Are superheroes smart?

Generally speaking, I first look at the credentials of those offering the information.

I look at what they have done in the past. I expect opinions to be supported by data, studies etc.

I expect to be able to double check claims. I look at the existing data and see how or how not the new information fits with various expert opinions (a little difficult these days). I do my own research.

Then I look at what the real world is telling me and if the new information is consistent with what has gone before it. And then I consider the motivation of those offering the information and the platform upon which it is offered.

In this context, the so-called “Wellness Superheroes” (not to be confused with Dr. McCullough’s heroes) have offered a truckload of damning comment in a lengthy podcast about the toxicity of ivermectin which has come to the attention of many. CLICK HERE to view.

These “superheroes” conveniently discounted more than a hundred published clinical trials regarding the use of ivermectin in Covid-19 ( and claimed that 200 studies on ivermectin use were retracted which is false.

They go on to exploit the Multidrug Resistant Mutation 1 (MDR1) which may occur in dogs and in such cases ivermectin should not be administered to these animals – this is well known.

But if you read the Merck approved Prescribing Information for their brand of ivermectin (STROMECTOL) there is no mention of MDR1 as far as I can see in relation to human use.

But the superheroes claim if MDR1 was present it could cause severe neurological harm (even dementias) in humans and this harm could even be made worse by electromagnetic Fields. OMG. I could feel my IQ retreating and watched up to the 46th minute. You may be braver than I.

The overwhelming irrefutable data suggests that ivermectin is one of the safest drugs in medicine (no drug is completely safe).

For those who wish to drill down a bit more, The Australian Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) conducted an evaluation of the safety and efficacy of ivermectin a few years back and I attach this below.


I also attach a couple submissions I made to the National Covid Clinical Evidence Taskforce early in the “pandemic”.



You be the judge about the safety usefulness of ivermectin.


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Comments (1)

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    Jrrry Krause


    Hi PSI Readers,

    “Are Superheroes Smart? It dependents upon what one considers a “Superhero to be. Is Phillip a “Superhero? At the beginning he describes what he generally does as he begins to read what someone he’s written. I tend to do closely what he describes. But does that make him, or me, a superhero. I don’t believe it does. I only consider it an intelligent thing to do.

    However, when Phillip wrote “Then I look at what the real world is telling me and if the new information is consistent with what has gone before it. ” , his approach and mine begin to differ. For I observed the real world is totally mixed up and one needs to go back to a time (history) when it didn’t seem so mixed up.

    For it seems few are asking what dis people do before there was the medical community and the practice of “medicine”.. And you, the reader, must do your thing just as a person, only a thousand years ago, had to do.

    Have a good day


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