And the companies delay insuring… won’t insure?… anyone who has had the jab.
G Spinolae
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Doesn’t anyone proof-read these articles before hitting “publish”?
The numerous typos (eg. “AV Vaccine”) compromise credibility.
Reference to “Mitochondrial Cells”, along with several other nonsensical phrases, actually even suggests ignorance of basic cellular biology.
Principia has become an important “Reference Point” for people seeking credible scientific information; so it is profoundly dissappointing to see articles containing such slipdhod carelessness.
denis dombas
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I think that your observation has no merit, since when people need to get “vaccines” for something as benign as this virus where 99.98% of people have no consequences.They are using genome therapy substances that are not even vaccines.”Virus” is so dangerous that we need PCR test(that can’t verify existence of virus) and “vaccines are so safe that they are being forced on population.By using just common sense I can see here global agenda either to depopulate planet or make people more dependant on pharmaceutical drugs!
Doug Harrison
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Denis, nowhere did G Spinolae dispute the main thrust of this posting. However he was quite right to criticise the very slopppy way it was written. It does our cause no good to be so obviously inaccurate and lowers the credibility of other articles by association.
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I must be lucky; as well as having no German bombs fall on me in London, I’ve been given vaccines ever since I was one year old (1941), and never had any of the illnesses supposedly prevented by them (diphtheria, polio, tbc, smallpox, tetanus). I have had flu (1950s and 1960s) but not for the last 20 years or so (I forget when I started flu jabs), nor has my wife. I have had mumps and measles in my teens but never again, for which there were no vaccines. I had an anaphylactic reaction once, after the sixth and hefty dose of product against hay fever, getting an immediate adrenalin jab. Never had any adverse reaction to any medical treatment of any type. Thanks maybe to the Italian diet and lots of exercise, I’m not cardiopathic, diabetic, obese, cancerous, nor a drunk nor a smoker. I note that here in Europe almost a million have died (we are told) of CV, which would be about 20% of all deaths occurring anyway and mostly OAPs, so I think the alarm like all alarms, is largely false. Humanity has been looking for vaccines for over 2000 years, and we cannot forget Jenner. Once it was clear that milkmaids did not get smallpox, he tried cow’s blood on himself. A hypothesis that worked. Let’s hear some more hypotheses on how to get rid of malaria and suchlike rather than complaints on what does work and earns money that could be well spent on developing those hypotheses.
John Doran
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James, you would appear to be completely oblivious to the elite depopulation agenda, or UN Agenda 21, for a 95% reduction in world population.
To get rid of, as Kissinger so charmingly put, us “useless eaters”.
May I suggest you look up The Georgia Guidestones?
May I recommend you read Dr. Tim Ball’s great little handbook for the layman:
Human Caused Global Warming The Biggest Deception In History?
The elite motives behind this covid fraud are exactly those behind the warming/climate fraud: depopulation, one world govt & a feudal future of Lords & just enough serfs to service them.
Scouse Billy
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“It is stated over and over again that, down to the year 1800, small-pox deaths were excessive, but that from the very introduction of vaccination in 1800 they began to decrease, and have been getting less and less ever since. No other disease, it is said, has decreased in the same striking manner.
(2) This being the very foundation of the supposed evidence in favour of vaccination it is necessary to examine it closely, when it will be found to be wholly worthless, and to illustrate in a striking manner the complete ignorance of doctors, and also of the Royal [[p. 6]] Commissioners, of the very elements of statistical enquiry. This requires some little explanation, though it is really a very simple matter.
In order to be able to study the effect of any alleged cause of improved health of the community, we must compare the death-rates before and after the introduction of the supposed cause of improvement (in this case vaccination), and also compare these with the death-rates from other groups of diseases, and from all causes. These facts are given by the Registrar-General in tables showing the number of deaths each year in each million of the population. Now, small-pox, many fevers, cholera, etc. are what are termed epidemic diseases, which attack large populations at irregular intervals with great severity, while at other times they are far less fatal or more local. Hence the yearly death-rates vary enormously. In 1796 more than 4,000 per million died of small-pox in London, while in the next year there were only about 800, and the following year (1798) over 3,000. Again, in 1870 less than 100 per million died of it, while in 1871 there were about 300, and in 1872 about 2,500. Thus the figures go increasing and decreasing so suddenly and so irregularly, that by taking only a few years at one period, and a few at another, you can show an increase or a decrease according to what you wish to prove. Hence it is often ignorantly said that figures can be made to prove anything. But this is quite untrue. They can often be made to show anything, which is quite another matter; but if properly exhibited and compared they lead to one conclusion only; they show the truth."
Alfred Russell Wallace