Alarmists Turn Up Heat with Climate, Weather ‘Records’

Alarmists Turn Up Heat with Climate, Weather 'Records'

Tedros Ghebreyesus, director-general of the World Health Organization (WHO), wrote on X, formerly known as Twitter, “The hottest month [July] just ended. We witnessed scorching heat, extreme weather events, wildfires, and severe health consequences.”

He added:

“It’s a stark reminder of the urgent need for collective action to address climate change.

Let’s use this alarming milestone to fuel our determination for bold climate action.

Together, we can turn up the heat on sustainable solutions and create a cooler, more resilient world for generations to come.”

Myron Ebel, director and senior fellow at the Center for Energy and Environment, notes that while June and July were hot in many locations, others — such as Los Angeles with the 10th coolest June on recent record according to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) — experienced below-average temperatures.

In the UK, July and August have been significantly cooler and wetter than usual.

On July 27, President Biden stated that:

“record temperatures — and I mean record — are now affecting more than 100 million Americans.

Puerto Rico reached a 125-degree heat index last month. San Antonio hit an all-time heat index high of 117 last month.”

Rather than citing actual temperatures, where according to the National Weather Service (NWS), Puerto Rico on the day referenced was 95 degrees — not 125 — since index measurements combine temperature and relative humidity.

According to the NWS, San Antonio’ s 117-degree heat index that month resulted from just three days of 105-degree June 19-21 temperatures.

And whereas Houston experienced 10-degree-higher-than-average July temperatures, some rural Texas towns such as Water Valley at 99.8 degrees compared with a prior 97-degree average reflected little change.

Climatologist professor John Christy, director of the University of Alabama — Huntsville Earth Science Center, points out that:

“Regionally, the West has seen its largest number of hot summer records in the past 100 years, but the Ohio Valley and Upper Midwest are experiencing their fewest.”

As Dr. Christy, also a former NASA scientist, observes:

“For the conterminous U.S. as a whole, the last 10 years have produced only an average number of records.

The 1930s are still champs [for producing the most 100-plus temperature days in a year].”

Conveniently omitted in alarmist reports is U.S. Historical Climate Network (USHCN) temperature data for contiguous states revealing that the number of days over 100 degrees Fahrenheit (37.8 degrees Celsius) which peaked in the 1930s have been in an 80-year overall decline.

Bear in mind that this preceded the 1940s when World War II weapons industries released massive amounts of CO2 into the atmosphere.

Nevertheless, global temperatures declined in fits-and-starts from the mid-1940s until the late 1970s when most of the climate science establishment and media were predicting the beginning of the next Ice Age with galloping glaciers threatening Manhattan.

A decade later, abetted by then- Sen. Al Gore’s feverish 1988 hearings in Congress in concert with the U.N.’s obsession with passing the Kyoto Protocol global wealth redistribution plan capping CO2 in developed countries — mainly the U.S. — its Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) declared an opposite and imminent global warming emergency which continues to give a pass to China, the world’s largest emitter.

Whereas Christy and virtually all other informed climatologists fully recognize that climate obviously changes due to numerous complex natural factors, and that a warming trend has ensued since the three-century-long so-called “Little Ice Age” ended in the mid-1800s, we shouldn’t confuse 30-year-long climate attributions with decadal and shorter regional weather patterns and occurrences.

Christy told the Epoch Times that global satellite readings he measured with meteorologist colleague Roy Spencer which go back only to 1979 show that while last July was the warmest by about a quarter of a degree, an “early and strong El Niño” was a “major factor” in the increase.

The term “El Niño” refers to entirely natural relatively short multi-year periodic events in the Pacific Ocean leading to warmer temperatures in North and South America which are typically followed by La Niña’s that reverse results to cooler circumstances with trade winds that push warm water toward Asia.

All-in-all, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) data does show that average global surface temperatures have increased by two degrees Fahrenheit (1 degree Celsius) since the pre-industrial era (1880-1900), and few will argue that CO2 hasn’t had some (yet unmeasurable) contribution.

Confirming that recent satellite data shows global temperatures rising steadily at about 0.23 degrees Fahrenheit every decade, Christy nevertheless emphasizes that we should understand that this current trend is bouncing back from a 19th century which was one of the coldest in the last 10,000 years.

The Roman Warm Period two thousand years ago was as just as warm or warmer, as was the Medieval Warm Period a thousand years ago — long before mankind introduced smokestacks and SUVs.

Let’s also be mindful that CO2 is essential plant food that satellites reveal is making our world greener, extending growing seasons, feeding more people and other of God’s creatures, and fundamentally extending and improving our lives.

And whereas President Biden claims, “I don’t think anybody can deny the impact of climate change anymore,” where “the No. 1 weather-related killer is heat — 600 people die annually from its effects,” he fails to mention that cold weather conditions kill far more each year.

According to the Breakthrough Institute, heat is responsible for about 500,000 annual deaths worldwide, while cold temperatures account for 4.6 million excess fatalities.

It’s also high time for Director-general Tedros Ghebreyesus to come clean and set records straight on WHO’s botched information about COVID-19 before again misrepresenting facts about weather.

See more here

Editor’s note: PSI’s position is that CO2 has zero effect on temperature. The Lancet’s 2015 study showed there are 15 times as many deaths from cold as there are from heat, and the Medieval Warm Period was several degrees warmer than today, allowing for vineyards to flourish in the south of England, citrus fruits to be grown as far north as Hadrian’s Wall, and warm enough for the Vikings to settle the south coast of Greenland. It is too cold now for any of that. Going further back, the Holocene Maximum, known for decades as a ‘climate optimum’, was significantly warmer than today, during which time the great Neolithic stone monuments were erected across the UK, Ireland and Brittany. It is unlikely they would have been built had temperatures been the same as today. For most of the last 600 million years, the average temperature has been 22C. It is now just 12C.

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Comments (8)

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    Fake, fake and more fake.


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    Nobody believes this disproven nonsense…they just go along so they aren’t persecuted. People (especially Americans) have become weak and supplicant.


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      Tom Anderson


      I wish I could believe nobody believes this malarkey, but I live in a deep, dark blue corner of California where EVs sell like skateboards and people voluntarily wear masks even when they are no longer required. Virtue-signaling is a community pastime. It all evokes Einstein’s observation that the three main forces in the world are greed, fear and stupidity. These clowns don’t need a dictator. Put it all into the American school system, media colossi and social platforms, and the ruling class has a secure future in the catbird seat.


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    “Editor’s note: PSI’s position is that CO2 has zero effect on temperature.”

    For the last few years, I have been using their AGW conjecture against them because by their own formula (W/m2) CO2 based global warming is impossible since more energy leaves the planet than CO2 can generate thus no warming at all the more the planet warms the more rapidly it sheds the warming at a much faster rate than CO2 formula can make thus it is bogus and useless.

    Here is a link that is getting updated over time showing that there is NO climate emergency developing quite the opposite actually as it is less dangerous than it used to be,


    1) No Positive Feedback Loop exists despite their AGW conjecture says it should exist.

    2) No Lower Troposphere “hot spot” exist after 30 year of looking despite the AGW conjecture saying it should exist.

    3) No evidence of unusual warming trend either.


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      Tom Anderson


      “No Emergency” barely gets it. I have been trudging through the climate-skeptic fog for about decade and finally gave up about four years ago because the “debate” has not moved a micron off dead center(“nothing to see her, folks, keep moving”), and our highly respected skeptics haven’t learned a thing. We get volumes of opinion all about the same thing leading nowhere – all with the best of intentions (we know where that leads). Most such websites avoid the physics of the issue like plague.

      Physical analysis exploded the “greenhouse” and warming back in 2009 and 2011. It caused a vicious response among warmists but went completely unnoticed in every skeptical circle. Do the names Gerhard Gerlich, Ralph Tscheuschner, Gerhard Kramm or Ralf Dlugi mean anything to you? My guess is no. These were the physicists and the like who demolished it

      Mention the laws of thermodynamics to a skeptic and the eyes glaze over, while conversation turns to the last unsupported ration of opinion. There is confirmed FACTUAL EVIDENCE that CO2 cools the atmosphere, that its concentrations follow temperature change and are not a cause of change, that after experiment and observation in 1971 fossil fuel was classed a coolant, that satellite images of Earth and images from Mars and Venus show CO2 cooling those atmospheres between the cloud deck and 12,000M. (It’s why earthly re-radiation has that big wedge missing at 15 microns.) … Those are facts. They are buried in the midst of unsupported, often half-baked opinion.
      CO2 and fossil fuels COOL!


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        Tom Anderson


        Revision — last paragraph: CO2 is “overall a coolant”


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        LOL, oh you have no idea who I am and what I do in climate circles, here I am the ADMINISTRATOR of this front end of the blog I am well aware of the Sky Dragons as I had a fellow named Derek who is known by the Slaying the Dragon group as a contributor and was a global moderator on my old climate forum and John O’Sullivan the blog owner knows who I am who trust me to have full admin access here and his other blog I once help run and post articles and a forum they used to have was the administrator of that too.

        Secondly, I wasn’t disputing the editor’s note at all, what I was doing was to show that CO2 according to their own AGW conjecture formula can’t generate any warming as it doesn’t “trap” heat as they continually claim the CERES data makes clear that it is baloney since as the planet warms the exodus of energy leaves the planet at an increasing rate which clearly shows that CO2 doesn’t “trap” heat as their own formula doesn’t work for their scam.

        Thermodynamics stuff is way beyond most people’s comprehension which is why I don’t talk about it anymore I just show how irrelevant CO2 warm forcing effect is based on THEIR formulas which dents their confidence as they fail to counter my simple statements over it as they bluster with spittle….

        Where is the Climate Emergency? post shows that CO2 isn’t driving anything but a greening earth a point you amazingly didn’t understand as Willis show in a barrage of baseline data that AGW conjecture isn’t driving shit and that the postulated CO2 warm forcing doubling factor is worthless tripe as it doesn’t register beyond statistical noise of the temperature record.


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    Mr. Anderson here is a link to a forum where I posted Where is the Climate Emergency? where you can sit back and read the hysterical fallacious barrage of warmist/alarmist tripe as they ignore discussing the CONTENT of the article.

    The Creepy Warmist/alarmist loon Phil Clarke comes along with his tripe as he also avoids discussing the CONTENT of the article this goes on for more than 20 pages of the thread.


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