1 Lost Life and Many Injured in EV Related Cargo Ship Fire. Enough Already…?

Breaking news this morning as a cargo ship fire has claimed one life and injured many others.

With another 3,000+ cars lost on top of the 3,000+ from the burning of the Felicity Dawn last year, is that enough for EV transport now?

What does this mean for car manufacturers…?

Source: YouTube

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Comments (5)

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    Not quite as deadly as the “covid” vaxxes just yet.


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    Mobile Crematoriums mandated for all.

    Equity for All.


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    Another unintended consequence the liberal global warmers never want to think about. EVs…a totally lost cause in the crusade to change the world from dumb to dumber.


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    Tom Anderson


    This is not a “more-unsinkable Titanic” problem, but a “better way to cross the Atlantic” problem, Air travel solved that one. I am a committed ICE vehicle fan and restorer, but the “safer battery” question is intriguing. It is much simpler with an almost sensible and much cheaper answer than the “fireproof-automotive-space” one. Several battery types are in the works already.

    For example, Graphene Manufacturing Group, Brisbane (GMG), Australia, in association with the University of Queensland, recently (Mar. 23 this year) received approval for its partially automated assembly equipment for its grapheme-aluminium battery cell. The equipment is to automate simple steps in assembling its “pouch” cells. The company considers this important for the next stage of its development.

    Testing and experiments show that the graphene sluminium-Ion battery has higher energy and power densities than the current leading Lithium-Ion Battery technology. The battery in progress is interchangeable with batteries currently used, and gives up to 3 times longer battery life with up to 70 TIMES FASTER CHARGE TIMES. It is manufactured from hugely abundant and cheap carbon and aluminium, and uses no toxic or “politically sensitive” rare-earth materials. The manufacturer is working in collaboration with Queensland University in Australia in this project. The race is on. Who will win the better battery competition?


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    EV’s Unsafe at any speed! ???


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