Let me tell you about my trouble with girls. Three things happen when they’re in the lab: You fall in love with them, they fall in love with you, and when you criticize them, they cry.” That’s what British biochemist and Nobel Laureate Tim Hunt told an audience at the World Conference of Science Journalists just two years ago.
Scientists have long known earthquakes can cause the Earth to vibrate for extended periods of time. However, in 1998 a research team found the Earth also constantly generates a low-frequency vibrational signal in the absence of earthquakes.
Major news outlets provide prominent coverage to nearly every study or claim humans are causing dangerous warming, no matter what kind of torture, fiddling, and machinations the researchers making the claim have to put the data through to come to that conclusion.
(Natural News) Researchers from France have uncovered what just might be one of the most overlooked causes of Alzheimer’s disease and dementia that most people have probably never even considered: Crop chemicals.
Now that 2017 has come and gone, we wanted to remind you, our faithful supporters, of important achievements at Principia Scientific International (PSI) during the year. Please take a few moments to read our seasonal message and give generously, to ensure 2018 is even better.
Why should everyone read what Galileo wrote? To see what Galileo pondered.
Part 2 is the result of James McGinn’s comments to the previous posting—Everyone Should Read What Galileo Wrote!!! (https://principia-scientific.org/everyone-should-read-what-galileo-wrote/) If one first reads McGinn’s comments, one might see how what Galileo pondered so long ago might apply to them.
New research from the Jackson School of Geosciences illuminates the history of the moon’s landscape. In a paper published in Geophysical Research Letters last month, a team of researchers from UT’s Jackson School of Geosciences discovered why the moon’s crust is composed of one mineral.
Mass media’s love affair with cell batteries, as an environmental solution to everything, is creating a new mass delusion. Battery-power gives life to every high tech gadget from smart phones to electric cars. We are told to embrace this greener, cleaner energy. But the spin often masks the worryingly deadly dangers.
Growing evidence shows that as manufacturers respond to pressures to make ever thinner, lighter batteries, increased incidents of injuries and deaths from spontaneous combustion suggests consumer safety is being compromised. Fingers have been pointed at China, with accusations of a “Sloppy” battery industry.
It’s that time of year again. The American Geophysical Union (AGU) Fall Meeting is December 11 – 15. Unlike previous years when it was in San Francisco, this year it is in New Orleans. When we (Dr. Duane Thresher and Dr. Claudia Kubatzki) used to go, it was always in San Francisco.
A prominent glaciologist is facing criminal charges in Argentina after he released a glacier survey that angered environmental activists because it didn’t result in the closing of a gold mine.
A federal judge charged Ricardo Villalba, who headed the Institute of Snow, Ice and Environmental Research (IANIGLA), with “abusing his authority and violating his duty as a civil servant,” Nature.com reported.
Tom Hanks – of all people – this time last year, was discussing overpopulation on NBC’s Today show. He was doing it to promote his upcoming movie, Inferno, which is all about an overpopulation crisis. The actor claimed that we will have too many people “in an instant” and that the planet will be unable to support them. This is not a new idea. It dates back to the late 1700s, when Thomas Robert Malthus feared that large population would exhaust Earth’s resources and result in mass poverty and starvation.
To back this up, Kenneth Richards commented in a reply that this year has seen 7 new peer-reviewed papers that show us that the earth’s surface temperature at the poles and elsewhere has been cooling since about a decade. What’s worrisome is that the southern hemisphere surface is mostly ocean.
We finally have this year’s example of the new fad of claiming every polar bear that died of starvation (or on its way to starving to death) — and caught on film — is a victim of climate change: a young bear on Somerset Island near Baffin Island, Nunavut filmed in August during its last angonizing hours by members of an activist conservation organization called SeaLegacy.
Why not just take the next rocket to that holiday resort there? Sure, it’s a long journey but the vistas are breath-taking. In fact, not just the vistas, the atmosphere too!
Written by Hans Schreuder (using original work by Dr Martin Hertzberg & Carl Brehmer)
Empirical evidence does not support the claim that anthropogenic carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions cause global warming and/or climate change. We suggest that without adequately proven evidence being demonstrated – should it exist in the first place – such a conclusion can not be adduced from the facts.