Jay Bhattacharya: To Be or Not to Be
Yesterday, the academic physician (full Professor at Stanford, no less) once vilified by former NIH Director Francis Collins as a “fringe epidemiologist”, Director of NIH nominee Dr. Jay Bhattacharya, testified before the Senate in a confirmation hearing.
Having listened to various clips and read commentary from both mainstream media and alternative media, I am convinced that not only will Dr. Bhattacharya sail through the committee hearing, but the Senate will also promptly confirm him.
In his opening remarks, Dr. Bhattacharya stated that “a culture of coverup, obfuscation, and a lack of tolerance for ideas that differed from theirs” had characterized the official federal COVID response.
He promised to create an agency that would tolerate and even encourage dissent. Elaborating on the point, he said: “Dissent is the very essence of science,”
In response to questioning about his stance on vaccines, Dr. Bhattacharya stated that he fully supports children being vaccinated for diseases like measles. When further questioned about the link between autism and vaccination, he remarked, “I don’t generally believe there is a link, based on my review of the literature.” He then added that the NIH should fund research to prove or disprove the theory conclusively.
Transcript of the above clip:

Senator Jost Hawley: And I just want to ask you about that. In my remaining moments here. I had the opportunity to question one of the co-authors of the now infamous proximal origin paper, Dr. Robert Gary is the individual who I had the opportunity to question.
He wrote that paper on March 17th, 2020. You probably remember, doctor, this is the paper that infamously stated, and I’m going to quote it now, that the “SARS-CoV-2 is not a laboratory construct or a manipulated virus.” Under questioning by me, Dr. Gary admitted he actually had no knowledge of that at the time.
He wrote that in March of 2020. He had no evidence to suggest that was the case. This was in fact a piece of purist propaganda.
He has since had many of his research products withdrawn from peer-reviewed journals because he hasn’t followed appropriate peer-reviewed standards. This effort, this propaganda effort, and that paper, as you remember, was used as the basis of government-directed censorship to those in the scientific community like yourself to millions of ordinary Americans.
The net effectiveness was a tremendous loss in confidence by the American people in the NIH and in our public health officials. You and I discussed the vital importance of restoring some of that credibility. Talk to us about how you see going about doing that:
Dr. Jay Bhattacharya; Senator, that episode is a low point in the history of science. The top officials of the NIH abused their position to hide the support for research that may have caused the pandemic. And I commit to making sure that all of the activity at NIH, not just going backward, but also going forward, are transparent and open to the American people to Congress. That’s vitally important for the future of the NIH and for the future of science itself. Thank you.
Fetal Tissue Research
Jay Bhattacharya also responded to a question from Senator Josh Hawley and said that he would oppose the use of aborted fetal tissue in research, saying that it is essential to respond to ethical concerns from the public and that there are alternatives, other methods to use in scientific research.
Bernie Sanders: “Will you help lead that movement?”
Senator Bernie Sanders led the questioning and comments on the issue of children and junk food.
My friend Rav Aurora points out that in the clip below, there was a spectacular moment of bipartisan unity, where Senator Sanders and Dr. Bhattacharya seem to agree to work together on clamping down on junk food in some capacity.
Senator Sander’s tone at the confirmation hearing suggests that he knows Dr. Jay Bhattacharya will be confirmed and that he might even vote for him! Sander’s tone and body posture were light years away from the synthetic, manufactured and harmonized attacks he aimed at HHS Secretary Robert F. Kennedy during his confirmation hearing!
The “Take Away” from Mainstream Media:
The Senate committee confirmation hearing was unusually, even radically bipartisan, and even mainstream media was charmed by Dr. Bhattacharya’s good-naturedness. His humble and learned responses set precisely the right tone. Even the New York Times couldn’t muster up any angry opposition to his nomination. Their headline from the hearing being: “A New Way of Thinking About the NIH.”

Even Stat News, the progressive and mainstream medical lay press mouthpiece that primarily represents the POV of Boston biopharma, and which attacks President Trump whenever possible, quoted important scientists singing his praises, writing that:
Now, if confirmed by the Senate, Bhattacharya will be entrusted with directing the U.S. National Institutes of Health, the biggest funder of biomedical research in the world — and if you ask many of his collaborators about him, a very different Bhattacharya emerges. “I do think Jay is a reasonable person, not an ideologue,” said Mark Hlatky, a Stanford professor of health policy and medicine.
“If there’s anyone I wanted to be making the case to the president about the value of science to solve problems and contribute to economic prosperity, it would be Jay Bhattacharya right now,” said Dana Goldman, director of the University of Southern California’s Schaeffer Center for Health Policy and Economics.
The Takeaway
I could find no evidence that Congress members “ring-fenced” Dr. Bhattacharya in any way, which is important.
I am hopeful that he can implement his shared vision of a more efficient, transparent, and less authoritarian National Institute of Health with the right staff.
To conclude: Dr. Bhattacharya did a fantastic job yesterday. I can’t wait to see what he accomplishes as Director of NIH once confirmed!
See more here malone.news
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Saeed Qureshi
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My take on Dr. Bhattacharya’s comments on the Senate committee hearing from the article is as follows:
Dr. Bhattacharya stated that he fully supports children being vaccinated for diseases like measles.
It is unfortunate that Dr. Bhattacharya believes in measles (virus). The opinion reflects his medical education and training, which taught him to believe in viruses and the reason for infection or illness (measles), for which there is no actual scientific evidence. I hope he will reconsider his long-held belief in medical science, which, in reality, is fake and false science.
About the link between autism and vaccination, he stated, “I don’t generally believe there is a link, based on my review of the literature.”
Again, it reflects his dependence on medical literature, which has been shown, more so recently, troubling, i.e., factually weak or false.
I suggest he seek help from actual science, chemistry, the fundamental science for medicines, as medicines are chemicals, including vaccines.
I wish him the best for his role in a highly prestigious assignment.
More on my views may be found here (https://bioanalyticx.com/viruses-vaccines-disaster-manufactured-by-medical-experts/)