Scientists Surprised: Ozone Layer Not Healing

A team led by researchers from ETH Zurich and the Physikalisch-Meteorologisches Observatorium Davos in Switzerland have found that despite the ban on CFCs, the concentration of ozone in the lower part of the stratosphere has continued to decline at latitudes between 60 degrees South and 60 degrees North.

The scientists were somewhat surprised that the ozone is thinning out in the lower stratosphere because their models do not show this trend and CFCs continue to decline. — Press Trust of India, 6 February 2018

Claims of an ozone hole recovery are premature. Many expect such a recovery in the future, but it hasn’t been seen just yet. – David Whitehouse, Is the Ozone Hole really mending? GWPF TV, 6 September 2016

The Sun might emit less radiation by mid-century, giving Earth a chance to warm a bit more slowly but not halting human-induced climate change, according to a new study by Scripps Institution of Oceanography. The cooling is not uniform. In the last grand minimum, during the 17th Century, areas of Europe chilled –the Baltic Sea froze — while Alaska and southern Greenland warmed correspondingly. Lubin said that an upcoming grand minimum would not stop the current trend of planetary warming but might slow it somewhat. — Times of San Diego, 5 February 2018

Data from Hong Kong´s Transport Department shows Tesla sales fell to just 32 between April and December 2017, a dramatic decline from the near 2,000 sales notched up over the same period of 2016. The removal of tax incentives in Hong Kong almost doubled the price of some Tesla models. —, 6 February 2018

According to an agonizingly earnest story in Monday’s New York Times, some millennials are, in fact, making family planning decisions based on fears of catastrophic climate change, overpopulation and pollution — in short, based on dystopian science-fiction depictions of end times and the hyperventilating junk science that has come to inform some climate change zealots. —S.E. Cupp, New York Daily News, 6 February 2018

Despite all of the hype, hope, cheerleading, fuel standards, portfolio standards, and taxpayer subsidies for renewable energies like wind and solar, America’s energy future will still rely primarily on fossil fuels to power our vehicles, heat, and light our homes, and fuel the US economy. —Mark Perry, Carpe Diem, 6 February 2018


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    John Nicol


    This of course is no surprise, Since the “hole” in the ozone layer was discovered at the same time as the ozone layer was first detected in that region, no one knew whether it was a man-made hole or not – probably NOT, even then.

    Since then, the number of changes which have taken place and the annual variations with the sun, have shown quite definitively that the hole is a purely natural phenomenon – just like “Climate” Change.

    The Montreal protocol which restricted fluorocarbons was actually the result of a commercial fight between two companies which produced different regrigerants – NOTHING actually to do with the ozone hole. Such is commercial politics and the naïve public.


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