FBI Arrests CDC COVID Critic Dr. Simone Gold
On Monday Dr. Simone was arrested after she was filmed inside the US Capitol on January 6th. Dr. Simone is not Antifa. She did not cause any damage. She stood with a megaphone and spoke out against the insane US Covid policies.
Dr. Simone Gold led a team of doctors called America’s Frontline Doctors, a group that challenged COVID prevention strategy in America, back in July in Washington DC. The Frontline doctors from across met in Washington DC to dispel the misinformation and myths surrounding the coronavirus.
The group was concerned with the disinformation campaign being played out in the far left American media today. The group also promoted the use of hydroxychloroquine as a life-saving medication in treating the coronavirus. The American left trashed the doctors and the tech giants blocked their content from the internet.
The American left hates to be confronted on their lies. And for months they went after Dr. Simone and the other doctors to ruin their reputation. Dr. Simone was fired for speaking on the benefits of treating the coronavirus with hydroxychloroquine.
There have now been 230 international medical studies to date that find a 67% success rate using hydroxychloroquine for the treatment of COVID.
Dr. Simone was in Washington DC on January 5th and 6th and spoke on the 5th at Freedom Plaza. Dr. Simone later entered the US Capitol on January 6th and delivered her same medical speech with a bullhorn from inside the US Capitol.
For this Dr. Simone was placed in the front row of the FBI most wanted release. Dr. Simone committed no acts of violence. She only wanted to push her medical opinion on the coronavirus.
The FBI can no longer be trusted.
The Daily Beast reported:
According to a criminal complaint filed against Gold and Strand, federal authorities were tipped off to the pair’s attendance by The Washington Post article.
In a 30-second video, Gold can be seen speaking in the Rotunda while two police officers stand behind her, gesturing at her and others to leave. While most of her speech is inaudible in the video, Gold can be heard saying “I’m a mom” and “massive medical establishment.”
“I can certainly speak to the place that I was, and it most emphatically was not a riot,” Gold told the Post, adding she gave the same speech during a Jan. 5 rally for Trump supporters. “Where I was, was incredibly peaceful.”
Gold said she does “regret being there,” as her presence at the riots will distract from her work for America’s Frontline Doctors, a group that’s pushed misinformation about COVID-19 and the vaccine. Five people died and dozens were injured during the riots, as thousands of MAGA supporters stormed the Capitol and forced elected leaders to go into hiding for hours.
Read more at www.thegatewaypundit.com
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This is the democrats screwed up nazi/ commie ways to silence those who oppose them. Arrests are the beginning, concentration camps and death squads are coming.
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Simone St Clare
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She broke the law by entering the Capitol Building. Pure and simple. Just like anyone else, despite the fact that she is a medical doctor, she was trespassing. Why should she be treated any differently?
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The police opened gates and let people through. There are multiple videos and thousands of eye witnesses confirming. An independent Japanese journalist also analyzed and documented the videos inside where police stood down and allowed Antifa (dressed as protestors) to break interior windows! Selective arresting will only start a civil war. If that’s what people want then maybe it’s the only way to reset this nonsense. It’s a tax payer funded building so technically it belongs to the people so it’s technically not trespassing! If she damaged property then that’s different but absent of that the police waved them in. There is no evidence of Mal-intent. Hopefully the person who shot the Veteran will be arrested for EXCESSIVE force. That would be real justice!
Joseph Olson
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Sorts funded millions to antifa provocateurs disguised as Trump supporters. A French banker sent $500,000 to the Boogaloo Boys, a fake right wing terror group to attack the capital. These hundreds of agitators drew well meaning MAGA Patriots into the melee. White Hat agents recovered incriminating evidence from congress traitors during the MOSTLY PEACEFUL PROTEST. FBI rats held off an easy arrest for 14 days to avoid a Trump pardon. May God spare this brave Lady.
Tom O
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I think it needs to be understood here, that the FBI is not an inherently bad organization filled with bad people. Just like all groups, there are those that are good and follow the rules, and there are those that “short cut” and therefore gain the eye of the power brokers. That is why there is so much shit at the top of all agencies.
The politically promoted are watching for others that can be moved up the chain to use the organization for their own and their owners purposes. The decision to arrest her would have been a high level decision since there is no real case. It just helps to probably lift her license, if she still has one, to practice medicine, thus destroy her as a medical advocate.
Carbon Bigfoot
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A Business Owner had his home breeched by two F-B-I agents in the early AM. They wanted to know what they were doing at the Jan 6 rally. Apparently they were near the Capitol when they witnessed Capitol Police opening barriers and encouraging people to enter. The Owner chartered a bus for interested customers to attend the rally. Since they were masked it would appear that they were tracked by there cell phone usage, or the Bus Company was intimidated to give up the Charter Manifest. Snowden explains: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VFns39RXPrU
Tom Anderson
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Just another happy day in the old elite-friendly police state.