12 Reasons to Reject Vaccination

Below, I’m pleased to share this page with you after research and compilation of about one thousand hours over two years. In my early life I got the usual vaccinations. Then I did some vaccination research. That was enough to convince anyone to become a strong advocate for freedom of choice, something vehemently opposed by our governments.

Let’s make people aware of this evidence that lawfully they must be given. After you read these 12 Reasons, please create a personal plan to send it to everyone you communicate with, as well as politicians, media, schools and health practitioners.

We can save many lives worldwide, especially now that untested toxic covid injections are being forced on people.
Best regards,
Dennis Stevenson ‘Truth is never afraid of investigation’

12 Reasons to Reject Vaccination

New England Journal of Medicine: Chief Editor Marcia Angell MD., ‘It is simply no longer possible to believe much of the clinical research that is published, or to rely on the judgement of trusted physicians or authoritative medical guidelines’. Lancet Chief Editor Richard Horton, ‘… much of the scientific literature,  perhaps half, may simply be untrue.. flagrant conflicts of interest.. science has taken a turn towards darkness.’

  1.  Manufacturers list vax ingredients as mercury, aluminium, insect cells, squalene, pig gelatin, phenol, Simian (SV40) virus, hydrochloric acid, cow fetus, formaldehyde, cancer tumors, aborted baby cells, sorbitol & monkey cells. Vaccine contaminants include lead, cyanide, tin, arsenic, urea (urine waste).
  2. Manufacturers warn vax side effects include polio, cot death [SIDS], paralysis, cancer, encephalitis, multiple sclerosis [MS], autism, convulsions, meningitis, anaphyalaxis and death. Claiming vax protect us from disease is contradicted as authorities report vaccinated patients can catch disease from – and also infect – both the vaxed and unvaxed. Impossible if vax work.
  3. No vax has ever been scientifically tested (double blind, randomised, long- term, inert placebo study) to show: a) if vax work, b) safety, and c) which group is healthier. The US Health Department was exposed in a landmark 2018 court loss after claiming for 32 years that vax were safe, despite having no proof and never once doing the legally required annual safety research ordered by Congress.
  4. Vax ignores 18 critical, life-saving medical & legal requirements. Before any vax, the patient’s current illness, medical history, age, sex, weight, allergies, race & medications should be examin- ed and a risk-benefit analysis done. Their doctor must disclose all ingredients, a list of harmful effects (up to 140 per vax) & get informed con- sent. A written prescription is essential & must identify the doctor, patient (never groups) and list the disease, vaccine, dose and duration.
  5. The main cause of disease is toxemia/ blood poisoning from ingesting drugs and adulterated, processed, chemicalised, irradiated, GE, artificial food/drink. Our bodies are self healing, needing rest, sunlight, pure water/air, fresh organic food (often raw), exercise, sleep, fasting, doing what we love and a positive outlook: none offered by the trillion dollar medico/pharma industry. These traditional laws of health & disease contrast medical training, which is based on suppressing & removing symptoms with perilous and costly chemotherapy, surgery, radiation and drugs, not on understanding and teaching the above conditions our bodies need to eliminate toxins and self repair. Our choices result in either vigorous health or chronic illness.
  6. Autism exploded from 1 in 10,000 to 1 in 25 (2020) after MMR [Measles/Mumps/Rubella] vax began in the US in 1974. Drug Co. Sanofi Pasteur warned: ‘Adverse events include autism.’ Dr H. Wang, Director Special Needs Children, reported in 2005: ‘The autism rate for Amish [who don’t vax] in Ohio was 1 in 15,000.’In 2004, CDC [Centres for Disease Control] researchers found a huge rise in autism in African American boys under age 3 after MMR vax. Sen/Scientist Dr William Thompson admitted his CDC team falsified and then tried to erase this proof that vax causes autism. US laws bar vax Co’s being sued. In the tax funded ‘Vax Court’ with US $4.4 billion [$6.16 Aust] damages awarded, in 83 trials the court found vax caused autism.
  1. A US Health Dept. study by Harvard Medical School found less than 1 per cent of vax injuries/ deaths are reported. Doctors & scientists who expose vax harm are vilified, defunded, persecuted and are not published – actions that ignore 200 years of other medical disasters: thalidomide, mercury, lead, dioxin, childbed fever carnage [doctors refusing to scrub up], asbestos, DES, Medical Journals endorsing smoking, Prozac, ECT, Vioxx, lobotomy, CFS, fluoridation, dieldrin, etc.All were claimed, as are vax, to be safe and effective despite proof of injury and death to millions of people & multi-billions in public costs. In Australia, authorities reveal that every year, at least 18,000 deaths and 50,000 permanent injuries are caused by doctors, drugs, vax & in hospitals. Only we can decide whether we or our children take drugs. This unalienable right is confirmed by Australia’s Commonwealth Constitution S.51 xxiii A.
  2. Medicine and vax are based on a refuted theory about germs by Louis Pasteur who plagiarised [stole from] and misinterpreted the brilliant scientist Dr. Antoine Béchamp, who demonstrated disease is caused by toxemia: (a build up of metabolic waste/ toxins). Professor/ Sir Alexander Ross MD., Fellow of the Royal Society of England, ‘I do not question the existence of infinitesimal micro-organisms but they are the result, not the cause, of disease. They are the scavengers; their legitimate work is to clean out the sewers of our bodies. Wherever there is decay, pus or decomposing matters, these little lifesavers are doing their work of neutralisation, sanitation and purification…’. Three crucial questions medicine has never reasonably answered; i. How can we have germs and not the disease they allegedly cause? ii. How can we have a disease but not the germs claimed to cause it? iii. How can germs mutate? e.g. change from smallpox to polio? The answer? Our amazing bodies internally create bacteria to heal us. They do not attack healthy tissue. Without them the body would die.
  3. Worldwide government statistics show infectious diseases e.g. chickenpox, Flu, measles, polio, TB, smallpox, etc. were in major decline decades before widespread vax due to improvements in hygiene. Medical historians record disease causes as rats, slums, fouled water (animal/ human waste), diseased milk, poverty, polluted air, malnutrition, child labour & despair. Rectified with new building and labor laws, sanitation, isolation, cleaning, electricity, nutrition etc. Not vax. Vaxers usually disguise this with graphs showing statistics after vax not before.
  4. A child’s developing immune system is wired to benefit from mild diseases, establishing life-long immunity. By thwarting this developmental stage with vax, adult exposure to disease can be fatal. In declaring vax‘ unavoidably unsafe’, the US Congress confirmed that as there are no guaranteed vax benefits, all vaccines are experimental. Despite this, Australia’s 2020 Vaccine Schedule is: 50 vax by age six; 73 by age 18 and 150 vax by age 65.
  5. Every vax injects and infects us with disease. The result is that disease epidemics occur almost exclusively in vaxed regions. Independent studies show the claim that herd immunity prevents epidemics if 95% of people are vaxed is a lethal error. England, 1871-72: with 98% of ages two to 50 vaxed with smallpox – 45,000 died of smallpox. Germany had 96% vaxed & 125,000 smallpox deaths. In 1940, Germany made Diphtheria vax compulsory. By 1945 diphtheria cases had soared from 40,000 to 250,000.
  6. The Australian Federal Treasury (under F.O.I. laws) publicly released proof ‘the Australian government is a US company’. Search this and ‘10 Commercial Maxims’, ‘Affidavits’, ‘Notices’, ‘Private Administrative Processes’ & ‘Commercial Liens’ [ each with ‘+ strawman’]. Like Coles, no company has lawful power to compel anything. These senior laws protect our freedoms and health by holding vaxers/ all company agents personally & financially liable for any abuse of our rights.

* Research these facts in the amazing 732 page interactive eBook ‘1200 Studies’  (free download).

  • View the brilliant series ‘Every vax causes harm’ by Dr. Andrew Moulden. • Support pro-freedom- of-choice doctors, childrenshealthdefense.org, MP’s & avn.org.au • Be grateful for all experiences. What we give out, returns. Send love/receive love.
  • Buy the NZ Journal of Natural Medicine.
  • Call a vax People’s Court & Royal Commission.
  • Get healthy.
  • Network: build teams, fundraise.
  • Ask friends, ‘Is there any point you disagree with?’
  • Tell the world: letterbox, door knock, noticeboards, street tables, talkback, hand-outs, land signs, publish full-page ads, car stickers, windows, home meetings.
  • Runa Save Lives education campaign.
  • Introduce a Binding Citizens Initiated Referendum law [BCIR] as the Swiss successfully did 150 years ago.*

Reclaimer: This education is free and not medical, legal or psychiatric advice. ©2020 All Rights Reserved.

Email: [email protected]


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Comments (1)

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    Nick Schroeder


    85.6% of C-19 CASES are among those UNDER 65 years of age.
    80.1% of C-19 DEATHS are among those OVER 65 years of age.
    24% of C-19 deaths occurred in nursing homes and hospice care.

    The death rate for those over 85: 11,313 per million.
    The death rate for those 75 – 84: 4,404 per million.
    The death rate for those 65 – 74: 1,641 per million.
    The death rate for those under 65: less than 700 per million.

    Japan has the highest global percentage of 65+, 27%, yet just over 2,000 deaths.
    What do they know/do the rest of the world does not?
    That would take some actual journalism, i.e. not you.

    Covid-19 is not a problem for the young and healthy herd.
    Mother Nature and her buddy Grim Reaper are just doing their jobs, culling the herd of the too many, too old, too sick warehoused too close together as Medicare/Medicaid cash cows in poorly run contagious lethal elder care facilities.

    The US, Brazil, India, Mexico and the UK together have more C-19 deaths than the ENTIRE rest of the world combined.
    The top ten countries account for more than 2/3rds of the global deaths.
    Covid-19 is NOT a wide-spread, contagious, lethal pandemic.

    NYC and six states together account for more C-19 deaths than the ENTIRE rest of the country combined.
    The top fourteen states plus NYC account for over 70% of the C-19 deaths.
    Covid-19 is NOT a national problem.

    Denver, Arapahoe, Jefferson and Adams counties together have more C-19 deaths than the ENTIRE rest of Colorado.
    The top ten Colorado counties account for 87% of the C-169 deaths.
    Covid-19 is NOT a state-wide problem.

    There are about 2.8 MILLION deaths every year in the US.
    That’s about 233,000 PER MONTH
    53,800 PER WEEK
    7,700 PER DAY
    320 PER HOUR!!!!!!!!!!!

    Nationwide Covid-19 deaths are about 9% of all deaths, but each state is a different story.
    Leading the pack NYC Covid-19 represents almost 30% of ALL deaths.

    Good job, Cuomo!!

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