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WHO’s deputy director-general dr. Mike Ryan: “Nobody is suggesting that H5N1 is the new next pandemic.

I don’t believe anybody can predict that. But it’s certainly concerning when a virus like this begins to infect multiple mammalian species, which means the virus is adapting to mammalian species, which are more like us than birds. And therefore, there’s a higher level of alert. A higher level of alert does not mean a prediction that this will become a pandemic, but we must remain vigilant.”


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And there are WHO voices calling for stockpiling a new vaccine were the new H5N1 virus jump to humans:

For such an eventuality, EU’s EMA approved not one but two new jabs back in February already (“Two bird flu vaccines get a green light”, says Pharmazeutische Zeitung on Feb. 23, 2024):

Another EU (both Emergency Use and European Union) vaccine…

So, it’s not a question “if” but “when”. And “when” may come sooner than you expect. So, embrace the inevitable. While at it, memorize this diagram that will tell you your precise location at any time during the ordeal:

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    Happily ignoring all these loonbirds and their silly viruses.


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    The WHO should be explaining why covid vaccines are inducing MDA-5 autoimmunity.

    MDA-5 is your body’s defense against picornaviruses, which happen to be listed in the patents. They’re used to cross into the CNS and brain. One listed example is Encephalomyocarditis virus; they had to put myocarditis on the vials.

    The WHO should be explaining that instead spewing more self-grandizing bullshit.


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    As Tom said, ignoring those loons and their viruses, but not happily.


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