“Bond Event Right Now”: All of the Solar cycles are coming together

We know too little about the Sun, despite all our efforts since the XVII century, but one thing is strikingly evident from all these studies, i.e., the cyclic nature of the solar radiation and its obvious, frozen mandirect influence on Earth’s climate, with scales from few years to many thousands of years.

It seems that these very cycles are telling us that the new Ice Age is coming.

“We are entering a Bond event right now, the 8th event since the Holocene climate optimum, all interglacial periods terminate on either the 7th or 8th event relative to the 5th eccentricity cycle. This is where we are heading right now…”

All of the cycles are coming together – see: www.thunderbolts.info

22yr Hale
179yr barycentric
1450yr Bond
23,000yr precession
25,800yr plane
100,000yr ice age (when all solar-planetary cycles converge as they are now)…”
See: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bond_event

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