New Zealand Dumps Left-Wing Plan To Tax Cow Burps, Farts

New Zealand is scrapping a scheme to price gas emissions from livestock — squelching a so-called burp-and-fart tax initiated under the previous left-wing government led by now departed authoritarian Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern. [emphasis, links added]

New legislation will be introduced to parliament this month by the ruling conservative coalition to remove the agriculture sector from a new emissions pricing plan, thus responding to farmer pressure that the plan would make their business unprofitable.

“The government is committed to meeting our climate change obligations without shutting down Kiwi farms,” said Agriculture Minister Todd McClay.

“It doesn’t make sense to send jobs and production overseas, while less carbon-efficient countries produce the food the world needs.”

The New Zealand economy is driven by agriculture with around 10 million cattle and 25 million sheep roaming the nation’s pastures.

As Breitbart News reported, the Ardern government proposed taxing the gases that farm animals create from burping, farting, and peeing as part of a plan to reset agricultural production and “tackle climate change.”

Her Labour administration claimed what it called a farm levy would be a world first and farmers should be able to recoup the cost by simply charging consumers more for their products.

Critics saw it simply as a punitive tax on farmers and their produce.

That has now been reversed and farmers welcomed the decision.

But environmental groups rounded on the government, which also announced plans at the weekend to reverse a five-year ban on new oil and gas exploration, AFP reports.

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Comments (9)

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    Only liberals are stupid enough to monitor cow farts.


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      I saw a setup where a sheep was in a compartment to asses it’s emissions and they apparently burp a lot.


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          Who gives a damn, CO2 is not a problem, idiots are.


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            “breeding greener, more climate-friendly sheep”
            You didn’t get the gist of why I quoted what I did then? Never mind.

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    I burp and fart a lot and I am an old man. Try and stop me from living you just might have a much bigger problem than my farts and burps.


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    Kevin Doyle


    These people in Kiwi land are imbeciles.
    Lucinda should be taken to the town square, mocked shamed, then fed to wolves.
    This might set an example to the other Marist Authoritarians out there.


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      J Cuttance


      You’re absolutely right…wait, have you taken up arms against your state?


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    I have a better idea, tax Marxists for their hot air emissions. Surely they are the cause of “man made global warming”! They are the propagandists promoting the hoax.


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