UK University: Capital Letters ‘Scare Students’
Leeds Trinity University in the United Kingdom has told its lecturers to avoid using capital letters in their classroom handouts because they upset students, and can “scare students into failure.”
The journalism department at Leeds Trinity University has cautioned its instructors against writing in capital letters on classroom paperwork such as syllabi and exam instructions because capital letters can trigger certain students.
Instructors in the department received a memo that stated that uppercase lettering can “scare [students] into failure.”
“Despite our best attempts to explain assessment tasks, any lack of clarity can generate anxiety and even discourage students from attempting the assessment at all,” the memo adds.
One instructor pushed back, arguing that writing in uppercase letters ensures that students don’t miss important parts of assignments.
A spokesperson for the university said that the memo was written to teach lecturers better understand how they might help students reach their full potential.
This isn’t the first case of “social justice” lunacy on British campuses this year. In October, Kent University adopted a list of banned costumes that included anything that related to an ethnicity or religion. Examples include the wearing of sombreros or religious garb. The school even told students that they would not be permitted to dress up as cowboys.
Alan Stewart
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Dear Grand Poobah of PSI (upper case) Mr. John O’Sullivan
I must register a serious criticism regarding your site. Your system does allow upper case but the equally important ability to underline, italicize and print in bright red are denied. As I regularly use all, THIS MUST BE RECTIFIED IMMEDIATELY. As this is also considered shouting you can probably hear me across ‘the Pond’ that separates us. LOLLOL
Cheers John and HAPPY THANKSGIVING to those in the U.S.
John O'Sullivan
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Thanks Alan, best wishes to you too!