Albert Einstein contributed greatly to modern physics, but was he wrong in his definition of gravity lensing? If you are less impressed with clever manipulation of mathematical equations and prefer empirical science, that which is based on verifiable observation of natural events, then the work of Edsel Chromie will interest you.
Paper Reviewed: Pingale, B.N., Singh, S.D. and Yadav, A. 2017. Potential impacts of increasing atmospheric carbon dioxide on yield and plant growth of rice (Oryza sativa) and maize (Zea mays) crops. Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences87: 1041-1044.
Tanusree Chaudhuri, 34, was pregnant with her first child when her supervisor told her she would have to give up her dreams. She was doing a doctorate in computational biology and aspired to improve people’s health.
It has been a remarkable year of promise in medical science. Incurable diseases from sickle cell to haemophilia now look as though they can be treated. Here are the highlights.
In recent decades, select groups of scientists and politicians have blamed carbon dioxide (CO2) — a “greenhouse gas” — for increasing global temperatures to dangerous levels.
Scientists say they have made a step forward in the fight against a wheat disease that threatens food security. Wheat is a staple food crop, making up a fifth of the calories on our plates.
But in many parts of the world, the crop is being attacked by stem rust (black rust), a fungus that can ravage a farmer’s fields. Researchers from the UK, US and Australia identified genetic clues that give insights into whether a crop will succumb to stem rust.
Nasa is to fund a helicopter mission to hunt for alien life on Saturn’s largest moon – the ocean world of Titan. The US space agency announced this week that the project, dubbed Dragonfly, has been selected as a finalist for a new expedition which will launch in the 2020s.
President Donald Trump announced that the United States would withdraw from the Paris Agreement on climate change because it is a bad deal for America.
He could have made the decision simply because the science is false. However, most of the American and global public have been brainwashed into believing the science is correct (and supported by the faux 97{154653b9ea5f83bbbf00f55de12e21cba2da5b4b158a426ee0e27ae0c1b44117} consensus), so they would not have believed that explanation.
Apple has confirmed the suspicions of many iPhone owners by revealing it does deliberately slow down some models of the iPhone as they age. Many customers have long suspected that Apple slows down older iPhones to encourage people to upgrade.
“Words,” Ursula K. Le Guin wrote in her abiding meditation on the magic of real human communication, “transform both speaker and hearer; they feed energy back and forth and amplify it. They feed understanding or emotion back and forth and amplify it.”But what happens in a cultural ecosystem where the hearer has gone extinct and the speaker gone rampant? Where do transformation and understanding go?
On Dec. 11, 2017, a day before the Macron Paris climate change summit, in a story entitled“Exxon to provide details on climate-change impact to its business,” Reuters incorrectly reported that world temperatures might rise by 35.6°F because Reuters used a Celsius-Fahrenheit conversion, instead of stating the temperature change equivalencies of 2°C – which turn out to be only 3.6°F, says Friends of Science.
C.Arden Pope, III’s latest exercise in secret epidemiologic junk science is a study claiming that PM2.5 causes heart attacks in people with blood types A, B, and AB but not type O (45{154653b9ea5f83bbbf00f55de12e21cba2da5b4b158a426ee0e27ae0c1b44117} of the population). Pope didn’t even bother to publish the study, he just made a presentation at an American Heart Association meeting on November 14.
On-Call Here is the latest festive instalment of On-Call, the place to be for techies with tales to tell. It might be cold outside but this may just make the blood boil as it goes to show what happens when bean-counters take over the asylum.
NASA’s own data is showing that the star our globe revolves around is dimming. With no sunspots reported in 96 days, the sun is going dark and the evidence could point to an approaching ice age.
As the sun gets successively more blank with each day, due to lack of sunspots, it is also dimming, says the website Watts Up With That? According to data from NASA’sSpaceweather, so far in 2017, 96 days (27%) of the days observing the sun have been without sunspots.