Debunking the ‘climate change’ scam

The indomitable Douglas Brodie argues that ‘climate change’ is a politically motivated hoax designed to impose totalitarian control and redistribute wealth through flawed science and data manipulation

He traces its origins to anti-capitalist ideologies and figures like Maurice Strong, criticizes the scientific basis for CO2-induced warming, and highlights manipulation by influential figures and organizations.

Doug contends that Net Zero policies are economically damaging and futile, urging skepticism towards the establishment and advocating for voting against mainstream political parties supporting climate policies:

I am convinced that “climate change” is a hoax from many years of campaigning against it and from the establishment’s globally-coordinated excesses of recent years which have confirmed it to be wantonly abusive, mendacious and conspiratorial in its dealings with the people.

This paper is my submission to The White Rose Writing Challenge 2024 on the theme of “The Green Cheat”. Sorry Rosie, I’ve somewhat exceeded your word count guidance! Comprehensive debunking of the multi-faceted economy-wrecking climate change hoax is actually very difficult in a relatively short essay but here goes, with heavy reliance on word count-saving hyperlinks.

This paper aims to show that anyone who still believes in dangerous man-made CO2 global warming (aka “climate change”) urgently needs to reassess their views before the dictatorial Net Zero oppressions and privations being inflicted on us under the pretence of “tackling climate change” become unacceptably onerous and destructive.

It exposes the blatant falsehoods of the establishment’s climate change narrative and you don’t have to be a science egghead to see through their “really very stupid” deceptions.

You only need to open your mind to the sad reality that almost everything the duplicitous establishment and paid-for mainstream media have told us about “climate change” is a lie. The simple explanations and facts in this paper will then allow you to see through all of their outrageously false “climate change” propaganda and brainwashing.

I have given up trying to reason with closed-minded, electorate-betraying politicians. I am now reaching out to ordinary people, many perhaps lacking the capability to challenge what is going on but becoming more and more suspicious that they are being horribly deceived and abused for ulterior political motives on “climate change” and other globalist machinations.

We mustn’t allow the establishment’s junk science, anti-humanity climate policies to lead us ever deeper into energy infrastructure ruination.

The origins of the “climate change” hoax

This exposes the seldom-mentioned anti-capitalism, anti-democracy and even anti-humanity origins of the scientifically corrupt, Malthusian, horribly politicised, horribly entrenched and ruthlessly enforced climate change hoax.

Concerns about the impact of humanity on the environment and planetary resources were raised long ago by Thomas Malthus (1766-1834). In recent times, various bad actors have weaponised these concerns for dark ulterior motives.

One such was the late billionaire socialist Maurice Strong who set up the UN’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) in 1988 and its Earth Summit in 1992, origin of the Agenda 21 template for authoritarian UN world governance and global wealth redistribution.

He is remembered for his infamous saying:

Isn’t the only hope for the planet that the industrialized civilizations collapse? Isn’t it our responsibility to bring this about?” (qv)

The Machiavellian Strong set about creating a false problem based on false science, drawing on the 1979 Charney Report (since-debunked) which set the ball rolling on the conveniently abstruse hypothesis of man-made CO2 global warming.

He set up a system of democracy-bypassing bureaucrats to get the developed countries to deindustrialise and make them pay, inspired by this Club of Rome statement:

“The common enemy of humanity is man. In searching for a new enemy to unite us, we came up with the idea that pollution, the threat of global warming, water shortages, famine and the like would fit the bill. …The real enemy then is humanity itself.”

The UN IPCC’s climate change skulduggery started in earnest in their 1995 report when lead author Ben Santer mendaciously claimed that global temperature data showed a “discernible human influence”.

For details see my angry 2019 post. Santer’s claimed human influence has to this day never been reproduced and the establishment’s never-proven man-made CO2 global warming hypothesis has been disproved by many studies, such as this.

All we ever get from the UN is bluster, not proper science, with the UN Secretary General ranting about “global boiling” and the UN climate chief making an unscientific fool of himself by emoting that we only have two years to save the world.

Big Industry and Big Money enthusiastically joined the bandwagon to grab a share of the heavily-subsidised (at hard-pressed taxpayer expense) $multi-trillion climate change bonanza.

The party was also joined by the unaccountable Davos World Economic Forum and multi-billionaires with unlimited budgets for propaganda, censorship and brainwashing such as Bill Gates,

George Soros and the Rockefellers who are using the climate change hoax to manipulate public policy towards their own self-centred goals.

The proof that “climate change” is a hoax

The establishment brazenly asserts that man-made CO2 is the main “control knob” of global climate, an absurd assertion which is unsupported by empirical data and flies in the face of common sense.

It is easily debunked by, inter alia, looking at the recent millennial global temperature changes shown in this reconstruction which I will show tally well with the historical record.

Starting at ~6,000 years ago, it shows that temperatures were congenially warmer than now, which goes towards explaining why Orkney flourished so amazingly in these early times.

A subsequent period of cooling was followed by the Minoan Warm Period then the Roman Warm Period, when grapes were cultivated along Vine Lane in Newcastle (Hadrian’s Wall).

Was this warm period caused by a spike in atmospheric CO2 levels due to heavy Roman chariot activity?! No, this reconstruction shows that CO2 levels then were much lower than now.

Whatever climatic influence led to these benign conditions, it gave way to the severe cold of the Dark Ages (with negligible change in CO2 levels) which led to massive European population migrations seeking better living conditions.

The Dark Ages gave way to the Medieval Warm Period when magnificent cathedrals were built all over Europe and Vikings settled in Greenland. These benign conditions in turn gave way to the Little Ice Age (~1300 to ~1800).

It got so cold that ice fairs were held on the frozen River Thames and the Vikings were forced out of icebound Greenland. Modern science then started to advance and revealed that these cold periods coincided with periods of extremely low solar activity, e.g. the Maunder Minimum.

Solar activity started to increase some time before the mid-18th century start of the Industrial Revolution and the Little Ice Age gave way to gradual but fitful global warming.

This led to the establishment’s late-20th century play-acting alarm about global warming, which they pretended had been caused by man-made CO2 when it was clearly due to the strong solar activity of the Modern Maximum (see the Maunder graphic above), the strongest in centuries.

The establishment shamelessly ignores this inconvenient science and brazenly spins the yarn that the global warming since the start of the Industrial Revolution has been mainly due to rising CO2 levels.

They never mention the reality that we are living in a CO2 famine relative to the earth’s much greener, CO2-richer yet never “boiling” past. They even double-down by fearmongering about needing to “sequester” CO2 from the atmosphere.

The Climategate emails leaked in 2009 from the Climate Research Unit of the University of East Anglia, a key hub of UN IPCC climate science, showed how its climate scientists behaved as bought-and-paid-for establishment puppets, e.g. when one of them gave the game away by writing:

We have to get rid of the Medieval Warm Period

This led to the creation of the fake hockey stick graph of global temperatures which instead of reality depicted almost no change in 1,000 years then a sudden spike in the late 1900s, as shown below.

It was gleefully promoted by the duplicitous UN IPCC as it portrayed the late-20th century global warming as unprecedented and gave support to their CO2 “control knob” pretence.

It took years of dogged investigation by a small band of climate realists, hindered all the way by IPCC scientists who refused to make public their data, to prove that the hockey stick graph was bogus, crafted from flawed data and statistical chicanery.

The book The Hockey Stick Illusion details the deception.

The establishment whitewashing of the Climategate scandal is now being re-enacted in the similarly-biased Hallett Inquiry into the scientific malfeasances of the Covid scandal, parallel examples of establishment lying by omission to take us all for fools and paint dissenters as “conspiracy theorists”.

Their coordinated moves to cancel, censor and even jail dissidents prove that they themselves are the conspirators.

The pretence that rising levels of atmospheric CO2 lead to dangerous global warming is debunked by studies and reconstructions of what happened in the recent and long-ago past, as described in this paper.

These show that the increase in atmospheric CO2 follows the rise in global temperature rather than coming before it and causing it, i.e. the exact inverse of the establishment’s CO2 climate “control knob” pretence.

See also this paper and follow-up describing two hoax-busting spells of global cooling since the mid-1940s which happened despite ever-rising atmospheric CO2, the first in the 1960-70s so worrisome at the time as to cause a new ice age scare, plus a catalogue of “smoke and mirrors” obfuscations and deceptions in the establishment’s mendacious climate change narrative.

Further evidence that CO2 global warming is a hoax is given by the abject failure of the establishment’s computer climate models to give credible global temperature predictions.

Here they are failing miserably in graphs of predictions versus observations in 2015 and even worse in 2022.

Evidence is also given by the establishment’s Chicken Licken predictions of climate-related catastrophes which have failed to come to pass, now going back 20 years and more.

Likewise, the establishment’s make-believe “climate emergency” has been rebutted by the World Climate Declaration signed by thousands of independent scientists.

The establishment’s climate modelling failures are easily explained by the many studies, e.g. here, here and here. The establishment ignores all such inconvenient science and instead uses their own junk science as pretext to wage war on farming in pursuit of the dystopian goals of UN Agenda 2030 which no electorate has ever voted for.

Few people realise that the UN IPCC is only mandated to study the risks of human, not natural influences on climate. They never admit this objectivity-wrecking restriction to the general public.

It allows them to pretend that rising atmospheric CO2 levels must be the problem because they disregard almost everything else! They ignore solar variations, planetary orbital and gravitational variations, solar/ocean-driven ENSO, PDO and AMO cycles and much more to pretend that ‘greenhouse gases’ – emphasising man-made CO2 and not even mentioning water vapour, the most important greenhouse gas (qv) – and other “anthropogenic forcings” are the main drivers of climate.

The UN IPCC claims that atmospheric CO2 must be the main driver of climate because the change in Total Solar Irradiance (TSI) over the course of the 11-year solar cycle is very small.

This is lying by omission because within the small TSI variation there are large variations in parts of the spectrum such as ultraviolet which affects the ozone layer which in turn affects global temperatures.

Variations in the sun’s magnetic field strength are clearly a very important natural “control knob” of global climate. See how neatly this graphed reconstruction maps onto the ups and downs of global temperature over the past two millennia as reviewed above, with the strong late 20th century peak coinciding with the start of the establishment’s ‘climate change’ hoax.

The solar wind magnetic field affects the Earth’s climate by shielding us from incoming cosmic rays when it is strong, resulting in reduced cloud cover and higher global temperatures and vice versa when it is weak.

This effect has been studied by independent scientists Svensmark and Shaviv and has strong observational backing. It is explained in this extract from the recent hoax-debunking documentary Climate: The Movie.

The establishment simply ignores this inconvenient science.

Independent astrophysicist Dr Willie Soon has debunked the UN IPCC’s obtuse stance on CO2 by analysing the rural temperature record (avoiding Urban Heat Island warming bias) for the past 150 years and the corresponding changes in solar activity to reach the obvious conclusion that it’s the sun, not CO2 that drives global temperatures.

Former IPCC supporter Professor Fritz Vahrenholt reached the same conclusion a decade ago as documented in his book The Neglected Sun.

Another establishment climate change skulduggery is the never-justified retrospective adjustment of official temperature records, always in a direction to make global warming look worse.

This post describes the adjustments made by the corrupt UK Met Office to their HadCRUT series, to the extent that “most of the warming since 2001 is the result of adjustments to the data”.

This post describes the shocking adjustments to US temperature records by increasing recent temperatures and reducing past temperatures. This cheating is exposed by the fact that the official US all-time high temperature records still stand in the dustbowl years of the 1930s.

The latest establishment climate change skulduggery concerns an event which they have hidden from the public by globally-coordinated censorship, namely the 2022 Hunga Tonga undersea volcanic eruption which injected massive quantities of water vapour, the most important (PSI would argue the only – Ed) ‘greenhouse gas’, high into the stratosphere.

Global temperatures are now showing an unprecedented ~1°C spike unlike any past El Nino (in modern measurements) which the establishment shamelessly claims is due to man-made CO2.

This is clearly a lie, not least because the UN IPCC’s own (pseudo) science predicts CO2 global warming at a rate of at most 0.3°C per decade. Paul Homewood easily debunks the baseless claim that 2023 was the hottest in 125,000 years.

Image: University of Alabama in Huntsville

The establishment censorship of Hunga Tonga gives the game away. They don’t want to admit that water vapour is the greenhouse and are reduced to spouting “global boiling” nonsense now that global temperatures have gone from benign flatlining from 1998 to 2023, with multiple ENSO transients along the way and looking very like the waning warm phase of the verboten-to-mention Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation (AMO), to all of a sudden breaching the UN’s precious 1.5°C limit!

The futility of the Net Zero hoax

I have posted many times on the futility of the establishment’s delusional and cruelly regressive “solution” to the non-problem of “climate change” to eliminate the global consumption of ‘fossil fuels’ to reduce man-made CO2 emissions to “Net Zero”, so I will keep this section short.

My prior posts giving detailed arguments against Net Zero include:

My Net Zero climate change broadside (early 2024)

My heretical epitaph (late 2023)

The undemocratic tyranny of Net Zero (early 2023)

My climate change Net Zero rant (2022)

The futility of Net Zero (2021)

Fossil fuel dependency shows that Net Zero is impossible (2020)

Why the Climate Change Act should be repealed (2015)

The deployment, against the advice of a government Chief Scientific Advisor, of intermittent expensively-subsidised so-called renewables like wind turbines and solar panels which end up as toxic non-recyclable junk when they reach the end of their short service lives should never have been embarked upon in the first place.

This has been money straight down the drain, or rather money straight from the pockets of the general public into the coffers of Big Money. Equally misguided green hydrogen and “bonkers” carbon capture and storage are certain to be ruinously expensive.

Such inappropriate technologies and the legally-obligated push for Net Zero are condemning the country to long-term economic decline.

A few final bullet points to sum up the insanity/malevolence of Net Zero. I have put such points to many parliamentary representatives over many years but they have always fobbed me off or not replied at all:

  • Atmospheric CO2 levels have been rising steeply for decades, uninfluenced by the various “landmark” climate agreements (or Covid global lockdowns) shown on this annotated Mauna Loa graph. There is no indication that decarbonisation efforts to date have had any effect on the rising trend or that intensified decarbonisation efforts could arrest it any time soon, far less turn it into steep decline.
  • The UK contributes just 1% of global CO2 emissions so irrespective of the disputed science of alleged man-made CO2 global warming, attempting to decarbonise unilaterally is pointless given that the hugely more populated non-Western world is not going to follow suit any time soon. Why are we pointlessly committing economic suicide?
  • The world as a whole is still around 84% dependent on ‘fossil fuels’, an unbridgeable chasm away from Net Zero. After 15 painful years of Climate Change Act/Net Zero striving, the UK is still around 80 percent dependent on ‘fossil fuels’, clear proof that ‘decarbonisation’ is going nowhere. The so-called global ‘green’ energy transition is a going-nowhere fiction.
  • The UK government was told in a recent report commissioned by the Department of Energy that it has no hope of reaching its Net Zero targets (which has been obvious for many years) but is ploughing ahead regardless, a clear indication that the real purpose of Net Zero is to drag us down into legally stitched-up deindustrialised immiseration.
  • Trying to ‘decarbonise’ the grid by relying on intermittent wind and solar power without the 24/7 balancing and back-up currently supplied by ‘fossil fuels’ (the UK’s last coal power station will be retired in October) will inevitably lead to prolonged blackouts and/or severe energy rationing. The UK Energy Secretary has no idea how to avoid this self-imposed disaster judging by her shockingly naive reply to recent questioning. Battery storage costing $multi-trillions is not an option. Allowing this disaster to unfold looks like a diabolical plan by the green blob to drag the economy down.
  • Attempts to persuade or coerce the public to adopt unwanted and pointless EVs and heat pumps are going nowhere other than leading to, inter alia, the ruination the car industry as made clear here, here, here and here. Again, this looks like part of a diabolical plan to “collapse industrialized civilizations”, to paraphrase UN IPCC architect Maurice Strong.


I know that many people find the subject of “climate change” too arcane and daunting to challenge and that they prefer to opt for the comfortable assumption that the establishment authorities must be working for our best interests.

I hope this paper shows that, to the contrary, the establishment and their puppet politicians are intent on causing us serious harm and that the evidence for this is clear.

The UK government recently rejected a petition to repeal the Climate Change Act 2008 and the Net Zero targets. Compare the clear-cut evidence given above with their mendacious, boilerplate response, including their cheating claim of having halved UK CO2 emissions when in the main they have only been offshored, at the cost of swathes of UK jobs.

It is surely obvious that our politicians are lying and that their “really very stupid” ‘climate change’ narrative has nothing to do with climate. It’s all about imposing deep state totalitarian control over the people and global resources, all covertly planned out many decades ago.

All of the main UK political parties, Conservative, Labour, Lib Dem and SNP, often referred to collectively as the Uniparty, firmly back the climate hoax and together disenfranchise the electorate on this and other globalist impositions.

They are wilfully leading us into already well advanced deindustrialisation, “Absolute Zero” levels of privation and, without ‘fossil fuels’, pre-Industrial Revolution living conditions.

What a horrible mess! My forlorn suggestion for getting out of it is that people need to stop voting for the treasonous Uniparty.

I am not advocating any particular challenger party but if the Uniparty were to get a very low number of votes they would have much reduced moral authority, which would at least be a start.

If constituencies could somehow organise themselves to focus their votes on a single anti-Uniparty candidate they could avoid splitting their votes, a mimic in reverse of how the minority SNP separatists keep winning here in Scotland because the tribalist votes for the unionist Con/Lab/Lib parties get split.

See more here

Bold emphasis added

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Comments (2)

  • Avatar

    JerrY Krause


    Hi PSI Readers,

    Climate Change is an idea, maybe created by FOOLS, that is being used by GREEDY Evil Humans to create FEAR to control people.

    Have a good day


  • Avatar

    Kevin Doyle


    Excellent article!
    The author de-bunks all of the ‘CO2 Climate Change’ anecdotal evidence and propaganda thoroughly.

    The one missing item is a discussion of the ‘make-believe physics’ offered in the ‘CO2 Greenhouse Gas Theory’. If one opens any university textbook on ‘Greenhouse Gas Theory’, you will find mathematical equations which are non-sensical, and do not reflect reality in any way.
    The authors of these books have zero comprehension of thermodynamics, nor heat transfer.
    Essentially, the ‘theory’ pretends cold gases, colder than the surface, can warm the surface. This is physically impossible!


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