What Happens When An Elderly Woman Rejects The Covid ‘Vaccine’

Update 4: four of my mother’s “vaccinated” friends have died in the last six months

Friend 1 (Pfizer shots 1 & 2, plus booster): turbo cancer

Friend 2 (Pfizer shots 1 & 2, plus 2 boosters): aplastic anemia

Friend 3 (Pfizer shots 1 & 2, unsure of how many boosters): blood clots and stroke

Friend 4 (Pfizer shots 1 & 2, unsure of how many boosters): turbo cancer

My mother has been very upset about the loss of her dear friends, but she appreciates the real cause of these murders, and often says, “I am so proud of myself for having the intuition to reject these “vaccines.””

UPDATE 3: Now that my mother has finally been rescued from NYC, her deranged sociopathic ex-gerontologist may now be fully exposed.

Dr. Michael Perskin’s online reviews are rather poor, though still far too high for the kind of iatrocide services he provides his elderly patients; to wit:

A negative five-star review for Dr. Mini Mengele Perskin would be far too generous based on my interactions with him.

But what the above pair of most recent reviews fail to mention is that the not-so-good doctor pushes deadly medicines on his patients, not limited to the slow kill bioweapon COVID-19 “vaccines.”

In my mother’s case, he was writing her AMBIEN sleeping pill prescriptions for many years despite my innumerable warnings. I explained to Dr. Perskin that AMBIEN is incredibly dangerous, especially as a long-term “treatment.”

I cited the manufacturers very own statements that, “AMBIEN is a prescription sleep medicine for the short-term treatment of adults who have trouble falling asleep (insomnia).”

Surely, the not-so-good doctor was aware of the important safety data that I shared with him?

In 2015, the American Geriatrics Society said that zolpidem, eszopiclone and zaleplon met the Beers criteria and should be avoided in individuals 65 and over “because of their association with harms balanced with their minimal efficacy in treating insomnia.”[25][26] The AGS stated the strength of the recommendation that older adults avoid zolpidem is “strong” and the quality of evidence supporting it is “moderate.”[26] —Wikipedia

Of course, all of my many concerns were unheeded and mocked, not limited to my mother’s age (over 65), her sleep-walking episodes, her binge eating, etc.

And so the not-so-good doctor kept on prescribing this pernicious drug as a long-term treatment (over a decade) to a geriatric right up until my mother slept-walked her way into a blackout that finally resulted in a catastrophic accident.

I would find my mother lying on the kitchen floor of her NYC apartment in a state of delirium a full 12 hours after she collapsed in the middle of the night. She was moaning and in great pain from a badly shattered hip.

To say that I was surprised by this shocking incident would be a gross understatement.

Dr. Perskin would never take any responsibility for causing my mother this kind of life altering suffering; he would not even bother to meaningfully check up on his patient after her major surgery.

This doctor also attempted to prescribe my mother diabetes medications, but, thankfully, my mother completely cured her condition by sufficiently altering her diet (the binge eating ended when the AMBIEN was no longer administered).

He also attempted to prescribe my mother statins, which I had instantly put the kibosh on.

He attempted to push the toxic and wholly ineffective flu shots on my mother, which she for the most part avoided.

As a clueless, yet balefully dogmatic vaccine peddler, Dr. Perskin would also bully his patients into accepting the harmful shingles “vaccines.”

Of his half dozen exceedingly low-grade research publications, five of them pertain to vaccines.

In February 2013, Dr. Perskin was one of the authors of a “study” entitled, Studying Physician Knowledge, Attitudes, and Practices Regarding the Herpes Zoster Vaccine to Address Perceived Barriers to Vaccination which laughably concluded the following:

Not only increased knowledge but also a change in attitudes and practice are needed to enhance implementation of national recommendations. To improve use of this vaccine, physicians including ophthalmologists need to recommend it more strongly.

Except that all RCT studies of these herpes zoster vaccines do not establish clear efficacy, and all have shown risky safety profiles; thus, his “research” was nothing more than medical agitprop.

Five years later the more depraved “research” study was published by Dr. Perksin entitled, Evaluating Physician Attitudes and Practices Regarding Herpes Zoster Vaccination


Purpose: To investigate the knowledge, attitudes, and practice patterns of primary care physicians regarding administration of the herpes zoster (HZ) vaccine at NYU Langone Health (NYULH).

Methods: A cross-sectional online survey was distributed from January to March 2017 to all physicians in the Division of General Internal Medicine and Clinical Innovation at NYULH across 5 different practice settings.

Results: The response rate was 26 percent (138 of 530). Of the surveyed physicians, 76 percent (100/132) agreed that the HZ vaccine was an important clinical priority, compared with 93 and 94 percent for influenza and pneumococcal vaccination, respectively (P < 0.001).

Only 35 percent (47/132) strongly agreed that it was important, compared with 68 percent (90/132) and 74 percent (98/132) who strongly agreed that pneumococcal and influenza vaccines, respectively, were important.

Respondents estimated that 43 percent of their immunocompetent patients aged 60 or older received the HZ vaccine, whereas only 11 percent of patients aged 50 to 59 received the HZ vaccine (P < 0.001).

The rate of HZ vaccination was lower in public hospitals (26 percent) than in the NYULH faculty group practice (46 percent) (P = 0.007). A greater percent (67 and 72 percent) of their patients have received influenza and pneumococcal vaccines, respectively (P < 0.001).

Almost all doctors (99 percent, 131/132) consider the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommendations important in determining vaccination practices.

Conclusions: HZ vaccination rates remain relatively low compared with rates of influenza and pneumonia vaccination.

The recommendation for vaccination against zoster by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention for individuals aged 50 years and older and stronger recommendations by primary care physicians for administration of zoster vaccines are needed to increase HZ vaccination rates.

The above “study” was nothing more than pure Medical Industrial Complex propaganda pushing for ever greater vaccine uptake. There were no RCT citations of safety and efficacy, just an ideological drive to inject all older patients with questionable interventions.

The vaccine scam is certainly a great way to speed up the premature discharge of liabilities and assets, or as the not-so-good doctor was fond of asking with a crazed glint in his eyes, “You’re (__) years old, you expect to live forever?”

It so happened that the Zoster vaccine that Dr. Perskin et al. were shilling to “enhance implementation of national recommendations” was quietly pulled from the marketplace in 2020. By that time the damage was sufficiently done.

And so it would come as no surprise that during the scamdemic Dr. Perksin would become a most psychotically overzealous C19 DEATHVAX™ pusher.

With the aforementioned update, the below account of what transpired on that fateful yet ultimately triumphant day that Dr. Perskin decided to murder my mother with the Modified mRNA “vaccine” should now resonate even more.

As an important aside, my mother’s cognition started to somewhat deteriorate since her hip surgery, but ever since she lowered her carb and sugar intake along with a daily regiment of Ivermectin and Fenbendazole her memory has been gradually improving, and her mental acuity has been restored no thanks to the likes of Dr. Perskin, who with great disdain would have outright refused to even consider the following:



UPDATE 2: Given that my mother’s prescriptions are running low, and her ex-doctor is a deranged sociopath that wants to murder her, I will once again be obtaining her prescriptions from My Free Doctor.

UPDATE 1: My mother will never go back to her primary care physician after he attempted to force her to take the DEATHVAX™ without informed consent. This sociopathic gerontologist accused yours truly of “elder abuse” because I would not coerce my mother into taking this slow kill bioweapon.

Since writing about this profoundly troubling experience in the below article last year, my mother was still getting her prescription refills from that doctor’s office. And then last week the pharmacy informed me that this doctor refuses to provide refills any longer.

Even the pharmacist, after reaching out to his office, was utterly dismayed given the nature of the medicines and the fact that my mother was on her last capsules; in other words, this sicko doctor was fully cognizant that there was not enough time to find a new doctor, make an appointment and get to their office before running out of the medicines.

Because we no longer trust any NYC doctors at this point, last evening in a kind of Hail Mary play I reached out to My Free Doctor in the hopes that they would submit my mother’s refills. It was 7:28pm and the pharmacy closed at 8:00pm. By 7:52 a doctor had reviewed my mother’s medical history and sent in the refill Rx to the pharmacy!

I am beyond grateful that there is such a service available to all Americans to bypass the criminal Medical Industrial Complex.

I would also like to add that this monstrous doctor was for years prescribing my mother a dangerous drug that I had warned him about on numerous occasions. He admitted to me that it did have an unsafe profile.

And then my mother blacked out from said drug, broke her hip and almost died. He also later needlessly prescribed her statins which yours truly put the kibosh on before my mother so much as popped a single poisonous pill.

This doctor happens to be one of the top-rated specialists in his field.

In mid-July 2021 an elderly yet vigorous lady by the name of G went to see her top NYC gerontologist at HOSPITAL X. For many years she was accompanied by her SON who had power of attorney, medical power of attorney, and was her sole caretaker.

On that occasion G and her SON were greeted by a nurse whose forced smile was betrayed by a peculiar tension in her features. She informed G that her DOCTOR requested to see her alone. That was the first time ever such a request was made.

G insisted that her SON be present during the entire visit.

The nurse relented, escorting them down a long corridor and into the examination room.

A few minutes went by.

The DOCTOR entered with another nurse accompanying him. That was the first time that a nurse was present for that kind of appointment, as her function was clearly as the DOCTOR’S witness for what ended up transpiring.

The DOCTOR was visibly agitated. He instantly barked at both G and her SON to hike their masks up all the way over their noses or else he would call security on them and have both them escorted out of HOSPITAL X.

Mother and SON obliged, adjusting their respective masks.

The doctor at that point contemptibly looking from mother back to SON. He then turned to G and admonishingly ordered her, “G, you have to get the Covid vaccine. You have to do it now. It’s for your own protection and for the protection of others.”

Without looking at her SON, G held the DOCTOR’S stern look and replied to him calmly yet sternly, “I do not want the vaccine.”

The DOCTOR turned to the SON and hissed at him, “You told her not to get it!”

Before the SON, fighting back the urge to stomp this Mini Mengele’s skull in, could answer, his mother sharply and forcefully interjected, “My son did not tell me anything. I’m not taking this vaccine. I don’t want it.”

The DOCTOR, taken aback by the rejection of his medical advice turned back on the SON, and blurted out, “You’re guilty! You are guilty of Elder Abuse!”

The SON edged forward in chair, eyes fixated on this evil little man, and he coolly asked, “Excuse me? What did you just say?”

The DOCTOR broke eye contact with the SON, and shifted in his chair. He glanced up at the nurse whom by that point had became extremely uncomfortable at the tense and unprofessional interactions.

The DOCTOR’S tone suddenly shifted, and he then gently and politely asked G to lower her mask. He looked her face over carefully, and commented in mock concern that she looked unusually pale, at which point he glanced back at the SON while asking G with his face still turned away from her, “Are you feeling okay G?”

The DOCTOR then started inspecting G’s arms and legs, clearly looking for something evidence of said “Elder Abuse”.

G replied without missing a beat that she felt perfectly fine. At which point the DOCTOR glanced back at the SON who then chimed in, “I hope every parent gets the kind of “Elder Abuse” that my mom receives and they all look as youthful and healthy as she does for her age.”

The DOCTOR started blinking uncomfortably at that.

The SON added, “You didn’t even once bother to offer my mom any kind of informed consent for this experimental gene therapy you tried to push on her.”

The DOCTOR started ranting, “the vaccine is safe and effective”, etc.

The SON calmly asked him if he has any research studies to that effect. The DOCTOR said it was approved by the FDA. The SON corrected him that these injections were in fact EUA and as such never had any FDA approval.

There was a silent beat.

And then the SON asked the DOCTOR if he was “vaccinated” to which he replied in the affirmative. The SON then added, “Great, then you have nothing to worry about. Oh, and by the way, do you happen to know what the virion size of Covid is and how that pertains to these surgical masks we’re all wearing now?”

At that the DOCTOR rose out of his chair and scurried out mumbling, nurse in tow.

When the DOCTOR paused at the opened door the SON nonchalantly added, “I hope you realize there will at some point be Nuremberg 2.0 trials for this.”

The DOCTOR jumped back and barked, “The nurses down the hall will draw your—” And before he finished his sentence the door was slammed shut.

(This DOCTOR happened to have not only been one of the top NYC gerontologists, but he was also a tenured professor at the university that owned HOSPITAL X. This DOCTOR had published exactly two research papers in his entire career. Both papers were on the benefits of the shingles vaccines and which methods would be most effective in convincing geriatric patients and their doctors on the benefits of administering said shingles vaccines.)

This is taken from a long document, read the rest here 2ndsmartestguyintheworld.com

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Comments (3)

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    What happens when you avoid all big pharma drugs, vaccines and mRNA injections? You have the opportunity to live a longer, healthier and vibrant life. And you get to keep more of your wealth instead of making doctors wealthier.


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    another case from CA… 90 years old rejected the covid injections at all times, BUT broke hip and had to go to Kaiser Permanente criminal facility… Without asking they performed BLOOD TRANSFUSION during the surgery…. She already had a stroke before that, while being exposed for too long to multiple injected family member(who himself had a stroke before she got hers..) and neighbor. After that surgery though, she got heart attack AND stroke, apparently in the same time!!! Ever since she is no more able to walk on her own!!! Kaiser Permanent is one of the facilities which FORBID all its MD’s, nurses, etc. to file ANY VAERS report on the covid injections. That’s also the same facility, largest death care rpovider in US, which participated in EUA approval studies of the covid Pfizer/ModERNA injections…
    SORRY to hear these sad stories SSGW, we all have injured or dead family members, in particular the injected ones!


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    Gerald Brennan


    Every physician in America who took money from Big Pharma (which is most of them) is guilty of involuntary manslaughter. Their ignorance was willful, and their cowardice in the face of disciplinary action completely overwhelmed a gullible public.


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